EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

China looking to gobble up as many Lithium companies as it can in order to control the battery market...they tried this with the petroleum market as well...

"Last month, CATL said it had agreed to acquire Canada's Millennial Lithium Corp, as it looks to shore up the supply of key ingredients for EV batteries.

The leading EV battery maker in China, CATL's list of customers include a swathe of automakers such as Tesla Inc and Volkswagen AG."

the European countries are aware of the impending China monopoly and are planning to build many new Gigafactory battery infrastructure.
From Cradle to Grave EV vehicles are far less GREEN than diesels with DEF added
Hydrogen is the way to go, cut out China from this technology.

"At present, there are still only half a dozen gigafactories in operation in Europe. By 2025, an additional 25 should have come online, helping to raise production capacity to around 590 GWh. Another five gigafactories are planned by 2030, taking total capacity up to around 665 GWh. Adding in predicted capacities of projects without exact commissioning dates, Europe could have an annual production capacity of lithium-ion cells in 2030 of around 785 GWh – in other words, more than the current global capacity.

In terms of that global capacity, BloombergNEF predicts Europe's share could increase from 7% now to 31% in 2030. And according to Eurobat, the trade association of the battery industry in Europe, the value of the battery industry will increase from €15 billion in Europe and €75 billion worldwide in 2019 to €35 billion in Europe and €130 billion worldwide by 2030".

I read a news report which brings up a good point regarding EV vehicles...

Countless vehicles currently sit on a street due to either not enough room in a driveway or garage or some homes, apartments, condos don't have enough parking...the question is posed...

How do these vehicles get charged? In the article they are putting charging points along streets where vehicles park but how realistic or practical is this and what about in the winter months....we often see pictures of snowed in vehicles in New York or other places...

Just like @mark3evo said, hopefully the idea of hydrogen kicks off verses EV...

All the drum beating on "saving the world" and China will be using more coal to do it than ever before....

....all this while the rest of the free world is going forth with banning this and that just so countries like China can continue on in status quo..

There will be future issues for us in Canada when our government appoints people like this climate activist as the environmental minister...

So this is a spillover from the "COP26 or Cop out ?? you decide" thread regarding EV vehicles

@jellyrug and I were discussing the merits of EV and the power plants which will be powering them.

In my uneducated opinion, what is the real difference between a fossil fueled vehicle compared to an EV other than we could run out of fossil fuel one day.

For a comparison sake:

-EV platforms will still need to be manufactured-a very non environmentally friendly process in it's own right.

-the raw materials to fabricate the batteries will need to be resourced, shipped and processed, as it stands right now this process is also very non environmentally friendly

-the power requirements to recharge what could be millions of EV globally would be staggering, what is creating this power? How environmentally friendly will it be? How will an already over taxed power grid be able to handle this? Most likely there will be a requirement to add many more power stations and a complete overhaul and upgrade to the power grids.

-then, there is the recycling and disposal of all the very toxic battery components once they reach their service lives....will some third world country be doing this like they currently are....some guy with a large hammer and pick ax wearing sandals and bare-handed throwing chunks of battery components into a myriad of seacans in a field? The current practice is not very environmentally friendly.

All the drum beating on "saving the world" and China will be using more coal to do it than ever before....

....all this while the rest of the free world is going forth with banning this and that just so countries like China can continue on in status quo..

they have power outages for years i was there back in 2003 and factories took it in turn to power down for a day or two.
If i recall correctly than they were bringing online 1 coal fired power station per week.

The huge demand for china products like fast throw away fashion and other 'tat' comes from the western economies fuelling the demand.
there currently 18 nuclear plants being built in china with 51 active

with 1082 coal fired power stations 4 x more than US

there currently 18 nuclear plants being built in china with 51 active

with 1082 coal fired power stations 4 x more than US

That's a lot of potential targets to eliminate if need be....

One of my jobs in my former life was to eliminate certain power stations in order to shut down particular grids. We would generally just mark them for aerial assets.
That's a lot of potential targets to eliminate if need be....

One of my jobs in my former life was to eliminate certain power stations in order to shut down particular grids. We would generally just mark them for aerial assets.
it may be too late to take them out, now China are leaders of the hypersonic missile race
it may be too late to take them out, now China are leaders of the hypersonic missile race
China has them...the media says the U.S is shocked and doesn't have that technology!!!
Oh no!
Boe Jiden will be what helps China win a war...not their tech vs the U.S and our allies.
China has them...the media says the U.S is shocked and doesn't have that technology!!!
Oh no!
Boe Jiden will be what helps China win a war...not their tech vs the U.S and our allies.
You are placing a lot of faith in Mr Biden....

China can gobble up economies pretty easily without Joe's help...
If governments and countries are to make this a reality, the availability and pricing of EV had better reflect this.

Not to mention there will need to be some sort of trade in allowance to get people out of ICE vehicles....

2030/2040?? Not even close to realistic.
