EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

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My son is an electrician and works high end homes. He routinely installs these upgrades during remodeling efforts by the home owners. So, at least the wealthy are getting them. :laugh:
I would think the installation within a home wouldn't be a big job as they are probably a 240v circuit..

I suppose a neighborhood plugging these EVs in will be like people running their dryers-not everyone runs them at the time I guess...

Now if you get a hot summer and lots of air conditioners are running along with lots of EVs charging it could be a dicey draw on the power grid...
I would think the installation within a home wouldn't be a big job as they are probably a 240v circuit..

I suppose a neighborhood plugging these EVs in will be like people running their dryers-not everyone runs them at the time I guess...

Now if you get a hot summer and lots of air conditioners are running along with lots of EVs charging it could be a dicey draw on the power grid...

It’s all going to happen in stages, a few now, a few more later, grid complaints, grid upgrades, a few more on and on. Major grid use should be overnight. Seeing $4.95.9 per gallon prices for 91 octane today at several name brand stations certainly told me that the oil companies aren’t trying to ‘woo’ us very hard. You’d think they wouldn’t be playing hard to get.
The Live Wire dropped in price.....the reporter should omit the word "cheaper" from his writing though as it indicated the bike is of less quality rather than more inexpensive....

That's a big consideration for the person in the market for an electric bike - that a new model will be cheaper (oops less expensive) and better and they will be stuck with something they can't sell.
In reality for all the distance I travel on a motorcycle something like this is probably more practical for me...
However, the sound of the Busa in the higher rev range is intoxicating.....
All the EV, green, granola eaters make me laugh in many ways...developed nations are rattling the "go green saber" while many developing countries are uber-polluting at an ever increasing rate and not one thing is being done to stifle that...

In many cases the dramatic increase in polluters is a result of their building and packaging materials for EV vehicles...mining Li is a nasty affair and the recycling of Li is a very toxic mess-good thing the developing countries are around to send it all to for that.

I just don't see how EV can work here in Canada and the US, we have such vast areas to travel and the weather in Canada can go from over 40'C in the summer to -40'C in the winter...EV has been proven to not be very effective in these extremes...
Hi. well when it is hot you stay home and when it is cold you stay home. And lets hope that you are not using a battery to heat and cool your house!!!!!!!!
Electric bikes will be faster than IC bikes, at least in the 1/4 mile. Bikes like the Lightning are already super fast. It's the battery and associated weight that holds bikes back on road.
Zero has been making EV bikes for many years and so far their range isn't so great...just like a gas bike, the harder you ride it the faster it needs to be recharged...the problem is it needs to be recharged only after a few kms...

So far there have been reports of a few fires from EV vehicles, I just read the other day a Tesla owner lost his house from a fire which started in his garage as a result from charging his Tesla.

Now this...

So far there have been reports of a few fires from EV vehicles, I just read the other day a Tesla owner lost his house from a fire which started in his garage as a result from charging his Tesla.

Now this...

Yes while the fires are true, and obviously should be addressed, gasoline fueled cars have been catching on fire for probably 100ish years now.
Yes while the fires are true, and obviously should be addressed, gasoline fueled cars have been catching on fire for probably 100ish years now.
Never hear much about those catching fire in a garage where there's supposed to be surge protection
Yeah I'm not sure how a surge protection will stop a thermal runaway once it starts. The wall power is no longer a concern.
True, I would have thought the vehicle itself would have had some sort of "fail safe" to stop this from getting to that level.
True, I would have thought the vehicle itself would have had some sort of "fail safe" to stop this from getting to that level.
Tesla had some early BMS issues. They seem to have resolved. Although I just saw a Model S Plaid that went up.

And if I remember GM recently changed the chemistry of their batteries. Until now I am not aware of any GM fires. So they need to do their homework.

I learned about this when researching batteries on boats. They adapted Tesla batteries, but didn't reverse engineer the BMS correctly. Burned entire boats up. And of course the insurance carriers refused to pay out.

The aftermarket has gotten smarter than OEM now. They trip an individual battery as it begins to runaway. Long before temp gets high enough. Elon relied in liquid coolant to bathe the cells in a frame. BMS at the bank level rather than the cell level. By the time a cell ranaway, the coolant turns to steam. Lithium likes the oxygen water provides. Similar to a Magnesium fire.
Tesla had some early BMS issues. They seem to have resolved. Although I just saw a Model S Plaid that went up.

