dropped busa

i wanna get as much ridin in this summer i wanna ride somewhere like cali or florida this summer
I can't ride 1 hour w/o stopping to get the blood back to my arms and stretch my back.
im definately gonna get all the chrome pieces i can get except for wheels and probably get some graphics painted on but thats prolly it for this summer or at least thats what i keep tellin myself it will prolly do alot more
sorry to hear about your spill. glad your ok.. be careful this bike demands respect.. you really need to go to a motorcycle course. this bike will hurt you in a second if you ride beyond your limit.. Be safe and make the org. your new home great people, and you can learn ALOT from reading the forums.and the most important thing..
dude as far as the thumb throttle someone can do it but to hear you ask that scares me.
It scares me a lot.

If I were you I would sell the Hayabusa and purchase an easier bike to learn on. An SV650 would be great.

Don't get me wrong, you can learn to ride on a Busa. I learned to ride on liter bikes. I have only owned one 600 and it was ridden for a week. However, it sounds like the Busa is already kicking your butt.
the busa aint kickin my butt the ice did im not ridin till its over 50 degrees from now on its not a difficult bike to ride
Man, w/ as much care and respect as I can possibly give, it sounds like you are (just being straight here so don't be offended PLEASE) not ready for this machine. Having said that I AM NOT saying get rid of it. Just saying be extra careful and take the coarses, STAY WITH THIS FORUM!!! There are MANY good people and friends to be had here that can and will help you w/ any mech. or operator questions (even if they do bust your nads from time to time). THERE IS ALOT OF WISDOM HERE. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT
i know that this isnt ideal for just starting but people tellin me its too much for me cuz i dropped it on ice is dumb i would have done the same thing on a 600 and im sure if 80 percent of the people who ride bikes hit that ice would have dropped it too......just dont judge me i understand what im doin and i am gonna take the coarse
the busa aint kickin my butt the ice did im not ridin till its over 50 degrees from now on its not a difficult bike to ride
Yes in your honor I would agree w/ that It was due to lack of road experience and being on a heavy bike. Which is one of the reasons this was a bad first bike. BUT PLEASE HEAR ME I'M NOT DOGGIN' ON YA JUST TELLIN' HOW IT IS... You did pick the best bike out there you just have to learn how to fly in a jet than a little propeller plane.
You can do it though. It's been done before
i know that this isnt ideal for just starting but people tellin me its too much for me cuz i dropped it on ice is dumb i would have done the same thing on a 600 and im sure if 80 percent of the people who ride bikes hit that ice would have dropped it too......just dont judge me i understand what im doin and i am gonna take the coarse
probably but like i said it was just lack of experience on rode. and the weight didnt help. Please dont be offended by anything said. It sounds like you have alot of experience w/ quads. so you would be ALOT better than us at ridding those and would have LOTS of advice. Same is here.
i see that you guys do know what your talkin about and i dont have a problem with anything you said but just dont try and tell me i should go get some crap bike to start this is the way i wanna learn and i am unexperience but i will get better and there is prollly like a .1% chance of me droppin it again.....