Family Friendly Site

Mr Brown

I've been thinking about this for a while, I guess I'll just say it: It seems to me that the content of the topics and replies has taken a turn for the worse lately. I'm not gonna point fingers and accuse individuals, but some of the stuff I've seen lately is getting pretty trashy. I'm by no means opposed to T&A or any "offensive" material, I just think that this isn't the right place for it. This board has attracted many different types of people from all walks of life, and I believe that many have stayed active members because, in part at least, this is a site suitable for anyone, children included. I have discussed this with several people and some of the posts have offended quite a number of respected members.
I guess what I'm asking us all to do is use a little more sensitivity when posting. I know I have no official standing to make such a request, I was just hoping maybe we could police ourselves a little better, so that Cache doesn't have to bother with it.
If you think that you wouldn't want your kids or parents to see you looking at a given post, chances are it will offend someone. There are plenty of other bike-related sites where nobody cares about what gets said or shown, LABusas is one that comes to mind, so perhaps those topics and comments would be better suited at such places.
I'm not looking to bust anyone's chops, or hurt anyone's feelings, just saying what I feel........
I've been thinking about this for a while, I guess I'll just say it: It seems to me that the content of the topics and replies has taken a turn for the worse lately. I'm not gonna point fingers and accuse individuals, but some of the stuff I've seen lately is getting pretty trashy. I'm by no means opposed to T&A or any "offensive" material, I just think that this isn't the right place for it. This board has attracted many different types of people from all walks of life, and I believe that many have stayed active members because, in part at least, this is a site suitable for anyone, children included. I have discussed this with several people and some of the posts have offended quite a number of respected members.
I guess what I'm asking us all to do is use a little more sensitivity when posting. I know I have no official standing to make such a request, I was just hoping maybe we could police ourselves a little better, so that Cache doesn't have to bother with it.
If you think that you wouldn't want your kids or parents to see you looking at a given post, chances are it will offend someone. There are plenty of other bike-related sites where nobody cares about what gets said or shown, LABusas is one that comes to mind, so perhaps those topics and comments would be better suited at such places.
I'm not looking to bust anyone's chops, or hurt anyone's feelings, just saying what I feel........
Here is what I want to know, and please feel free to tell me to get lost.

Where do people go who want to have fun, and not worry about whether they are being 'sensitive'?  Is there a board you'd recommend?  Don't you think it is just a little oppressive to ask people to communicate to your value set?  As long as no one is threatening violence I say all is fair.  Sorry, i don't want to live in a politically correct, "Big Brother and his thought and speech police" world.  If you think about it, I don't think you do either.

At the same time, what the h#ll do I know.  Knock yourselves out.
Where do people go who want to have fun, and not worry about whether they are being 'sensitive'?  Is there a board you'd recommend?  Don't you think it is just a little oppressive to ask people to communicate to your value set?  As long as no one is threatening violence I say all is fair.  Sorry, i don't want to live in a politically correct, "Big Brother and his thought and speech police" world.  If you think about it, I don't think you do either.

At the same time, what the h#ll do I know.  Knock yourselves out.
I agree with you on all points. Censorship sucks. We do however need to take into account the feelings of others. There are at least 2 sites that I have visited that are a lot more lax on content than this one, and I'm not suggesting that a person can't belong to more than 1 of these boards, I know several of us do, just asking that we keep in mind that this board never has had the type of content that is totally acceptable elsewhere. I don't want to inflict my value set on anyone, I'm a foul-mouthed individual most of the time, but one must conform sometimes so that you can fit in to certain situations. The Captain worked to ensure a family friendly environment where we can all share stories, opinions and information. It's up to us to keep it that way....
I know that if people don't like the content, they can just not come here anymore, but I think it would be a shame to lose some of our Brothers and Sisters over something that we can control ourselves......
sounds great Brownie...

thing is... it can get a little borring around here.

For the most part, folks police themselves. Very rarely do things ever get out of hand.

Do I let the children in my life view the average internet site.... NO.

In my opinion , the internet is no place for children, especially unsupervised children.

All this pissin' an' moanin' about WORKSAFE.

Worksafe.... who the fug cares. I dont. I have access to the net at work. Have I ever gone on a site like Hayabusa.Org at work. FUG NO. Why? Because my employer pays me to do a job. Does that job include reading and posting on Hayabusa dot org. NO. It doesn't.
Why do all these poeple pizz an' moan about "work safe".

If I spent 15 minutes surfing the net while I was at work, I'd consider that stealing. Stealing from my employer. They hired me to work.... not surf the net...

as for kids viewing sites like H.Org I dunno.... do they really have to be able to see and read EVERYTHING on the net?
Cant we adults have a site or 2 to ourselves?

Can't they surf Seasame or Kids Club or NeoPets or....

one of TEN THOUSAND "Kid Friendly" sites.

Bottom line_ there's sites out there for everyone...

can't we just have the odd one, thats sorta specific.

This site is run very well. Its pretty clean.

Lets not BLEACH IT.

