Flying Swan Coffeehous first motorcycle cafe

This is not the best place to talk about it, (Don't wanna reign on Swan's parade post) but,
busabullett, Thinker and I will be going, along with many many more. Going to be the biggest Busa gathering in HISTORY! Get ready!!!!!!!
This is not the best place to talk about it, (Don't wanna reign on Swan's parade post) but,
busabullett, Thinker and I will be going, along with many many more. Going to be the biggest Busa gathering in HISTORY!  Get ready!!!!!!!
Always ready !! Already bought tickets and reservations! It is on!!
I see the pic now, sorry. So what does the cafe serve? Is it like a Starbucks, or more like a restaurante?
Sonoma bikefest in April/May & L.Seca in July are both for sure for me and I know I will be up to see my buddy in Seattle sometime in the summer. Last summer I drove a mini van from Vancouver to Whistler ... what nice roads! and the 1st time I have ever seen more sportbikes than Harleys. Hope to ride there too this coming summer. yeeeeehaw!
I just read all of this thread and all I can say is, Absolutely Fantastic!!! I'll keep watching for when you guys set a date to go up there. I have an extra week's vacation next year.

Awesome Swan, just Awesome!
flying swan,

Very nice, I will keep following this thread and may plan on meeting everyone at your July trip. Sounds like a winner to me. The pic is old, cause I have an FJR now. Pictures are always good any who.
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Hey Thinker62...We're staying at the Best Western Victoria Inn in Monterey. It's expensive but it'll be well worth it to be close to Cannery Row.
I post all our long weekend rides on my next post and maybe it will work out with some of your schedules. If you're close enough you can crash here or some of my other riding friends and then we could leave the nect morning for our riding adventure. All the routes we plan are absolutely breathtaking. It's well worth the track up the I-5, trust me. I will keep all of you posted. Here's one of our summer rides.

Hey Thinker62...We're staying at the Best Western Victoria Inn in Monterey. It's expensive but it'll be well worth it to be close to Cannery Row.
I post all our long weekend rides on my next post and maybe it will work out with some of your schedules. If you're close enough you can crash here or some of my other riding friends and then we could leave the nect morning for our riding adventure. All the routes we plan are absolutely breathtaking. It's well worth the track up the I-5, trust me. I will keep all of you posted. Here's one of our summer rides.

Hey, it works for me. She is awesome, and has as much class as Lobusa. we are lucky to have 2 of them around bringing life to this board and keeping us in our places.

You guys are so kind. I think I met Lobusa in Monterey. I'm not sure. I'll find the picture and post it.
Did I you now I'm addicted to your's going to be hard to get rid of me now.
Julia, you should see if any of your friends would join our group. Always looking for more talkers! At least your boyfriend, he does have a Busa...

Buy a shirt when you get the chance!
Sometimes my mind skirts the edges of a photographic memory (really). I thought that Swan's pic looked I am remembering a post somewhere saying something like..."I am the Asian girl you met at Laguna, great meeting you...etc" For some reason, I made this connection when Swan mentioned Lobusa...I wonder if she posted the picture a while ago.

OK, I may be loosing it.

Sometimes my mind skirts the edges of a photographic memory (really). I thought that Swan's pic looked I am remembering a post somewhere saying something like..."I am the Asian girl you met at Laguna, great meeting you...etc" For some reason, I made this connection when Swan mentioned Lobusa...I wonder if she posted the picture a while ago.

OK, I may be loosing it.

Ask, and Ye shall receive.
I'm the Asian girl you met at Laguna...

I remembered that post! As a Genii I have a mind like a steel seive!
Am i good or what? Now who is rickster? Is that another female rider?

Cache, I know you are good, but how did you find that? Did you do some type of search using key words like Asian Girl?
Okay I remember now, I met Rickster at Laguna..she belongs to all female riding club, I think from LA. They all rode down. I don't remember their names. But she didn't respond my post, oh well, she's probably busy.
Here's a picture of me and my boyfriend on our busas, we just got them, so this is my first ride on it. I was looking pretty tense.
