Family Friendly Site

You're an idiot, so nothing I said applies to you.
The internal contradiction in this sentence alone is, well, simply boggling...

You see, if nothing you say applies to me, then I'm not an idiot and it's just more trash talk.

As usual, Mr. Brown;

Have yourself a nice evening...
Naw Brutha Rubbah, it's over - the love is just overwhelming...

Mr. Brown can have the day.
nice try Aughtsix... you almost did a good thing.

Mr. Brown can have the day [if you would have left that part out, you would have shined]
2 penniez later...

ps get over yourself mr brown, ima noobie to this board and i do not know u or this person you classify as an "idiot" ,  but u seem to have classified yourself as better than most.  i have a box of aloe enriched tissues if this post offends you...
Private Investigator IMP'n... you haven't done yer home work on this one.

There are a few underlying facts in this particular case(this thread) which only a few are privy to.

I hear what yer sayin' with Brownie(Mr.Brown) thou.

He is a little over the top. He's a bit opinionated. He might just be too strongwilled. He comes across a bit "Hollier the Thou". He gets his back up, real easy. He.... He....

He sorta reminds me of the "Original Site Bastid".

I've traded bidch slaps with this mo/fo. He has(from my perspective) some personality traits(that might be presumptions of mine) that I dont care for, SO WHAT. I'm disliked by half the board. Some dont care for my opinions or the approach I take in offering them. Fug 'em.

Everyone has a point of view.
Getting that point of view across in a manner which the entire world will approve of, is impossible.
I gave up on that long ago.
I'll tell you what I've learned, and what I know.
Attempting to please all the people, all the time... thats what Moderators are there for. They side step,pussy-foot,an' sugar coat wherever possible. It makes the world(and the Org.) float along nicely.
We the members, can pizz an' moan to our hearts content. But I'll tell ya one thing, most of the time, it just aint fuggin' worth it. I've gone toe 2 toe with the best of 'em. Thankfully, some of the real creeps even left the site.
And some of the other babies just go their own way.They dont post where I do, dont read my topics. Fuggin' cry babies.

My advice to you.... don't go there. Why enter into a pi55ing match with someone you know nothing about.
This site has a few watchdogs...

dont get on the UGLY list....

you could end up like me.

Live an' let live.

Dont worry, if any real dikwads come around, they get tossed qwik enuff.

friendly advice.... take it an go fug off.
   He sorta reminds me of the "Original Site Bastid".
Rubb - I can't of course say what he does or does not remind you of, but from my side of the isle I can say that what distinguishes you far, far above is threefold; (i) You're absolutely consistent (ii) You're not pretentious, and (iii) When you're wrong you stand up like a man and say so.

Also, I remember back quite some time ago when you left the board for awhile because you said that you wanted to spend more time with family and friends rather than waste time sitting in front of some damn computer screen. And you did exactly what you said you were going to do despite the crap flung at you. You won my respect that day.

Have a Rubbah 1...
Rubbha: I'm disliked by half the board. [/QUOTE]

... Im not one of em!! For all that I have seen on this board, that old bastid is one helpful guy... and really puts a smile on my face even if he is making stupid humor about my mother in law's driving...
... From what I have seen here, some people just dunno how to take a funny around here!

Long live the original site bastid!!

Have a Rubbah 1... [/QUOTE]
Rubbha: I'm disliked by half the board.

... Im not one of em!! For all that I have seen on this board, that old bastid is one helpful guy... and really puts a smile on my face even if he is making stupid humor about my mother in law's driving...  
... From what I have seen here, some people just dunno how to take a funny around here!

Long live the original site bastid!!

Have a Rubbah 1... [/QUOTE]
I'm not hating you either, I really appreciate all the crap you went through to help me with my wheel bearings! I was very impressed with your tenacity and wanting to see that I got what I needed, thanks again! NJ.
I think Im going to start posting in the one section of new post, if it has adult content....I will say please click only if your 18....and may I see your ID
   He sorta reminds me of the "Original Site Bastid".
Rubb - I can't of course say what he does or does not remind you of, but from my side of the isle I can say that what distinguishes you far, far above is threefold;  (i) You're absolutely consistent  (ii)  You're not pretentious, and  (iii)  When you're wrong you stand up like a man and say so.

Also, I remember back quite some time ago when you left the board for awhile because you said that you wanted to spend more time with family and friends rather than waste time sitting in front of some damn computer screen.  And you did exactly what you said you were going to do despite the crap flung at you.  You won my respect that day.

Have a Rubbah 1...
Do you need a Kleenex for the corners of your mouth now?
ps get over yourself mr brown, ima noobie to this board and i do not know u or this person you classify as an "idiot" ,  but u seem to have classified yourself as better than most.  i have a box of aloe enriched tissues if this post offends you...
You'll see why I consider him to be an idiot. He likes to form baseless opinions on topics he has no personal knowledge of, and then cries about his physical misfortune when called on them.....qualifies him as an idiot in my book!
For a Family Friendly site you sure are laying into people. Talking smack in good fun is one thing but insulting folks is another.
I for one think the moderators do a pretty good job of sifting the content they deem inappropriate for  The great thing about the country and the internet is if ya want to shout obscenities or show porn there are sites where that is appropriate.  I don't however blame guys who are new and unaware of some of the guidelines related to what links/pics are displayed.  I tip my hat to you guys who do an awesome job of filtering the info.  Sometimes I can't tell when something has been changed/moved/deleted.  They could be micro-managing us, but they don't and I for one appreciate that.

Oh yeah Rubbah, some may not like you because some don't appreciate honesty!  Unfortunately our society has bread us so we'd rather hear what we want to hear rather than the raw truth & rough around the edges truth/opinion.  I'd rather have it from all sides so I'm not ignorant to my own feelings, so I appreciate and laugh at many of your replys.

Have a blessed and fun luvin 1  BD

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Oh yeah Rubbah, some may not like you because some don't appreciate honesty!  Unfortunately our society has bread us so we'd rather hear what we want to hear rather than the raw truth & rough around the edges truth/opinion.  I'd rather have it from all sides so I'm not ignorant to my own feelings, so I appreciate and laugh at many of your replys.

Have a blessed and fun luvin 1  BD
There are about 2 or 3 REAL CLASS ACTS on this board.

Please... dont get me wrong, there are dozens an' dozens of really good people on this site. Lots of awesome folks.

but only 2 or 3 real CLASS ACTS.

I think I'm a real decent guy. I like who I am. I feel that I'm fairly good for mother earth....

but if I died... and could be reincarnated...

I'd be honoured to come back with the spirit,knowledge, and class.... that lives within this man.

hav a blessed an' fun lovin' 1 yerself.... RSD.
well I'm glad thats over with....

  *Group Hug*   XXX OOO

 did I really type that krapp...   yuk.
I'm voting for you as the new moderator...  
Does the phrase ' the lunatics have taken over the asylum ' come to mind..
BIG DR... that phrase ROCKS I love that quote.

yer a smooth talkin' bastid ....

I'm guessin the ladies are putty in yer hands...

Ah yes indeed Rubberducky thats a big 10 4 .. Smooth talkin handsome devil I sure am , even VFRbloke on Tbones wife thread thinks so ...

Putty .'.She who must be obeyed' might slap you across the chops on that one... But I think so .. Gotta go I hear footsteps..
