Dropped Da' Train today...

I think TheRotorWoman's ebay listing says that the middle hole drops it 1.5". I think that might be a bit conservative though. I didn't measure ride height in any way before & after so I can't say for sure.

The bones are sweet lookin' though. I'll try and get a couple pics of them to post here.

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definitely makes the busa look better imo.
Yeah, I agree. I think that it has the perfect "rake" as it is in these photos. If it weren't for ground clearance I'd lower it this much and leave it. Don't want to flatten out them purdy Brock head pipes though. They are the lowest point with it down that low in the front...

Anybody know someone that cuts the fork springs to lower the bike? I'd prolly do it myself if I knew exactly how much to cut off to drop 'er 1". Not knowing, it'd take a HELL of a lot of small cuts and trial and error disassembling/reassembling to get it right... It'd be a beeeyotch breakin' 'em down and puttin' 'em back that many times!

I'd rather get the springs cut than to use risers if I could. I have an idea for the stock triple cover and really want to leave that area stock except for what I have planned.

That thing looks HOT!

Now you just need to get rid of the mirrors, rear blinkers, clear front blinkers, and get that sucker on the track and let us know what times "she" runs!

<span style='color:red'>MAN FUG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!




Damn man thats not right... But the bike looks kinda cool all dropped in the weeds. Dunno how it's going to handle, and be sure your clearances are right under compression with you on board. Thanks for the pics man...

That thing looks HOT!

Now you just need to get rid of the mirrors, rear blinkers, clear front blinkers, and get that sucker on the track and let us know what times "she" runs!  

Thanks Josh!
More mods are comin' but they will prolly be done when I install the newly custom painted body.
She'll be a totally different lady when she is unveiled! I can't wait!!!

You just don't know how badly I want to spank 'er on the drag strip, man!
Oh And 86 those straps man, they are seriously bad mojo on the road, they will totally ass up the handlin and are just not good, basically they just eliminate your front suspension. Get yourself some gen mars if your on a budget and want a little drop or find a sweet aftermarket machined top tripple clamp. It's just about the only safe way to go.

I looked at your pics again, and it does look pretty cool dropped like that. Makes me wonder how it would look with a little less of a drop, you know just a nice in between zone?
<span style='color:red'>MAN FUG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!




Damn man thats not right...  But the bike looks kinda cool all dropped in the weeds.  Dunno how it's going to handle, and be sure your clearances are right under compression with you on board.  Thanks for the pics man...
Hehehehehehehe... I figured you'd blast me for that.

As for handlin', I can always throw it back up into the stock height hole in the bones and raise the front back up (if I go with risers) if I want to really push the twisties for a day. For normal summer cruisin', draggin', and just ridin' to town to hang out I'll leave 'er in the weeds for the killer stance and "poser points" and just not push 'er in the corners.

I definitely need to stiffen the rear schock a bit for street ridin'. It has always been a bit soft anyway I think. I'd prolly get a little rubbin' under extreme conditions if I don't give 'er a little more shock. Gotta get 'er out on the road to see how she does. Until I get a better option for lowerin' the front I'm gonna try and use the strap to drop 'er about an inch or so and see how she handles. Won't run 'er like that long though. Don't like the thoughts of that strap bein' on there on the street...
Oh And 86 those straps man, they are seriously bad mojo on the road, they will totally ass up the handlin and are just not good, basically they just eliminate your front suspension.  Get yourself  some gen mars if your on a budget and want a little drop or find a sweet aftermarket machined top tripple clamp.  It's just about the only safe way to go.  

I looked at your pics again, and it does look pretty cool dropped like that.  Makes me wonder how it would look with a little less of a drop, you know just a nice in between zone?
Yeah, see my reply that I was typin' when you posted this re: the strap. Not gonna stay on there on the street. Will be for track use and maybe cruise nights/bike shows only, just for that killuh stance it gives 'er.

I'll prolly end up with some 1" or 1.5" risers up front for street use. I have a set of 3/4" risers but I don't think they'll be enough with the kind of drop the rear is sportin' now...

As for in between, I'd have to go with fully adjustables to do that. I had some and sold 'em to Pitbull. I just don't think I'll be changin' ride height often enough to need 'em. I'm tryin' to slow my tail down on the streets before I either go down or get busted and can't get out of it. I need to do my hard ridin' on the drag strip like I had started doin' in my cages before Da' Train came along. I've had my reclkess fun, now it's time to use a little more judgement and sense before my luck runs out. Setting the bike up lowered will make me slow down a little, at least in the corners, due to the reduced twisty handin'. I can still blast the straights if I feel the need... the need for speed.

I will prolly end up with a second used busa for all out draggin' and put Train back to stock height for street ridin once Train is paid off. Or, I might possibly get a used Gixxer 1k for twisty ridin' and drag Da' Train. I know I eventually want to get serious with a strip only drag bike, which means it won't be worth much on the street. I don't want to totally give up street ridin' though. Too many wants, not enough $$$...

Hey Bullet, we must me doing and thinking the same man, I just got my dog bones from the rotor women about 3 days ago. Waiting on the strap. I won the item and paid for it right away on eBay. 4 days later, part was in the mail. She is very professional. I too, recommend her and Tom @ Vetune.com. By the way, Ill post pics when I drop my bike. Your bike looks mean. Im only going to be droping the bike when I drag.
The train looks nutz. Very land missle like. and btw, you scrared the sh!t outta me with this dropped the train stuff.
Hey Bullet, we must me doing and thinking the same man, I just got my dog bones from the rotor women about 3 days ago.  Waiting on the strap.  I won the item and paid for it right away on eBay.  4 days later, part was in the mail.  She is very professional.  I too, recommend her and Tom @ Vetune.com.   By the way, Ill post pics when I drop my bike.  Your bike looks mean.  Im only going to be droping the bike when I drag.
Well, they say great minds think alike.
Hey bullet, where can I get instructions on changing the bones?
It's pretty simple as long as you have a breaker bar to get the nuts loosened to begin with. Hit me up with a PM if you want and I'll try to get some photos of the links installed and walk you through it.
I really wanted to make a step by step with photos of my install but after I hurt my hand tryin' to break the nuts loose with just a ratchet and had such a hard time with them I just wasn't in the mood to mess with photos. I just wanted to get done. My hand is still killin' me. If it ain't better by tomorrow I may have to get it x-ray'd.