Flying Swan Coffeehous first motorcycle cafe

Laguna gonna be fun!! Biggest event on my 2003 Calendar. Usually seeing CART in Portland is my favorite event, but my instincts tell me riding to Monterey and hangin out with the gang is gonna be off the hook!
Hey Chris,
last year we organized a year to Seatte Torrefazione Coffeehouse. They our supplier. check it out.

Seattle is 4 hours from my home. How long for you to get there?
Portland, 1 1/4 hours from here, how long for you?

Sorry I'm not good with figuring such things...
for a gal as busy as you are, you sure are talkative!

Must be off tonite, trying to drum up some business...
Hope you have a significant one to spend the Holidays with.
you're right, even I hate to admit it..I'm very talkative. This is Christmas so the cafe is closed for a week.
I have my boyfriend and all my family to spend christmas..but I'm a web addict. Here's a picture of my significant other and myself and our bikes on our way to Laguna.

Cache the Laguna ride is a blast! I will do it every year until I am unable to ride. We were told between 80 and 100 thousand motorcycles it is trully off the hook!! Flying Swan look forward to seeing you and your friends at Laguna.

The background looks like home to us Pacific Northwest'erners... (spelling? )

Off ta sleep now, keep up the good work.. gonna take you up on the free lunch sometime!

Cache the Laguna ride is a blast! I will do it every year until I am unable to ride. We were told between 80 and 100 thousand motorcycles it is trully off the hook!! Flying Swan look forward to seeing you and your friends at Laguna.
WOW! Some program up there.

I am already planning a trip up their in 2003. I am thinking a 4 or 5 day weekend. Havoc (Vancouver, WA) also mentioned it, but not sure if he was serious. I am serious, but timing is an issue for me. I was thinking August, but late May-early June could also work for me. I understand that Vancouver is 4-5 hours from Portland.

So Swan, if we are going to visit, is there a particular event or date that we should shoot for? Keep up the good work!

BTW, some of your pics did not appear. Please try again.
Daa, I posted the wrong post. Anyway I am in California's Central Valley about four hours away from Laguna. Went last year, had a great time, if you can imagine it, it will probably be there. But it will be great to get more Busa's on Canery Row.
You know, I thi9nk that Kent (Hawaii) and someone else (Doc maybe) is planning to tour the Northwest. Perhaps we could get a fair size group to meet up there.
