Frame Sliders

If you want to use an O-ring, you'll have to find one the has a groove cut in the oitside edge (and the has a diameter of just over 2 in, so it will stay in).  You may have to cut the groove into yourself (watch the digits).  It would work just fine, but I decided on getting the complete kit.
Yeah, I've looked and not been able to find one of that size. Not a big deal really, but would be a nice touch to finish it off.
Thanks TruWrecks, I will order the part, also whats the story on the busa? I hope your doing a mod.
Nah, the Busa's fine, I'm not. Ruptured a disk in my lower back. I have an MRI appointment Monday night to see the extent of the damage. It sucks, but it's part of life!

I put the Busa into "storage mode" for a while. She's sitting up on racing stands for the duration of my recovery. This does give me some time for adding new mods.

Well I did the frame slider mod today, took a good 3 hours to do both sides. For one it's not the easiest mod to do since one mistake can cost a lot. I tried the clay thing that truwreck suggested but could not get a good enough imprint to determined the right location. What helped was all of your photos, from them I got a good enough location to drill one pilot hole to find the engine mount. From there I moved the hole to dead center over the engine mount unscrewed the engine bolt and put in the frame slider upside down and tightened it. Outlined the frame slider and removed the fairing. Used a high speed grinder to remove the rest of the fairing and was done. Side one took most likely 2 hours side 2 was done in less than 1 hour.
Good job, manatrader. Post up pics to add to the collection and help out those doing it in the future.
Took some photo's the flash lights up the sides of the cut and make them look white, need to figure out how to paint the sides so they do not look like that, did not notice until I took the photo's.
Took some photo's the flash lights up the sides of the cut and make them look white, need to figure out how to paint the sides so they do not look like that, did not notice until I took the photo's.

for anyone thinking of doing this mod the left side hole touchs the edge of the fairing screw hole. Take a look at my first pic to give you an idea. The right side is about 2 inches center of slider to center of fairing bolt, left side is about 1.5 inches. With that good cutting.:D
Thanks for those picture manatrader... doing my frame slider mod tomorrow! Pictures will surely help my installation....
Question, What's up with the sliders on the 2000 busa in the new post? they're up higher in a different location.