
I have to say you have one of the most awesome bikes I've ever seen and so far you seem to be a pretty stand up guy in my eyes and the eyes of many others. So why do you want to quit because of someone else's whining? That automatically makes you lose. Just qwitcherbitchin and keep on truckin'. You're doing a great job.
Your'e doin a great job man, who cares what the winers think anyway???
So we lose you and keep Revlis?....we're getting screwed big time.
You'll be allright there tough guy... If you get your feelings hurt, or you feel the need to cry to someone just send some PM's...

Not my fault your just not all that bright...
But NE Just what the hell have I been missing? Seriously, I haven't been around as much as I used to be because of work but other than some of the normal BS I haven't found there to be anything extraordinary..

Don't want you to go Bro, your one of the pilars around here. Whatever the problem is share em' and let me carry some of the load. Seriously.
A good buddy of mine moderated a forum once .... RIGHT UP UNTIL he realized just how TOTALLY F@CKING aggrevating it was to deal with

I think people forget ... <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>IT'S THE INTERNET ... RELAX .... DOES ANYONE REALLY TAKE ANYTHING ON HERE THAT SERIOUSLY</span></span>

I know of NE frustration ... and I wouldn;t blame him a bit if he walked over this .... I've seen it in action

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first off let me say thanks for all your efforts-- your an asset to the community. I do mean that.

Now-- what kind of whining nonsense is this post and thread? gimme a break... wahhhhhh .... you guys complain I've been a little heavy handed at times.... now some folks are bitching.... wahhhh .... ok-- wahhhhh .... lemme ##### and threaten u all I'm quittin'.

If your skin is that thin, your better off not being a mod... I don't think it is, but if so thanks for your work and good luck. If it isn't, get yur head screwed on tight and get back to moderating.
All I can say is that if you decide to go you will be missed by numerous individuals and we will definitely feel the void that you leave!
Rev and Diesel, get a room......

NinjaEater, Jagermeister to match your bike? ignore the ignorant, and just do your thing. no need to give ANYBODY an excuse for your moderator actions!
Rev and Diesel, get a room......

NinjaEater, Jagermeister to match your bike? ignore the ignorant, and just do your thing. no need to give ANYBODY an excuse for your moderator actions!
now that's the spirit!

If 4 sum unrational reason NE don't get the mod whip out, lemme know. dasnake has no problem cracking the whip
since I haven't been on the board much lately, the moderators have had to do more work here than normal.
AND I did ask them to step it up a bit since some things were getting out of hand.

NinjaEater was simply doing his duties that he volunteered for..... and as usual some folks gave him crap for it.

This place(as with all message boards) has always had moderators for a reason.
Anybody can say what they feel about things that get done, but there should be no reason for someone of the caliber person that NinjaEater is to be ridiculed like he did.

I guess after I find out what really went down, I'm gonna have a few, and do some house cleaning.
sick em cache, and NE don't go man everyone respects you and your views and Pi@# on the ones who don't just remove them from the board.

As long as I have been here we have never had these kinda problems, then in the last few months we lost Cap and now NE.

I say that is enough, start removing people who are not in line with the views of this board, if they sign back up remove them again and I would be more than willing to help with this project myself. I just hate to see the backbone of this board starting to crumble and I want to help.

Cache let me know If I can help in anyway.
Rev and Diesel, get a room......

NinjaEater, Jagermeister to match your bike? ignore the ignorant, and just do your thing. no need to give ANYBODY an excuse for your moderator actions!
Fair Enough...

Diesel, you still identify yourself with material objects I see... If being the man of the house only takes your little income then things are worse for you than I thought. Keep at it man, eventually you'll figure something out...

Anyhoo, Cache thats the last you'll see of this. Sorry Bro.

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Okay everyone, I realize that I am still fairly new to the board, but I feel like I have a right to voice my opinion. I pretty much STAY on this board off and on ALL day, so I usually try to keep up with what is going on. Right now everyone is kind of tense because of some questionable postings.
If you are gonna post pics and stuff, just use your dang heads!! There is no need for all of this childish action and name calling. We are for the most part adults. Let's act like it.
The moderators of this site do a very good job of keeping it enjoyable and clean. That is their job...let them do it.
If you wanna post a pic that isn't exactly...ummmmm, politicaly correct, then just post a warning with it.
Once again, let's keep this board alive and strong. We don't wanna lose anymore members or moderators, so quit with the argueing and bickering.
Let's use the board for what it is...fun, and sometimes even educational!!
If I have offended anyone I apoligize, but I don't wanna lose such a great board, and/or anymore members. You guys are the best group I have seen,so let's just chill out with the fighting!!!
NE, the board needs you and those like you to keep it the way it is. Moderators do a difficult job that really no one in their right minds would want to do and yet you do it. Please think about it....
This is getting out of hand. Majority of people signed up here because of what this site was/is. One of the few sites on the net where you could actually have a grown up conversation, not have nudity flashing across the screen constantly, and people actually showing respect towards others. So if these people chose to sign up here because it is a nice place, why do they bring the trash they are wanting to leave behind with them? When I want to see nudity, I know where to go for it. Here, my kids read a lot of this stuff with me. When I feel like arguing for the sake of it, there are places for that too.

Grow up
This place is like fuggin' kinder care lately.....nice job...drive out a guy with more knowledge than any 10 other guys have, the guy with the turbo know how, and a long time member/moderator. I know sites like this run in cycles, so maybe this is just a bad month...but I miss some of the intelligent debate we once had...
Yeah, even *I* had a post or two deleted yesterday. Who gives a rip?

NE, stick around, bud. I insist. You do NOT want me comin' over there to kick your hiney back into position and chain you to your keyboard.

