The area where the riots are centered is about 5 x 3 city blocks. The rest of the city is business as usual. As long as this is peaceful (and they are for the most part) I would let people blow off steam. The property damage is done to that area and it's not going to get revitalized until the virus is behind us. I would not let it spread though, using force if necessary. I remember when we had riots here in Virginia Beach. I friend called us from Detroit to see if we were all right, we didn't even know there were riots! Ended up damaging 4 blocks down at the beach and drew national attention.
Currently the riot is not spreading, it's confined. The law enforcement there has determined that the best course of action is to just let this play out. Trump wants to send in troops (probably illegally) against the wishes of the Mayor and Governor. This is what's going on:
How Nixon Used the ‘68 Riots to Flip Illinois
Just Trump trying not to face a COVID election. Most of Trump's political moves come from Richard Nixon's Memoirs & Mien Kampf (his wife says those are his obsessions).