Rubbs 2 cents. an' yes, I can make change.
Where do people go who want to have fun, and not worry about whether they are being 'sensitive'?  Is there a board you'd recommend?  Don't you think it is just a little oppressive to ask people to communicate to your value set?  As long as no one is threatening violence I say all is fair.  Sorry, i don't want to live in a politically correct, "Big Brother and his thought and speech police" world.  If you think about it, I don't think you do either.

At the same time, what the h#ll do I know.  Knock yourselves out.
I agree with you on all points. Censorship sucks.
Censorship sucks.

there ya go. Would you like to explain to my 11 year old girl what the term "Sucks" means.

How clean do you want it?

Personally, I hate that term. That something "sucks".

I dont personally consider that term "Kid Friendly".

But, it does get used.

Even by an' advocate for a cleaner Dot Org.

I think kids should surf elsewhere. They dont get into adult rated movies. Why let them surf adult websites.

isn't this just common sense?
Maybe I missed something... I haven't seen any trash.

Content ranges from rated G to PG13.... if we've breached into R territory, I betterr do a double check-- I missed it.
sounds great Brownie...

 thing is... it can get a little borring around here.

 For the most part, folks police themselves. Very rarely do things ever get out of hand.

  Do I let the children in my life view the average internet site....   NO.

  In my opinion , the internet is no place for children, especially unsupervised children.

  All this pissin' an' moanin' about   WORKSAFE.  

 Worksafe....  who the fug cares.   I dont. I have access to the net at work.  Have I ever gone on a site like Hayabusa.Org at work.     FUG NO.    Why?   Because my employer pays me to do a job.  Does that job include reading and posting on Hayabusa dot org.    NO.   It doesn't.
  Why do all these poeple pizz an' moan about "work safe".

  If I spent 15 minutes surfing the net while I was at work, I'd consider that stealing.  Stealing from my employer. They hired me to work....  not surf the net...  

  as for kids viewing sites like H.Org  I dunno....  do they really have to be able to see and read EVERYTHING on the net?
 Cant we adults have a site or 2 to ourselves?

  Can't they surf Seasame   or Kids Club or NeoPets or....

  one of TEN THOUSAND   "Kid Friendly" sites.

 Bottom line_  there's sites out there for everyone...

   can't we just have the odd one, thats sorta specific.

   This site is run very well.   Its pretty clean.  

   Lets not BLEACH IT.

   Rubbs 2 cents.     an' yes,  I can make change.
I agree with the old bastid!!

...he has put into words all that I have felt with regards to work safe and children safe!! If you really ask my opinion kids should be on the walt disney or the Discovery channel website rather than a Hayabusa board


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Maybe I missed something... I haven't seen any trash.

Content ranges from rated G to PG13.... if we've breached into R territory, I betterr do a double check-- I missed it.
Exactly! And will a moderator step up to plate and make crystal clear that I dont have moderator priviledges such as editing SOMEONE elses' post ! Like I've been accused of.NJ.

<span style='color:green'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>YES THAT IS CORRECT YOU DO NOT HAVE MODERATOR PRIVILEDGES TO PLACE ANNOYING NOTES LIKE I DO </span></span>;D

<!--EDIT|Ninja Eater
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Maybe I missed something... I haven't seen any trash.

Content ranges from rated G to PG13.... if we've breached into R territory, I betterr do a double check-- I missed it.
That's just it, not everyone's idea of R material is the same. What is the exact standard anyways?
I've been guilty of such 'offensive' posts, myself~ I tend to have a warped sense of humor that few people get~ Sometimes I post a comment that I think may be humorous, only to find my humor has offended somebody along the way~ I try to sensor myself, but sometimes I hit the 'send button' before I can catch what might be offensive to others~ It happens..You can't believe how many times I've written a reply to something only to delete it before posting~ Unfortunatly, we can't please everybody all the time~
Lets not let this blow into a WWlll.....even myself am guilty of putting almost nude woman on the board, the one called "How flexiable are you" I intended no harm, just thought it was amazing that a human could bend like that...After the moderaters seen the one picture it was pulled. I respected that decision and didnt get angry. I feel that the moderaters do a great job on this board. There is censorship in everything you do in life..think about it, Im just glad that another person paid my price for freedom, so I could even write the things Im writing this moment. God Bless this country the home of the proud and the free!
No intention of blowin anything out of proportion here, just had a few chats with a few different members and concern was expressed about content. I really enjoy this site, and would hate to see anyone leave cuz they were offended (yes, even you rubb) There have been things here which offended me, and I have taken it up with the person individually. Not everyone feels comfortable doing this, they would rather just not come here and contribute.
I'm not worried about work-safe, I agree that if you can't view it at work, then you can wait til you get home.
My idea of a quality site doesn't involve offending anyone. No matter how each of us differs, I think we all know what is cool, and what may be questionable. As far as leaving it to the moderators, why should we? I don't think they get paid, so why push the envelope?
The diversity of the board is one of the reasons I enjoy it so much. We can discuss, even argue, but we've all got each other's back when it comes down to it. An example: I recently had a "Vigorous discussion" with Justin Time 2, but I know that if he told me he was coming to St. Louis tomorrow, I would meet him at the airport. I am equally confident that RSD would sit down and enjoy a few refreshing adult beverages with me, if I ventured to his neck of the woods. That's what makes this board home for me, and I'm sure lots of others.
Let's keep it that way.

