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EV vehicles


Donating Member
Jul 6, 2018
Brought over from another thread...Any investors here? | Off Topic | Hayabusa Owners Group

There is quite a bit of talk of implementing EV vehicles and eliminating gas/diesel vehicles as soon as 2030.

Here are my points on this subject:

1. battery tech needs to take a serious upswing and get away from Lithium (Lithium is limited and very toxic to both mine and produce).

2. Hydro power production will need to be both improved and expanded-each and every home would need to have EV plugs installed along with better power distribution (would we need different electrical panels in our homes?)

3. Current Lithium batteries are a challenge to dispose of and are volatile when exposed to fire or overheating, there have been more than a few which spontaneously combusted in a garage burning the home down.

4. Along with battery tech, these batteries would be exposed to a wide variety of environments (salt air on the coasts, extreme heat in the southern climes, extreme cold in the northern climes).

5. Training for techs would need to be started as someone would need to know how to fix these things-it's easy to assume there would be simple parts replacement.

6. Commercial charging stations would require a massive amount of power to operate-almost their own power grid...we can't maintain the one we currently have.

I can personally see the merits of EV vehicles however in my opinion the cost of implementing a total change over to these vehicles would cost into the trillions.

I have also heard talk of creating more and better public transit sort of what is in Europe...this would cost billions if not trillions and still leave millions of people without public transit...
Brought over from another thread...Any investors here? | Off Topic | Hayabusa Owners Group

There is quite a bit of talk of implementing EV vehicles and eliminating gas/diesel vehicles as soon as 2030.

Here are my points on this subject:

1. battery tech needs to take a serious upswing and get away from Lithium (Lithium is limited and very toxic to both mine and produce).

2. Hydro power production will need to be both improved and expanded-each and every home would need to have EV plugs installed along with better power distribution (would we need different electrical panels in our homes?)

3. Current Lithium batteries are a challenge to dispose of and are volatile when exposed to fire or overheating, there have been more than a few which spontaneously combusted in a garage burning the home down.

4. Along with battery tech, these batteries would be exposed to a wide variety of environments (salt air on the coasts, extreme heat in the southern climes, extreme cold in the northern climes).

5. Training for techs would need to be started as someone would need to know how to fix these things-it's easy to assume there would be simple parts replacement.

6. Commercial charging stations would require a massive amount of power to operate-almost their own power grid...we can't maintain the one we currently have.

I can personally see the merits of EV vehicles however in my opinion the cost of implementing a total change over to these vehicles would cost into the trillions.

I have also heard talk of creating more and better public transit sort of what is in Europe...this would cost billions if not trillions and still leave millions of people without public transit...
I have an answer for #2 and #6 diesel generators :laugh:. But in under 70 years we went from the first ever flight in 1903-to the first man on the moon 1969. I'm sure if companies and goverments are willing to dump the cash and time into this which they are. They probably have a decent plan on how to achieve it, not in all countries of course but only the most wealthy and advanced.
I have an answer for #2 and #6 diesel generators :laugh:. But in under 70 years we went from the first ever flight in 1903-to the first man on the moon 1969. I'm sure if companies and goverments are willing to dump the cash and time into this which they are. They probably have a decent plan on how to achieve it, not in all countries of course but only the most wealthy and advanced.
That's the key ingredient-cash...and time to build an infrastructure to support this high volume of electrical demand.

Sadly the major polluting countries wouldn't even be anywhere near having a plan.
That's the key ingredient-cash...and time to build an infrastructure to support this high volume of electrical demand.

Sadly the major polluting countries wouldn't even be anywhere near having a plan.
Doesn't china build a coal fire plant every 20 minutes? Yet it seems like every country avoids poking China. I think Canada is responsible for 1.6% carbon emissions yet we are getting another carbon tax increase?
Doesn't china build a coal fire plant every 20 minutes? Yet it seems like every country avoids poking China. I think Canada is responsible for 1.6% carbon emissions yet we are getting another carbon tax increase?
Sadly, we Canadian taxpayers support infrastructure upgrades on Chinese soil....

