Definitely a sad moment, BT! Things will be different without 'Da Train. I'm not sure how I would feel about losing Baby J. I got rid of my Katana and may get rid of my Volusia without problem, but losin' her would be very tough. Hey, just a tip but if he is going to trailer her back home make sure to put something under the canyon dancer straps so it doesn't wear the paint off that corner of the plastic.
Maybe getting that 10R right away will be a good move for you. At least help take your mind off missin' 'Da Train! Besides, we're all here for you if you need to let loose or anything!
Maybe getting that 10R right away will be a good move for you. At least help take your mind off missin' 'Da Train! Besides, we're all here for you if you need to let loose or anything!