EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

Currently there is an unbalance in how power is globally distributed....some countries use coal and gas, others use nuclear and "green" sources.....there are alternatives but they are costly and in some cases in their infancy but need to be fostered, shutting all research and development off isn't the answer and it's not very forward thinking.....

As the world stumbles along accepting and embracing the status quo, the earth itself suffers......this has been proven during the pandemic when the restriction of driving made smog disappear in major Asian and South Asian cities....

What price to we place on the future for our children and grandchildren....nobody in my parent's generation could care less about any environmental impacts of pretty much anything....open air nuclear detonations, dumping trash off the coasts, and the list goes on and on....

When we are gone and buried, who will champion our causes? Who in the future will look back fondly on our actions to make the earth a better place and preserve it?

The future is what matters.......
I agree... the future is what matters... when fraud and corruption are replaced with integrity and truth the world will transform quickly... until then... the cheaters will keep cheating.

The culture of America has been invaded by a bunch of sickos... that toxic masculinity crap and other stuff not worth mentioning... A couple members of the View are finding out how expensive it is to get everything woke they stand for and is considered slanderous at times... its going to cost them. The Associated press is also finding out that the Gulf of America is real... they won't give up their DEI wokeness and other under mining rhetoric so as to not have a press pass in the White House briefing room...

Cultural shifting isn't what made America the country it once was... Constitutional alignment is where we get headed in the right direction... Most of the countries founders were young and smart...
I agree... the future is what matters... when fraud and corruption are replaced with integrity and truth the world will transform quickly... until then... the cheaters will keep cheating.

The culture of America has been invaded by a bunch of sickos... that toxic masculinity crap and other stuff not worth mentioning... A couple members of the View are finding out how expensive it is to get everything woke they stand for and is considered slanderous at times... its going to cost them. The Associated press is also finding out that the Gulf of America is real... they won't give up their DEI wokeness and other under mining rhetoric so as to not have a press pass in the White House briefing room...

Cultural shifting isn't what made America the country it once was... Constitutional alignment is where we get headed in the right direction... Most of the countries founders were young and smart...
Please keep your political rhetoric to yourself or in the appropriate section...

I find myself caring less and less about politics and the idiotic rhetoric that surrounds it....

I would rather place my thoughts into more relevant issues.

You will find that in 4 yrs, there will be a shift and the US will be 4 yrs behind other countries that are encouraging research and development to continue......and not in EV but other fields as well.
Currently there is an unbalance in how power is globally distributed...

As the world stumbles along accepting and embracing the status quo, the earth itself suffers......this has been proven during the pandemic when the restriction of driving made smog disappear in major Asian and South Asian cities....
It's interesting to look around the globe at the poorer nations, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Myan Mar etc. They used to call them the developing world because back in the 70's the green revolution coupled with low oil prices saw the inhabitants enjoying better and better living standards. That has been in reverse for a number of years now and nothing can correct it, they simply can't afford the all the oil and Gas based fertilizers they want. So they are leading the transition so to speak. So yes the power distribution is unbalanced, but that's life on Earth, always has been always will be. I have looked into these so called alternatives to oil, as the mass media portrays them, and see nothing that can come close to replacing fossil fuels. Sure, if we consume half the fuels produced today and cover the planet with wind turbines we can enjoy clean energy, but what replaces them in 20 years? And what happens to the global economy in the mean time? It collapses of course. It's barely holding together now.

As as I said above, "Alternatives" do nothing to help the fertilizer and plastics industry, the steel industry, the cement industry, the mining industry, all of which can only be practically powered by FF. In short, we can't transition our civilization to electric power, that's just a political dream designed to keep us quiet and consuming product, like expensive electric cars. If they had started in the 70's with the first oil shocks and built cycle-ways on a massive scale most of the populations of the cities could be mobile on bicycles and light electric 4-wheelers now instead of cars. That would have drastically reduced oil consumption. Just like it was in China 25 years ago... But no one wants to give up anything do they BB. You don't want to give up your busa do you, or your car. And what if a progressive government demanded you surrender them and ride an electric bus or a pushbike, you'd be up in arms I guarantee it!

