Nobody rides mine, and I don't ride anybody else's bike. Your friend should understand who you are, and accept that fact.
Hey...Bass, sup with your friend? huh?Dear Org.
I get home last night from being TDY in FL. Read a couple of emails. Check the org. PM Shibumi about his Pazzo's. After I install my levers, a friend come over to the house. He see my bike and asks if he can take it out. I say no very quickly. My wife said I sounded very mean and upset when saying it. I did not know that you can sound both mean and upset when using a two letter word??? Anyway, I went away feeling bad. I have no problems with letting someone with a busa or other high end sport bike ride my bike. I assume that they understand how I feel about my stuff. They respect it becuase they respect their own. My friend does not understand busas. He always asks the stupid questions like why do you wear gear. He can ride, but just not my bike!! He mentioned that he has seen me offer my bike to other friends, and I have. (They ride busas. They own or have owned several. They teach me everytime I get around them) My friend misses all of that!!!! He is upset at me now. I understand his point. But I will not change my mind.
Tom (Postal) you know who I am talking about. He asked to ride your bike a while back. What do you guys do in a situation like this?
+2+1Only one ass sits on that seat..... and that "ass" is me![]()
Nice...Dear Friends Mother, i am writing this to inform you that your Son is dead. See, he asked me to ride my 175hp motorcycle and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying No, so i let him. Things went great from what the accident investigation team said until he hit a stretch of open road and decided to roll on the throttle hard. Well since he had no previous Busa experience he did not realize he was going to get up to 185 mph before reaching the 35mph curve to the right. I've mailed his body to you in two boxes to save on freight. Don't worry, I used two glad bags in each box. have a nice day...