And if I remember GM recently changed the chemistry of their batteries. Until now I am not aware of any GM fires. So they need to do their homework.

I learned about this when researching batteries on boats. They adapted Tesla batteries, but didn't reverse engineer the BMS correctly. Burned entire boats up. And of course the insurance carriers refused to pay out.

The aftermarket has gotten smarter than OEM now. They trip an individual battery as it begins to runaway. Long before temp gets high enough. Elon relied in liquid coolant to bathe the cells in a frame. BMS at the bank level rather than the cell level. By the time a cell ranaway, the coolant turns to steam. Lithium likes the oxygen water provides. Similar to a Magnesium fire.
A guy a friend of mine knows has a Zero bike....he said he has had to replace the battery packs twice as it just kept holding less and less of a charge, I guess like all rechargeable batteries...

It is an adventure style bike and he was saying as soon as you start working it hard off road, it sucks the juice really hard...it almost left him stranded on a couple occasions....he still loves it and has bought a second battery pack..
A guy a friend of mine knows has a Zero bike....he said he has had to replace the battery packs twice as it just kept holding less and less of a charge, I guess like all rechargeable batteries...

It is an adventure style bike and he was saying as soon as you start working it hard off road, it sucks the juice really hard...it almost left him stranded on a couple occasions....he still loves it and has bought a second battery pack..
Every rechargeable battery has a shelf life.

Prius's come into the used market dirtcheap when the batteries die. It's substantial $$ to replace them. Tesla was the one that poineered that solution. In addition to a longer shelf life, when they day comes to replace, it's about the same as a tire change as far as time and complexity. And by the time it's needed, the new batteries will be cheaper.

Toyota lost it's way on that part.

And yes the term range isikd MPG claims. The more fun your having the more juice it takes.

I drove a Model S. Fantastic car. Smokes all 4 tires instantly with traction control off. And you get about 60 miles out of it......lol

Drive it like grandma and you get like 250.
Every rechargeable battery has a shelf life.

Prius's come into the used market dirtcheap when the batteries die. It's substantial $$ to replace them. Tesla was the one that poineered that solution. In addition to a longer shelf life, when they day comes to replace, it's about the same as a tire change as far as time and complexity. And by the time it's needed, the new batteries will be cheaper.

Toyota lost it's way on that part.

And yes the term range isikd MPG claims. The more fun your having the more juice it takes.

I drove a Model S. Fantastic car. Smokes all 4 tires instantly with traction control off. And you get about 60 miles out of it......lol

Drive it like grandma and you get like 250.
Hopefully technology makes these things more viable....as they seem to be the future...

Honestly as a retired guy who really doesn't need to go far anymore, an EV would be more practical for me....

Hybrids make sense to me.
Hopefully technology makes these things more viable....as they seem to be the future...

Honestly as a retired guy who really doesn't need to go far anymore, an EV would be more practical for me....

Hybrids make sense to me.
Yes I think Hybrids will be the norm while they establish charging infrastructure.

I am currently driving on loan a Lexus Hybrid SUV.

Gets 54 MPG. Full size and beautiful. Stays on 100% battery until you ask for power based on throttle position. Engine comes on seamlessly. You get up to speed on highway and get into cruise and it goes back to 100% battery. And if you need warp speed, you get engine and augmented battery added.

I think it rated at like something 450HP in warp drive.

Backing off the cruise and you charge the batteries. It's all pretty seamless. And you can go full gas once the charge drops too low.
Yes I think Hybrids will be the norm while they establish charging infrastructure.

I am currently driving on loan a Lexus Hybrid SUV.

Gets 54 MPG. Full size and beautiful. Stays on 100% battery until you ask for power based on throttle position. Engine comes on seamlessly. You get up to speed on highway and get into cruise and it goes back to 100% battery. And if you need warp speed, you get engine and augmented battery added.

I think it rated at like something 450HP in warp drive.

Backing off the cruise and you charge the batteries. It's all pretty seamless. And you can go full gas once the charge drops too low.
One of my neighbors has a Toyota Highlander hybrid and they love it....

On the other side of the coin, we had 2 Yukon Denali hybrid staff vehicles and they were always in for repairs...one was the general's vehicle and he liked it but hated it at the same time as it wasn't reliable...it seemed every time he needed to go somewhere it was broken...