Hey Gang,
August is actually an awesome time to come up. I'm planning a 3 day ride in an area called Nakusp. The roads have just been paved. I can't explain exactly how beautiful the scenery, road, and people are up there because you guys won't believe me anyways. But I have to tell there's not a car in sight. That's the beauty of this ride. We're doing this ride August 15/16/17. If that's not enough we could add the 14th as well. Let me know if that's good for you. At that time of year there's a big rally for one of my clubs so it ends up being a great big party and an incredible ride at the same time. The best thing to do is decide on the dates and then we can go from there. Anyways, I'll probably met all of you in Laguna, so I can bring some map and routes down with me. That way I can hook you all into coming up at least once during the summer.