....as probably does every other country who buys product from China.
B.C in Canada, but most environmental issues start in Cali than North America adopts that idea. Reason why we have aftertreatment and "clean idle".
Agreed, however, Cali nor many parts of BC don't have the weather such as the prairies do and to some extreme, other Canadian provinces.

I can only imagine how reliable an EV vehicle would be in any of the prairie provinces or northern states mid January.
Being the new owner of a gas/EV hybrid "mommy-mobile"; I am really liking the all electric part of the machine for simple commuting. Still waiting to see how much it raises my electric bill though!

I don't think full-electric vehicles should be mandatory until there is a better roadside motorist system in place. It's impractical to try and use a 100% EV for anything other than simple commuting at this point in time...a normal distance/timely roadtrip is not possible because the infrastructure is just not in place. Until that assistance is firmly established, having a hybrid with the gas backup is great.

I would however, love to see a "mad-max" styled ride with 2+ Tesla batteries and solar panels bolted on top...regenerative braking+solar+220 plug in...Hell, slap a wind generator on the front of it too!
All that extra charge return might make me more comfortable with rolling out a few hundred miles!
Many times I see big trucks dumping huge loads of black diesel smoke, enough it almost obscures the road behind them.....I can see the need to fix that as there are so many trucks on the road these days.

Around my parts, they had the stupid idea to close a main railway artery which put many more trucks on the road than I've ever seen. The main hiway is a 2 lane so you can imagine the truck congestion out there.
Time for a revival....

Watched a car show earlier and a tester took a new Volvo EV out...it was said to have a 200km range. He drove it to a destination around 90kms so he could do a round trip without having to recharge. When he got to his 90km destination he found he had less than enough range to get back...

He found a Tesla charging station but the plugs were incompatible, he then found a generic charging station but he had to be registered on line to charge and he couldn't complete the registration, he finally found another station and could charge but after an hour, it was displaying just enough power to get 3/4 of the way back to the dealer. He decided a 30km flatbed tow was better than an over 100km tow so off he went..

He said he coasted down each hill and drove below the speed limit and just made the trip to the dealer with 12 kms to spare...he shut off the air conditioner and baked in his own sweat for the trip home...

He didn't blame the car, he blamed the lack of charging stations, if there were more, he would have easily made the trip although it would have taken him longer than a hybrid or gas car as he would have to recharge whereas either of the other vehicles would have made the round trip with ease.

He shuddered to think if it were dark, winter or if he had a family on board as the draw on the EV car would have increased 2 fold...

I found it to be an interesting report...
Many times I see big trucks dumping huge loads of black diesel smoke, enough it almost obscures the road behind them.....I can see the need to fix that as there are so many trucks on the road these days.

Around my parts, they had the stupid idea to close a main railway artery which put many more trucks on the road than I've ever seen. The main hiway is a 2 lane so you can imagine the truck congestion out there.
Anything epa10 or newer produce little to no nox usually 95-99% nox conversion, they also do not release soot into the air anymore either, they are far cleaner now.
Time for a revival....

Watched a car show earlier and a tester took a new Volvo EV out...it was said to have a 200km range. He drove it to a destination around 90kms so he could do a round trip without having to recharge. When he got to his 90km destination he found he had less than enough range to get back...

He found a Tesla charging station but the plugs were incompatible, he then found a generic charging station but he had to be registered on line to charge and he couldn't complete the registration, he finally found another station and could charge but after an hour, it was displaying just enough power to get 3/4 of the way back to the dealer. He decided a 30km flatbed tow was better than an over 100km tow so off he went..

He said he coasted down each hill and drove below the speed limit and just made the trip to the dealer with 12 kms to spare...he shut off the air conditioner and baked in his own sweat for the trip home...

He didn't blame the car, he blamed the lack of charging stations, if there were more, he would have easily made the trip although it would have taken him longer than a hybrid or gas car as he would have to recharge whereas either of the other vehicles would have made the round trip with ease.

He shuddered to think if it were dark, winter or if he had a family on board as the draw on the EV car would have increased 2 fold...

I found it to be an interesting report...
And I never thought I'd say this in my life after my Ford POS truck experience, but the new Ford Lightning, has my attention. Tons more power than I will ever need. Good range. I don't go long hauls anywhere. On the rare occasion I'd need a long haul pick up I'd rent one.

