EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

One of my neighbors has a Toyota Highlander hybrid and they love it....

On the other side of the coin, we had 2 Yukon Denali hybrid staff vehicles and they were always in for repairs...one was the general's vehicle and he liked it but hated it at the same time as it wasn't reliable...it seemed every time he needed to go somewhere it was broken...
Aside from Tesla's electric drive technology, and aside from the Model S, they have a lot of reports of quality issues. Paint, leaks, loose interior bits, loose body parts. It is a cult car, but Elon needs to step up his game as the big boys are gonna come calling on the market. Company is overvalued, but has a rabid following!
I'd wager this will land on our shores as well....this stuff always seems to filter down..

If they can do it to bikes, why not cars?

Quite a machine...did they give a price? I didn't see one but can only imagine...

That upright sitting position would make this a scary thing to be on if you started to top it out as you'd never be able to stay on it.
Quite a machine...did they give a price? I didn't see one but can only imagine...

That upright sitting position would make this a scary thing to be on if you started to top it out as you'd never be able to stay on it.
You never tried lying flat on the seat, stomach on the tank and feet each side of the tail light?

EVs are going to save the planet! Well, after they stop using rubber tires maybe...

THAT is a few tires......

Tire fires are a bear to put out, I spent some time as a volunteer fire-fighter and was part of a team trying to put out a large tire fire....it burned for a long time, we poured a lot of water on it and eventually had to switch to triple K foam...
THAT is a few tires......

Tire fires are a bear to put out, I spent some time as a volunteer fire-fighter and was part of a team trying to put out a large tire fire....it burned for a long time, we poured a lot of water on it and eventually had to switch to triple K foam...
Yep they are a bitch! I designed a facility in Dallas that was the 2nd largest in the state. Shortly after the Odessa fire happened. Our fireplan was so vast we actually had more fire fighting capacity in our facility that we had to train our people to use the hydrants and equipment because the closest little city didn't have the training.

Even with all the overkill, we still had to put 120 feet spacing between piles and a 200 foot fire line with bulldozers in place just to limit the "out of control" component to a limited space and size.

Then we got to have our EPA plan.

Yeah. They are a bitch.

If I can find it on my old laptop, going to post a tire pile that is on the Texas/Mexico border.

It's not a pile, it's a river of tires. Dumped illegally for years. Uncontrolled, unregulated and a massive problem if it ever catches fire.

The state of Tx has been setting aside millions as a "kitty" fund. Mexico is the largest contributor to the pile, but of course are washing their hands of it.

The can will be kicked, as long as a fire doesn't happen.

If it does, I don't want to be anywhere around.
Yep they are a bitch! I designed a facility in Dallas that was the 2nd largest in the state. Shortly after the Odessa fire happened. Our fireplan was so vast we actually had more fire fighting capacity in our facility that we had to train our people to use the hydrants and equipment because the closest little city didn't have the training.

Even with all the overkill, we still had to put 120 feet spacing between piles and a 200 foot fire line with bulldozers in place just to limit the "out of control" component to a limited space and size.

Then we got to have our EPA plan.

Yeah. They are a bitch.

If I can find it on my old laptop, going to post a tire pile that is on the Texas/Mexico border.

It's not a pile, it's a river of tires. Dumped illegally for years. Uncontrolled, unregulated and a massive problem if it ever catches fire.

The state of Tx has been setting aside millions as a "kitty" fund. Mexico is the largest contributor to the pile, but of course are washing their hands of it.

The can will be kicked, as long as a fire doesn't happen.

If it does, I don't want to be anywhere around.
Many years back, the government started using them to make roads...we as a race need to get much better at recycling.
Holy crap! That's beyond crazy.....
Logistically difficult. No fund to actually do it, even if there was a plan. New waste tires already place more demand than the system can handle. Nobody in hell has any incentive to even try.

Mexico won't step up to help.

Man if a terrorist knew how easy this was to set ablaze, it would be an environmental disaster for us.

Sometimes I get nauseated thinking of the messes this country faces.
Logistically difficult. No fund to actually do it, even if there was a plan. New waste tires already place more demand than the system can handle. Nobody in hell has any incentive to even try.

Mexico won't step up to help.

Man if a terrorist knew how easy this was to set ablaze, it would be an environmental disaster for us.

Sometimes I get nauseated thinking of the messes this country faces.
If a guy had the means, it would pay off to set up a tire recycling plant right in the middle of all that...between the rubber and metal from the belts, there is a pile of money sitting there...
If a guy had the means, it would pay off to set up a tire recycling plant right in the middle of all that...between the rubber and metal from the belts, there is a pile of money sitting there...
I did just that in Hungary in the late 90s. So I know what every tire is worth in reclaimed revenues. And the cost to recover far outweighs the proceeds recovered.

We installed portable shredders every 8 miles and railed the shreds to the main reduction plant. The final plant has to be large enough to make it practical. You can't do any practical final processing using anything portable.

Texas knows this will cost them about $7 per tire to even get a processor to consider it.

And it would need to be a site built dedicated for this as anything already in place is trying to keep up with new waste tires generated.