WOW, where's flood control when you need it?You are the misinformation machine and have proved it.
WOW, where's flood control when you need it?You are the misinformation machine and have proved it.
The only fast way to stop it would effectively stop the country dead in it's tracks.Yeah, how can the U.S. buy it and sell it to us for 2.25 a gallon, but ship it out to other countries and sell it for .25 a gallon?? How do we as a country stop this?
I'm with you there,the US is a great place to live,I'm currently living in the UAE,wonderful place to work, live , raise a family,I'm just not that big on censorship so I'll be returning to the US as soon as I accomplish my financial goals or I get fired,at which point I'll open my business there.A very sportbike and military friendly eatery.You know every Gov't is corrupt, now the question is which Gov't is least corrupt?
I suggest we move there.....
78 cents a gallon I paid in GA a few days after 911 now its over 2 bucks.
Italy I would pay $6.50 a gallon.
I still think America is the best place to live.
I hear you NJ. Means to an end...I'm with you there,the US is a great place to live,I'm currently living in the UAE,wonderful place to work, live , raise a family,I'm just not that big on censorship so I'll be returning to the US as soon as I accomplish my financial goals or I get fired,at which point I'll open my business there.A very sportbike and military friendly eatery.You know every Gov't is corrupt, now the question is which Gov't is least corrupt?
I suggest we move there.....
78 cents a gallon I paid in GA a few days after 911 now its over 2 bucks.
Italy I would pay $6.50 a gallon.
I still think America is the best place to live.
The military families will never let that happen! The economy was good, but the cuts were in the wrong areas such as defence spending,should have been in the welfare system and senate and congressional salaries! These guys are cleaning up with their salaries.He's still loved by all here with his support for the Palestinian cause though.NJ.+1 on the movement to re-elect Clinton...
he is - without a doubt - @Pimp
I see, were all spoon fed monkey's who swallow anything "they" feed us until your liberal agenda is put on the table. Clinton was a joke and a disgrace to this country and the office. The impeachment wasn't about sex, it was about honesty, integrity, or simple put lying. I guess when Alabama disbarred him they were on a witch hunt too.Clinton did it because it had merit. And, nothing more than Humanitarian relief is what it resulted in. These people were getting killed by the thousands because of a movement for independence that became ethnic cleansing and genocide. There isn't any OIL here. He did it because these people needed help even though they call themselves MUSLIM. Everybody else around the world didn't care about these people. There was a weapons embargo into SARAJEVO. Sarajevo was blockaded by people who identify themselves as Christians (orthodox serbs). It was just turning into another crusade. They needed help like the jews needed help during the actions of Germany's National Socialist party during WWII. So think on that for a while. The actions of President Bill Clinton are still praised by the Bosniaks (ethnic muslims) here and the Serbs hate him. It's the same old love and hate relationship with the US but this is one that I will stand up for and bow to Clinton for making that step. He did good things and they (GOP/ OLD MONEY/ YOU) tried to impeach him for trying to get laid. I would be happy to finance his romp at the Mustang Ranch if he took me up on it because he deserves a good time for what kind of crap was laid on him by people like you. It was a noble cause so just pack it in, you are finished. You have no argument and know not what you speak.
Again alot of talking with not much of anything said. Your hypocracy is easy to see in your posts and it seems you don't like them being pointed out. I would throw in the towel too if my arguement was as week as yours, "the worlds problems boil down to Bush, Haliburton, oil and the republicans" your fix seems to be a rehash of the Clinton era and Mustang ranch sex parties. Back to the subject at hand of high oil prices, what should the president do? You have so much criticism and no alternatives which makes your argument weak. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?You don't know my full understanding of politics and therefore cannot quote or accuse me of a single sided political agenda. Look ZOMBIEthe fact is that you had your very much needed beauty sleep with dreams of those oil sipping elephants and now you feel invigorated to go for round three.![]()
You are welcome to sling your strategic mud at me for having a voice and well backed opinion that many members of this board agree with.
Your oh so really very painful and extremely effective cheapshots discourage me from wanting more, I am going for the towel now and grabbing the top rope to toss it in. Oh wait no nevermind that! My meds are really starting to work now....
Look joker, this is the deal. You ready? Tell me when you are because you know I am just chomping at the bit.
Come on, come on, do it, do it now! I am here, cam on KELL ME! (Schwarzenegger "Predator")
Oh wait he is a Republican too but I don't dislike him, niether do I dislike Reagan. I must be indecisive or non-partisan and just observant of injustice regardless of Political party... Anti-Big OIL? ME? I guess I must be because you say so. After all I am just an American citizen. Your methods are working I am starting to overheat. I'm melting into your mold and compartmental envelope of the Republican brainwashed zombie. I am starting to look and talk like you. Next I will change my avatar to that of a zombie republican war mongering Uncle Sam and call myself JustinTime2a. I like your Busa's mods and will do that next. Except I will one up you and tell you that yours are not right because my psychological conditioning has permeated my personality to where it is indistinguishable from every other zombie. Oohhh Aaahhh hhhheeee aaarrrrr ffffeeedddd mmmmeeeee hhhhuuuuuhhhh.
The last time I checked the USA was still the place the world comes to for a degree and then some head back home to use it. With Clinton as your beacon of hope there is only one professor you should be hanging out with and that is Tom Likus.You don't know how to read. You are in denial. You are dislexic The solutions have been presented so spend three hours reading through this several times again and this time pay attention because the final exam is coming and your weak mind won't manage much more than a D- because I pity you and don't want to see you again next semester in my class. You have slipped through cracks and are the reason we must reform the educational system in order to compete with nearly every other modern country. Oh wait you want us to be dumber than other modern countries' populous because then you can do as you please....