dropped busa

by the way
to the org.
dude man im sorry you just bought it and wrecked it i am soo sorry but at least your okay
Man, just PLEASE know what you are ridin'. IT DOESN'T NEED RESPECT, IT DEMANDS IT! You did pick the best bike out there

but you really need those courses as SOON AS POSSIBLE

This is NOT a bike that is good for a beginner. but it sounds like you are use to off road bikes especially quads. but they are a little dif. beast. but you do have some experience. YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL
You need to stick around here through the winter and learn as much as you can. These guys around here know their stuff and you WILL learn alot.
i am being careful im afraid to even get into the gas for fear that it might pop a wheelie and im not ready for that at all
it hurts to walk right now my whole leg is bruised but i got a cam ill prolly limp out to the garage tomorrow and take some pics
its an 02 its black has a custom tail light set up and a full yoshi exhaust he had it dynoed at 168rwhp and its got 20k miles i got it for 7 grand other than what i did today its in perfect condition....
I'm not too sure I'm buying any of this... And if I were you I would start on something smaller. I would never encourage anyone to start off with a busa that has never ridden a bike before. Good luck staying alive dude.