EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

Ever since I found and posted that video now other videos come up from this person.....all kinds of crazy videos of self powered TVs and other such things.......
Let’s see how fast we can get to 3,000 posts.:D
Trump just bought a Tesla. True story.
It surprises me that Trump didn't purchase a few for people he knows......seeing as he probably doesn't even have a driver's license as he has always had a chauffeur.

If this is the biggest news feed of today, we might as well all shut off all our devices and go outside.
Speaking of EVs.....I ran into a person I know when I was out doing an errand and he was driving a new Toyota Highlander hybrid.....

My neighbor also has one and they love it.......

This guy leased his Tesla, ended the lease and got the Toyota, he said his parents did the same thing but got a RAV4 hybrid instead.
Speaking of EVs.....I ran into a person I know when I was out doing an errand and he was driving a new Toyota Highlander hybrid.....

My neighbor also has one and they love it.......

This guy leased his Tesla, ended the lease and got the Toyota, he said his parents did the same thing but got a RAV4 hybrid instead.
Actually the new Prius looks pretty cool (to me) and it is not bad in the performance area.
I might end up getting one later in the year. Perhaps they should change the name?

LOL, just trying to keep your thread going.
You will like this one, I think.
......and I appreciate that.....

Upon opening the link, it says I need a subscription but I do get the gist of the article....

Something I think I have always stood on in this entire thread is that EVs aren't quite yet viable as the primary mainstream source of transportation for various reasons.......

I've always maintained that with time and lots more development, they have potential.....one of the biggest hurtles in my opinion, is the lack of national recharging stations and the ability to create them at this time....we just don't have the copper resources to create all the high power voltage feeds for millions upon millions of recharging stations....

This is why hybrids make more sense....they still burn fuel but a lot less and if we converted them all to a clean diesel, they would burn even less.

My son who has a Hyundai Santa Fe plug in hybrid (works on 110V) says he can go up to a month without having to fuel it as he gets around 70 kms on EV mode so for planned errands and short commutes he can run full EV.

That to me makes sense, especially if people modify their driving behavior so they plan their trips better.....sometimes I see the same car from my street go by my house 10 times a day doing errands and what have you. If that car did one trip on EV mode, it would expend zero fuel.
Actually the new Prius looks pretty cool (to me) and it is not bad in the performance area.
I might end up getting one later in the year. Perhaps they should change the name?

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....I harken back to the old Prius and how overly annoying that body shape was.....

This is a far superior car in appearance and I've heard nothing but good about them....

That to me is a fine choice.