First ride (WOW)

busaaa in the snooWW! :laugh:

over here, it'll be full-on sunny with no clouds, and 20 mins later, a fricken downpour.

heres to an early and long summer! :beerchug:
Nice bike. I had the same problems with the mirrors--all I saw was elbow. I put on those mirror extenders and it works wonders. Cheap and easy fix!
Try the convex mirrors first and if they don't work out then upgrade, cheapest option first is the rule I use when troubleshooting :whistle:

Welcome to the .Org
I agree stock mirrors suck
In order to see u have to get the mirror just right then move over to one side to see out of it..
i would just get those 1000 mirrors and they look better..

sent from my busa