Tax incentives and current Ford owners are getting it down to hard to pass up on pricing.

Gonna outsell the cybertruck.

I hoped new CEO is overhauling more than the truck market. The company needs to be rebuilt also.
Brought over from another thread...Any investors here? | Off Topic | Hayabusa Owners Group

There is quite a bit of talk of implementing EV vehicles and eliminating gas/diesel vehicles as soon as 2030.

Here are my points on this subject:

1. battery tech needs to take a serious upswing and get away from Lithium (Lithium is limited and very toxic to both mine and produce).

2. Hydro power production will need to be both improved and expanded-each and every home would need to have EV plugs installed along with better power distribution (would we need different electrical panels in our homes?)

3. Current Lithium batteries are a challenge to dispose of and are volatile when exposed to fire or overheating, there have been more than a few which spontaneously combusted in a garage burning the home down.

4. Along with battery tech, these batteries would be exposed to a wide variety of environments (salt air on the coasts, extreme heat in the southern climes, extreme cold in the northern climes).

5. Training for techs would need to be started as someone would need to know how to fix these things-it's easy to assume there would be simple parts replacement.

6. Commercial charging stations would require a massive amount of power to operate-almost their own power grid...we can't maintain the one we currently have.

I can personally see the merits of EV vehicles however in my opinion the cost of implementing a total change over to these vehicles would cost into the trillions.

I have also heard talk of creating more and better public transit sort of what is in Europe...this would cost billions if not trillions and still leave millions of people without public transit...
I think EV on mass scale is a bad idea. Let me tell you my experience. I used to have a Toyota Prius. A few years back I forget there was a massive solar flare. Took my car out. Shut it down for a while and started acting crazy. Gas station I was in lights started going nuts too. Thankfully I was stopped and didn't get into serious situation. Craziest experience. So I'll be holding on to my gas guzzlers for a long time.
Anything epa10 or newer produce little to no nox usually 95-99% nox conversion, they also do not release soot into the air anymore either, they are far cleaner now.
Do they still have to be rated at a million miles like many of these truck have?

I'd imagine this would only be a requirement of a transport truck whereas dump trucks, short haul trucks and heavy equipment are exempt as I see lots of them spewing huge plumes of black smoke..

The large fleet of military vehicles spewing huge plumes of black smoke aren't put into the equation either...I recall there used to be a post Christmas fleet start up and there was literally a blue fog surrounding the base....it was so dense it was hard to see across the street and all the building intakes sucked up the diesel smoke...we had to send people home.
Do they still have to be rated at a million miles like many of these truck have?

I'd imagine this would only be a requirement of a transport truck whereas dump trucks, short haul trucks and heavy equipment are exempt as I see lots of them spewing huge plumes of black smoke..

The large fleet of military vehicles spewing huge plumes of black smoke aren't put into the equation either...I recall there used to be a post Christmas fleet start up and there was literally a blue fog surrounding the base....it was so dense it was hard to see across the street and all the building intakes sucked up the diesel smoke...we had to send people home.
Farm equipment all have aftertreatment and every single diesel on the road 2010 or newer requires aftertreatment, even dump trucks. Epa is cracking down extremely hard on diesel deletes and tunes and one day you will not be able to buy even aftermarket exhuast for a motorcycle mark my words! The rpm act has been floating around for awhile it only a matter of time.
Farm equipment all have aftertreatment and every single diesel on the road 2010 or newer requires aftertreatment, even dump trucks. Epa is cracking down extremely hard on diesel deletes and tunes and one day you will not be able to buy even aftermarket exhuast for a motorcycle mark my words! The rpm act has been floating around for awhile it only a matter of time.
I know a very popular mod with diesel is the DFE delete...lots of people I know with diesel pick up trucks have done that...

I'd guess it wouldn't be allowed with commercial vehicles as they are inspected.

There was a lot of talk about passenger vehicles going to be under close scrutiny when it comes to modifications such as lifts, exhaust, intakes and such but that has never come to fruition as far as I see.
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