<!--EDIT|Mr Brown
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I haven't been here near as long as most of you guys and gals but the caliber of this website is what keeps me coming back. I do not find mrs flexible that offensive but I'm a 33 year old single man, somone else might though, thank you by the way creekboy, if something does need moderated then by all means let it be but if not leave it alone, and as far as arguments things will happen and disagreements will come out its natural but everyone has kept it civilized in my opinion. I think with what has been posted lately this site is still child friendly some maybe PG-13, but one thing as far as kids on here would you rather them learn the real riding experience,(courtesy, true rider ability, watching out for one another, sharing techniques) from some jerk down the street that can't ride and will get them hurt or would you rather them come to a site like this that gives everyone true help and constructive criticism if needed? So we still need to keep it clean enough to be safe but interesting enough for the collective bunch. If someone thinks their children will be offended by bikinis such as in the mcn babes topic or VA guys category, they haven't been in their childrens room lately. My buck two ninety eight cents worth
I haven't been here near as long as most of you guys and gals but the caliber of this website is what keeps me coming back.  I do not find mrs flexible that offensive but I'm a 33 year old single man, somone else might though, thank you by the way creekboy, if something does need moderated then by all means let it be but if not leave it alone, and as far as arguments things will happen and disagreements will come out its natural but everyone has kept it civilized in my opinion.  I think with what has been posted lately this site is still child friendly some maybe PG-13, but one thing as far as kids on here would you rather them learn the real riding experience,(courtesy, true rider ability, watching out for one another, sharing techniques) from some jerk down the street that can't ride and will get them hurt or would you rather them come to a site like this that gives everyone true help and constructive criticism if needed?  So we still need to keep it clean enough to be safe but interesting enough for the collective bunch.  If someone thinks their children will be offended by bikinis such as in the mcn babes topic or VA guys category, they haven't been in their childrens room lately.  My buck two ninety eight cents worth
I got a 5y/o and an 18 m/o, both boys and the only pictures of someone in their underwear in their rooms are Superman and Batman.
I don't know what your experience with kids is, but some of this stuff is offensive. Not in a major way, but I don't want to have to turn the monitor off just cuz they're sitting on my lap while I'm checking out the site.......
There is a difference between adult topics and distasteful adult topics.  It's fine to have a poll just use some common sense when choosing your choices.  Keep them civil.  This is not censorship this is a community board.  Graphic details of adult sexual activity is not something I personally feel is appropriate for this board.  
I don't think that this has to be a site for children, but let's have some cooth.  

Again this is not a 'censorship' issue.  It is just a request to think before you post.

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Lets not let this blow into a WWlll.....even myself am guilty of putting almost nude woman on the board, the one called "How flexiable are you" I intended no harm, just thought it was amazing that a human could bend like that...After the moderaters seen the one picture it was pulled. I respected that decision and didnt get angry. I feel that the moderaters do a great job on this board. There is censorship in everything you do in life..think about it, Im just glad that another person paid my price for freedom, so I could even write the things Im writing this moment. God Bless this country the home of the proud and the free!
Exactly.......just use a little common sense when posting. Most of the pics I have seen are just women in bathing suits or tight suits next to bikes. Nothing that you don't see at the beach everyday.
Brown-- some would consider your sig offensive. Not this fug head, but some... especially the losers of the world.

Listen-- the site ain't for kids-- it's for mature adults to talk about bikes and dump what's on their minds with like-minded people. If someone is truly offended by anything here, then I would think they spend most of the waking moments offended about something...

I say be considerate to fellow members, aid and assist others when in need, share and receive info (i.e. community)-- that's what it's about. If gals in bikinis is offensive at a bike site, gong-- sorry... don't buy it.

If someone can't take critisism either in jest or not, they should work it out directly or take a time out and put things back in perspective...

Folks don't whine about others chatting up fidelity, religion, politics, or other potentially "offensive" topics... I saw all is fair game except swearing, nudity (shucks), and flaming/personal attacks. If a thread or someone really gets under your skin, don't read their topics/posts...

that's my 2cents anyway.


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Maybe I missed something... I haven't seen any trash.

Content ranges from rated G to PG13.... if we've breached into R territory, I betterr do a double check-- I missed it.
That's just it, not everyone's idea of R material is the same. What is the exact standard anyways?
The standard is just use your head. Some things bother some people some of the time and some things bother all of the people all of the time. Use your head, some things will stay I only remove or change things if it bothers a lot of people. If it does it is easy to change with out insulting anyone. I have not seen anything tyhat was real bad, so let's keep it that way.