
OK OK OK... I realize I'm late, but you decided to come out of retirement. That's GREAT!!!
Glad you decided to stick around NE.
Nahhhhhhh you are not late just in time. that way you did not have to go through my temper tantrum...
I wish that these guys that show up late would read the thread before they post


Sorry to hear that you can't make the Laguna trip....next year
Yeah I'm late, but hey life's gotta go on. Glad you're sticking around NE, no need to lose the good guys becuase of the crappy guys!
As much as I hate to admit it NE, but I can feel your pain. This board has taken an awkward twist to what we "old farts" were used to. I myself have taken a backseat to this site. I have my moments where I'll log on to see what's happening, but won't post most of the time. I offer insight whether it's valuable to someone or not. I still throw in an occassional "hittin' below da belt" joke, but I'm not feelin' it nearly as much as I used to. Ninja was one of the very first people I ever responded to so he does hold a special place in my hayabusa.org memoirs. To be quite honest, there is only ONE PERSON who posts here on a regular basis who has kept me grounded and always find a way to say something kind or give me words of encouragement. And SHE knows who she is...
I don't think I'm one of those popular members who would be missed, but Ninja is one of those types who you would do anything for to keep him around. I'll definitely miss Ninja because I have piled up some technical issues about turbos that I will need advice from him once I get there. This is about as serious I can be about something before I go and have to say something whimsical...
Please stick around Ninja... you just don't realize how important you are around here. But if you decide that it's permanent... then I can definitely understand. You've still #1 in my book. In the immortal words of RSD... "Have a semi-retired one... "
I'd miss ya Big Guy... I think the "Old Guard" needs to step up and start posting more, helping to shape to the board and the direction it's going in.
You KNOW you have my support, NE....and I mean that. Can't think of the board without the Ninja Eater...

I mean, who else would the newb's HAVE to bow down to?
As much as I hate to admit it NE, but I can feel your pain.  This board has taken an awkward twist to what we "old farts" were used to.  I myself have taken a backseat to this site.  I have my moments where I'll log on to see what's happening, but won't post most of the time.  I offer insight whether it's valuable to someone or not.  I still throw in an occassional "hittin' below da belt" joke, but I'm not feelin' it nearly as much as I used to.  Ninja was one of the very first people I ever responded to so he does hold a special place in my hayabusa.org memoirs.  To be quite honest, there is only ONE PERSON who posts here on a regular basis who has kept me grounded and always find a way to say something kind or give me words of encouragement.  And SHE knows who she is...
 I don't think I'm one of those popular members who would be missed, but Ninja is one of those types who you would do anything for to keep him around.  I'll definitely miss Ninja because I have piled up some technical issues about turbos that I will need advice from him once I get there.  This is about as serious I can be about something before I go and have to say something whimsical...
 Please stick around Ninja... you just don't realize how important you are around here.  But if you decide that it's permanent... then I can definitely understand.  You've still #1 in my book.   In the immortal words of RSD... "Have a semi-retired one... "  
great...now I'm chopped liver? Thanks, bri....

Really though....stick around. I'd miss ya, bro. Come to think of it, I don't see you around as much...

I think it was my tough love that pushed you to stay ?

glad it all worked out in the end as i knew it would !
I am new to the org, but I don't think you should base that kind of decision on just a few peoples opinions. I like the job your doing. I can actually ask a question and not be beaten to death by smart a$$e$ who think they know it all. This is the cleanest board I have come across. I like the family values and the morals of most of the members. Someone has lay down the law, so to speak, or things start getting out of hand. Your doing a good job bro, you might want to think twice about giving it up. Its probably a thankless job, but appreciated none the less.
kool ..yah decided to "sitck" around.. glad to hear that ..I for ( 1 ) enjoy ur postings.. keep up the ..w0rd