First off,I wasn't chase billy rae.I was just riding behind him as that was my way home and I sure as hell wasn't going to pass.This guy had it out for sportbikes and would have attempted injury to us even if we stayed behind him.There was plenty of visible road to make a very safe pass for both of us.Speeds were not that excessive.The pass was probably40- 45mph and the chase 55-65mph(speed limit 55).Trucks with 4wheelers don't handle well.A good run through there would be in the 80s which on that day were not even close,just cruising going home.The truck had just pulled out of a lane not far from where the camera picked him up.
Hell yes I was pissed but the whole way I was think I wish I could get my phone out and call the police because there was going to be a horrific accident at any moment and I could do nothing but watch.
I have grown up some and have a family to care for so as I wanted to bash his face in with whatever means available,too many witnesses that would have seen 2 bikers on one poor helpless inbred blueboy.So my family visits me in the pokey.Billy bob also didn't assault me,I was a witness.I wanted law enforcement involved because the maniac was going to do this again to someone else who might not fair as well.
I sent the vid to the area sheriff,but he hasn't had time to review it.He said he is working on getting grant money.I said so I'm waisting my time talking to you?He probably new Billybop was Freds boy who is his brothers sisters kid he fathered.Get all that?
anyway I am exploring avenues to contact Billy jeans commander and show how Billy inbred represtents our great military.
I don't want this to turn into a linching so I will proceed with actions I and the other rider see fit.