Electric Rostra Cruise Control

If you are worried about gremlins, best to go with the vacuum controlled module. That is the reason I went with the vacuum module. For detailed instructions, check out the link in my signature.

I had read your instructions... excellent by the way... but I lean towards the electric unit.

QUOTE=Sous;2743312]Twotonevert seems to have had zero problems though, so it appears Rostra may have got it right this time.[/QUOTE]

Twotonevert's comment in Post #19 was the reason I asked. It implies the gremlins were with the Rostra units (and not the installation) so I'm trying to find out if there is a way to differentiate the units... i.e. manufacturing date, revision number, etc. This way I know I've purchased one without the problems.

QUOTE=Sous;2743312]As for the modes, are you talking about the A, B and C for the bike, or something on the cruise? When I pull the clutch, tap the brake, or accelerate quickly the vacuum control will disengage and return full control to the rider.[/QUOTE]

I think you answered that question. I was referring to Twotonevert's comment in Post #12 which said "not to switch modes while the cruise control is engaged". I didn't know what he was referring to when he said "modes" but now I relize he was referring to switching between Modes A, B & C. Sorry, I just bought an '08 used and haven't even gotten to switching Modes yet.
Sorry I missed this, any updates cobra?

Used their contact link but they never responded. Doesn't surprise me... most companies don't provide that type of information to avoid implying there are issues with certain models. I still plan to install a unit anyway but not until very early spring.
Just ordered my cruise today. It took me a few days to figure out which one to get (vacuum/electric) but I decided to go electric. Thanks for the great write up.
What wires are the 'Cold' and 'Hot' side of the brake? Isn't the cold side simply the ground? Couldn't I just hook that wire to the ground?
I ordered the cruise without the buttons, planning to use a pingel 665 but I will also need a button or 2 for off & on. My question is, if you press the on button when the unit is on, does it turn it off as well? I ask this because the wiring diagram shows 4 wires to the button pod and the way I see it you would need 5 to have separate on and off buttons.

No, you have to push the off button to turn the unit off. Pushing the on button when the unit is on does nothing.