Fast acceleration and a ticket...?

went by an unmarked "Insert state here" state police car last year @ 180+mph in a 55 zone...kept going... lol
oh and for the nay sayers
I have a tre
I have NOS for the extra 40 horses--and this was in fact the day I was dialing it
I got popped for 85 in a 55 in 04. I actually saw the deputy sheriff coming toward me so I just pulled over and waited as he turned around. He was pretty cool and let me go with a warning. Buy the time he was out of his car, I had my license registration and insurance ready for him. I showed him respect and fortunately he let me off. But he did say that if he ever caught me going that fast again he would take to jail.
Both times I got stopped the cops were so suprised to see an "old man" on a busa they let me go. :rofl: On one of those it was a county Sherrif's deputy that I passed at 140 or so at night, but he did not have a radar reading for me. Very lucky! :whistle:
Got caught for 77 in a 45 zone. Trooper wrote it as 57 in a 45. Saved me 2 extra points and about $200. He said I got a break for stopping.
i got let off the last time as well with just a warning. 84 in a 60. ironically i had just fitted a radar detector which burnt out on the way home ironically. another ironical one was when in 97 i had been a courier in london going through speed cameras left right and centre, without getting a ticket, and then travelling up north to fort willie i got a ticket for 45 in a 30. sneaky bast@rds. the only other time i got caught, they were just testing the gunnn.
I was 20 over, saw the cop oncoming, I pulled over, shut it down, waited for him to turn around and he pulled up behind me, I said " Hey sorr..." He stopped me there and said "oh I'm not giving you a ticket" He ran my stuff, said slow down, and we parted ways.
I know of a guy who tapes a $100 dollar bill to the back of his license, sometimes its not there after the cops comes back with no ticket:whistle:.... other times he is asked what this is on the back and he states its his emergency money.
I know of a guy who tapes a $100 dollar bill to the back of his license, sometimes its not there after the cops comes back with no ticket:whistle:.... other times he is asked what this is on the back and he states its his emergency money.

That's pretty clever, but I have to think that it could cause a problem with the wrong cop. I'm not sure about the legal specifics, but it seems a little risky. Any LEO's out there have any insight on this?
All I know is that in South Carolina if your >25mph over the posted limit you go directly to jail no matter what.

In Qatar if you drivin 1km over limit you get a ticket if speed limit is 80km/hr.

If 100 they give you up to 120, above that you get a ticket as well.
Highway speed is 120km, they give you to 140km/hr, above that you get a ticket. Anything above 160 km/hr you get a hefty fine and 4 points on your license. (Accumulate 14 per annum and you lose your license for a year).

any speed 180km + gets you to court, jail is a possibility.

And if at any speed and you been drinkin', possible deportation! Zero Alcohol Tolerance.
well my run ins with the law this year have been interesting. 80 in a 65 Nevada county sheriff let me off with a warning. next doing a wheelie down sun rise blvd got pulled over by a citrus heights cop and he said nice wheelie now knock that **** off and let me go , next i got popped by a chp for doing 69 in a 40 while writing the ticket he try'd to recruit me for the chp so i said i would and got wrote for 50 in a 40 , next is my favorite i was traveling down hwy80 in Sacramento ca and was spotted by a chp plane doing in excess of 130 i passed 2 patrol cars on the side of the road and they didn't even move so i got off the freeway to get gas while putting gas in my bike 4 patrol cars 2 motor officers and the plane arrived at my location and after a long talk with the officers and the fact that i am in the selection process for the chp they only wrote me for 90 in a 65 so exactly 25 over only a $361 fine to be payed and i can send it in don't even have to go to court. yea i have a speeding problem on my bike. 4 years as a courier for dhl and never a ticket 6 months with a busa and 2 tickets and a very angry wife. but i wouldnt chang a thing:rulez:
i've never been pulled over before.

are you supposed to get off the bike right away?

i assume you take your helmet off right away after getting off.

anything else to seem cooperative?
In the last 3 years of riding my Busa, only been stopped once for not using my turn signals when passing. I was doing about 50 to 55 mph on a 40. They asked for license and registration....ran a check, then gave it back and let me go with a warning.
Around here (I live in Miami) what they are more interested in usually are the Bike Night riders doing 130 on a 45 up and down US1 and on the more main highway stretches like the Palmetto Expressway. The cops set up sting ops on Thursday Bike Night and the stretch of road that goes to Key West on the weekends and if you're caught at those speeds, your bike is confescated and you go to jail now due to the increase in careless riders here. 1st team of cops spots them and radios team 2 which is waiting for them a few miles down. We happen to have alot of careless riders around here giving us a bad rep by speeding and tragically many getting scooped up off the road on the weekends, not mature enough to know when they can and can't break loose. I've been known to let the throttle loose from time to time...but you should always be safe and careful of others or maybe save it for the track. These bikers get caught by the cops like fish in a net on those nights or like I said before, getting scooped up by the fire rescue. Tragic and sad. They're mostly young guys with little experience. It makes our "relations" with car drivers and cops out there a little more difficult around here. :-(
when i get stoped the onley thing i do is shut the bike down and put my hands out to my sides so they can see them then wait fo them to tell me exactly want they want me to do usually they keep you on the bike if it is off it makes it harder to run and if you try they can just push you over:rofl:
Nothing yet-hope it stays that way.Florida is now a truly pins & needles state to ride a bike in-especially a Hayabusa.It's actually kind of hard to stay at the speed limit on one of these bikes.Kinda rediculous laws if you ask me.