The future will be the future and it will be up to those living in it to solve their own problems. Our parents and their parents started us down this road and we don't look back and accuse them of being wasteful and stupid, even though all the evidence was available back then that coal and oil was a dead end. We're just the generation living in the transition to "No Oil". The Millennials and the Zoomers are not changing, they buy cars and get new iphones every year, If they were totally fretful over it they should be the ones dialing back on FF use but they consume just like us Wiser older folk. No, the future will take care of itself, and it will probably be a better future too without all the cars running around and the electric lights burning all night. people might actually get out and look at the stars! They'll certainly be doing more physical work, which will be better than munching cheetos in front of a screen or pushing a mouse across a desk like most do now.


Beijing bicylists-.webp
It's interesting to look around the globe at the poorer nations, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Myan Mar etc. They used to call them the developing world because back in the 70's the green revolution coupled with low oil prices saw the inhabitants enjoying better and better living standards. That has been in reverse for a number of years now and nothing can correct it, they simply can't afford the all the oil and Gas based fertilizers they want. So they are leading the transition so to speak. So yes the power distribution is unbalanced, but that's life on Earth, always has been always will be. I have looked into these so called alternatives to oil, as the mass media portrays them, and see nothing that can come close to replacing fossil fuels. Sure, if we consume half the fuels produced today and cover the planet with wind turbines we can enjoy clean energy, but what replaces them in 20 years? And what happens to the global economy in the mean time? It collapses of course. It's barely holding together now.

As as I said above, "Alternatives" do nothing to help the fertilizer and plastics industry, the steel industry, the cement industry, the mining industry, all of which can only be practically powered by FF. In short, we can't transition our civilization to electric power, that's just a political dream designed to keep us quiet and consuming product, like expensive electric cars. If they had started in the 70's with the first oil shocks and built cycle-ways on a massive scale most of the populations of the cities could be mobile on bicycles and light electric 4-wheelers now instead of cars. That would have drastically reduced oil consumption. Just like it was in China 25 years ago... But no one wants to give up anything do they BB. You don't want to give up your busa do you, or your car. And what if a progressive government demanded you surrender them and ride an electric bus or a pushbike, you'd be up in arms I guarantee it!

The future will be the future and it will be up to those living in it to solve their own problems. Our parents and their parents started us down this road and we don't look back and accuse them of being wasteful and stupid, even though all the evidence was available back then that coal and oil was a dead end. We're just the generation living in the transition to "No Oil". The Millennials and the Zoomers are not changing, they buy cars and get new iphones every year, If they were totally fretful over it they should be the ones dialing back on FF use but they consume just like us Wiser older folk. No, the future will take care of itself, and it will probably be a better future too without all the cars running around and the electric lights burning all night. people might actually get out and look at the stars! They'll certainly be doing more physical work, which will be better than munching cheetos in front of a screen or pushing a mouse across a desk like most do now.


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I don't know what to say.......

I'm not pro-EV however I am pro research and development of alternative power and fuel systems which are more efficient and reliable.

I have always established that it is the human ideology and society that needs to change above all else.....the need for hours long commutes should be omitted....people need to live closer to where they live like it once was....everyone wants to live in distant sub divisions which eats up agricultural lands and creates more need for longer commutes....

I remember when I was in Toronto (our largest city) the main hiway looked like a parking lot for hours on end with tens if not hundreds of thousands of vehicles creeping along while people are commuting to work....and that's in conjunction with lots of public transportation (subways, trains and buses). Until this changes there will be a huge need for personal transportation of some sort.....EV could take the pressure off of petroleum use.......but it needs to be developed and supported better to do so.

All in all, in the end we will be gone and it will become the problem of our children and their children.....
I don't think we're there yet. I think pure EV's are still in the development stage and I'm hoping that something in the way of a major change to them re the power source and materials is coming. It may not be in my lifetime, but hopefully next generations or two.
I think to best option for now is Hybrid, for me anyway. In countries where you can drive for many hours between any sort of civilization, I think hybrids are the way to go.