Amen to that. Unfortunately the main leader of that movement would probably die an untimely accidental death or develop a crippling disease like Creutzfeld-Jakobs Disease (mad cow/ cjd [human variant]). With the trillions of dollars at stake, a group with this kind of power would probably start another civil war or label the ringleader criminally insane. They did it to some very public figures during the turmoil of the 1960s. JFK, RFK, MLK all were terminated, thus effectively silencing the anti-establishment and preventing further mass scale activism and potential revolution. Think about the chain of people from the source to the retailer that would have a lot to lose. Heads would roll on a scale that would make the commonly known organized crime syndicates look like school kids plotting a foodfight in the cafeteria. It starts with a letter writing campaign up the chain of this so called democracy that if really vast and successful would have the unavoidable result of reversing the price gouging we experience through sheer numbers of protesting public. No single individual would be identifiable as the perpetrator of the movement.
Let's vote on what to call the movement... I suggest "Protest for Petroleum Reform" an exercise in applied democracy.
Think about the freedom of information act and do some research about election campaign contributors. That will spell everything out for you the public everyday hard working American of all walks of life and ethnic origins. Bill Gates has nothing on the wealth amassed by the domestic oil cartels and their leveraged political influence. Think about scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. In other words, "Get me elected and I will look the other way, dad".
When the American tax-payer foots the bill for $87,000,000,000 in initial contracts to rebuild somebody else's country, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!!
Who got paid on that deal? I didn't see a dime, did you? Halliburton, Defense Industrial Complex (War Industry), Petroleum cartels thinking about the future re-development of the infrastructure, US Defense affiliated companies looking to reap the benefits and line their pockets sure got paid. War and rebuilding is BIG BUSINESS. I know that I am not the only one that sees this critical defect. I have heard the term "Fleecing of America" I believe that it is the title of a book. I haven't read it and don't intend to.
This information is the stuff you aren't supposed to hear in newcasts. Let me give a recent example from CNN (Belgrade, SCG [Serbia]) "a prominent political leader and war criminal from the war in Bosnia was captured and turned over to International War Crime Tribunal today" then hush-hush "and in other news the United States approved a $10,000,000 aid package for Serbia".
Why should I, an unappreciated American Taxpayer have to pay to have some so-called war criminal extradited from Serbia to The Hague for prosecution? Excuse me but that is total unadulterated Bull***t. Makes me the US Citizen look like a fool for condoning it.
Foreign Policy also needs a reform and Americans need a real refund, not some token $600 like a few years ago. Yeah give the dummies some cash to make them see it our way, they will spend it anyway and that will stimulate the economy. Ha ha he he good idea son you really know how to run a scam.
So many tangents so little time.