Donations to the site

What golden Kanji,.... someone fill me in...
it was mentioned a while back in the thread to put some golden kanji on the spinning balls or something to indicate that the person had donated over $20 .... guess it was to indicate that they might have a mail or just to show how much they care

BTW, Paypal coming your way
I need you guys to make sure that you pm my or send me an email with your real names so that I can match the donation to a user on the board. Not everyone uses the same email address for the board and paypal..

Arey send me a PM with your real name
LOL.....yeah.......I dont see my balls spinnin yet either. spinning balls and no pinned topic yet!  Like I said.........the moderators are gettin lazy!!!  
All tough guy, I see spinning Balls... I see A pinned topic...

Now Go shovel Snow or defrost the Cat or something...


Donated this morning.....thanks for keeping this site functional!

I just donated $20, but shouldn't the New Recruit/Rookie titles be worked through like all the Senior members did? I'll keep my New Recruit and work my way up the ladder.
Thanks for a great site.
Captain, please get a hold of Mike @Xeonking.... He has a donation ear marked for the site courtesy of the board members who participated in the group buy for a HID system.
OK so have I missed anyone for the donations, I am at a hotel right now and I have some time to get these things finished... I know that there are folks that have donated money but I cannot match them to the board username..... Anyone out there???

As for the avatar resizing I have the answer!!!! I figured out that I can adjust the sizes of the avatars for those that have the avatar hosted outside of the board. So to fix the problem I am going to create all of the donating members 2 meg accounts in the upload center.. What I need everyone to do is make sure that you all continue to upload images to the messages when you post. By doing that we keep the images on the .org server and I can back them up and they are permenantly part of the content of the board. Please just use the upload center for avatars and maybe a few pics that you want to use for something else....

Awesome! This is the most cash I have I have seen flow toward keeping the sight going. I have only been here a year though. Awesome sight though! Thanx Cap! Informative, funnny, and entertaining!
Sent some fundage your way captain...
Don't need anything in return; I get enough already!

Hey Cap, I just transfered 20.00 to the paypal acct provided in that link you posted up.
It came from my paypal acct that has my E-mail address.

I didn't remember to attach a message or, anything like that. I assume you will be able to determine what came from where. I'm very happy to have helped out now, please get rid of my "new recruit" status as I have been around here since last May but, I don't post much cause I type like dog pooh using only one finger ie:hunt and, peck. I do pop in a lot however and, have enjoyed browsing around a lot.
Thanks Sincerely,
Jeff aka Bulldog 333
email; address
Hey Cap, I just transfered 20.00 to the paypal acct provided in that link you posted up.
It came from my paypal acct that has my E-mail address.

I didn't remember to attach a message or, anything like that. I assume you will be able to determine what came from where. I'm very happy to have helped out now, please get rid of my "new recruit" status as I have been around here since last May but, I don't post much cause I type like dog pooh using only one finger ie:hunt and, peck. I do pop in a lot however and, have enjoyed browsing around a lot.
Thanks Sincerely,
Jeff  aka Bulldog 333
email; address
Love the new title!

I suppose I waltzed right on in to that one........oh well

I can't argue much about it though cause, it's the sad truth.