
Diesel, you still identify yourself with material objects I see... If being the man of the house only takes your little income then things are worse for you than I thought.  Keep at it man, eventually you'll figure something out...

Anyhoo, Cache thats the last you'll see of this.  Sorry Bro.
Beware the dark side Revlis - you are already showing signs of being in Seattle too long.  Soon, you'll be saying that pale, fat women are "naturally beautiful" and hairy armpits are sexy, Birkenstocks will turn you on and you won't remember what a woman looks like when she's not in flannel.

Why do you care what makes Diesel happy? (actually, you guys always DID get under each other's skin . .) <span style='color:red'>We're all gonna die in about 50 years - so BE HAPPY and let other people be happy.  Happy, happy, happy - dammit!</span>

BTW - I LOVE material stuff, love gratification, love getting my way, love having my happy parts rubbed, love it, love it, love it.  In fact, I am gonna go take a money bath right now . . well, in my case it'll be $8.53 in  loose change, but it's the thought that counts

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Happy,</span> <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>happy,</span> <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>happy,</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>happy,</span> <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>happy</span>. . .  . . .

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:green'>NE -</span></span> do what makes YOU happy.  Wanna resign, then do it, wanna keep it up, then do it, wanna cover yourself in mustard, dress up your S.O. like a school girl and chase her around the house - send pics
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:green'>NE -</span></span> do what makes YOU happy.  Wanna resign, then do it, wanna keep it up, then do it, wanna cover yourself in mustard, dress up your S.O. like a school girl and chase her around the house - send pics
now that's the funniest thing I've read today.....after all this fuggin bickering, i needed that. Thank you for restoring balance, dude!!!
Hey Mike glad you decided to stick around

At 202 MPH how long would it take you to get to Laguna
ninja eater, if u quit then how the hell am i supposed tolet u in on all of my "If i win the Lotto" posts...Im trying to share the love....
Sorry I am late...I was at work. Now, good to see you staying Ninja Eater. When I signed up, you were among the few that immediately had my respect. My bike looked up to yours. Good to see you made the right decision.
I'm glad you decided to reconsider, NE. I know you have a thankless job around here, but we really do appreciate all the work that goes on to keep this site running.

Losing Captain and you in the same year, and with Revlis limited, would be very hard on Cache.

Glad you got in a good run to clear your head.

And to the whiners, like RSD would say, fug 'em.
since I haven't been on the board much lately, the moderators have had to do more work here than normal.
AND I did ask them to step it up a bit since some things were getting out of hand.

NinjaEater was simply doing his duties that he volunteered for..... and as usual some folks gave him crap for it.

This place(as with all message boards) has always had moderators for a reason.
Anybody can say what they feel about things that get done, but there should be no reason for someone of the caliber person that NinjaEater is to be ridiculed like he did.

I guess after I find out what really went down, I'm gonna have a few, and do some house cleaning.
If you need someone to step in for NE for a while and kawislap these girls into shape just let me know big guy...
And to whoever asked earlier in the thread... No, there is no 10k limit on posts...


And... There is no spoon...

Good day...
you can't leave, glad you decided to stay keep us all in line for a little longer. You and the other moderators are doing a great job ...keep it up...........
I'm missing out on alot around here...Bottom line is stay...Your part of this forum wouldn't be the same without you...Besides I can't remember anything and I never write anything down and if I need something for my bike you must respond...

See I'm late again...You've already decided to hang around and flex...
NE glad your hanging around and to all who read this thread the facts are this board rocks and the people who run it are great so if you get moderated or you posts get changed or fixed GROW UP AND LIVE WITH IT fact is no one probally wanted to see it anyway!!!!!!
Stick around Ninja, you guys make the rules and enforce them. If anybody's got a problem with that...zap 'em.
As much as I hate to admit it NE, but I can feel your pain.  This board has taken an awkward twist to what we "old farts" were used to.  I myself have taken a backseat to this site.  I have my moments where I'll log on to see what's happening, but won't post most of the time.  I offer insight whether it's valuable to someone or not.  I still throw in an occassional "hittin' below da belt" joke, but I'm not feelin' it nearly as much as I used to.  Ninja was one of the very first people I ever responded to so he does hold a special place in my hayabusa.org memoirs.  To be quite honest, there is only ONE PERSON who posts here on a regular basis who has kept me grounded and always find a way to say something kind or give me words of encouragement.  And SHE knows who she is...
 I don't think I'm one of those popular members who would be missed, but Ninja is one of those types who you would do anything for to keep him around.  I'll definitely miss Ninja because I have piled up some technical issues about turbos that I will need advice from him once I get there.  This is about as serious I can be about something before I go and have to say something whimsical...
 Please stick around Ninja... you just don't realize how important you are around here.  But if you decide that it's permanent... then I can definitely understand.  You've still #1 in my book.   In the immortal words of RSD... "Have a semi-retired one... "  

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OK OK OK... I realize I'm late, but you decided to come out of retirement. That's GREAT!!!
Glad you decided to stick around NE.
As much as I hate to admit it NE, but I can feel your pain. This board has taken an awkward twist to what we "old farts" were used to. I myself have taken a backseat to this site. I have my moments where I'll log on to see what's happening, but won't post most of the time. I offer insight whether it's valuable to someone or not. I still throw in an occassional "hittin' below da belt" joke, but I'm not feelin' it nearly as much as I used to. Ninja was one of the very first people I ever responded to so he does hold a special place in my hayabusa.org memoirs. To be quite honest, there is only ONE PERSON who posts here on a regular basis who has kept me grounded and always find a way to say something kind or give me words of encouragement. And SHE knows who she is...
I don't think I'm one of those popular members who would be missed, but Ninja is one of those types who you would do anything for to keep him around. I'll definitely miss Ninja because I have piled up some technical issues about turbos that I will need advice from him once I get there. This is about as serious I can be about something before I go and have to say something whimsical...
Please stick around Ninja... you just don't realize how important you are around here. But if you decide that it's permanent... then I can definitely understand. You've still #1 in my book. In the immortal words of RSD... "Have a semi-retired one... "
Thanks I appreciate the words........