I always think "What if"I've been waiting all day for twin Italian Brunetts with big t!ts and thigh highs to show up and ask me to have my way with them
until then and only then Im sticking with there is no God
pray harder damit
i always think "what if"
what if i am wrong and there is no god... Well i lived a good life i was happy with... I died and it was over...
What if you are wrong.. You may or may not live a good life and you pass on, you then have to explain to the big guy why you denied his existence in the face of all that was good.. He even sent messengers to remind you that there was somebody overseeing all.. You instead laughed in his face...
In the grand scheme of things, our paltry few years on this planet are nothing.. If you lived to be 300 years old, what is that in the grand scheme of time? Not so much as a spec of sand on a beach..
I know of very few people that have done much for anyone in their own name.. I do know that some of the greatest men attribute greatness to a higher power..
I always think "What if"
What if I am wrong and there is no god... well I lived a good life I was happy with... I died and it was over...
What if you are wrong.. you may or may not live a good life and you pass on, you then have to explain to the big guy why you denied his existence in the face of all that was good.. He even sent messengers to remind you that there was somebody overseeing all.. you instead laughed in his face...
It's in the bible that says that good works alone will not get you into heaven. It's your personal relationship with God that insures your eternal salvation.
Then I don't agree with the bible. Even if that's called sacreligious, my relationship with God is not imagined. That, to me, is the true definition of faith.
You know.. I forgot.. God does have a sense of humor when it comes to stuff like that..![]()
I always think "What if"
What if I am wrong and there is no god... well I lived a good life I was happy with... I died and it was over...
What if you are wrong.. you may or may not live a good life and you pass on, you then have to explain to the big guy why you denied his existence in the face of all that was good.. He even sent messengers to remind you that there was somebody overseeing all.. you instead laughed in his face...
In the grand scheme of things, our paltry few years on this planet are nothing.. if you lived to be 300 years old, what is that in the grand scheme of time? not so much as a spec of sand on a beach..
I know of very few people that have done much for anyone in their own name.. I do know that some of the greatest men attribute greatness to a higher power..
It's in the bible that says that good works alone will not get you into heaven. It's your personal relationship with God that insures your eternal salvation.
DevilDog, you can make all the jokes you want. I, honestly, really pity you on the day of judgement. It's coming. Hell is no place to be, it's real. No Busa, no happiness, no nothing but hell..... for eternity. That's FOREVER, think about it. Forever. Our lives are based on time and our thinking of that things come to an end. Picture doing something you REALLY hate, it's easy to do knowing it'll be over eventually, that or knowing if yu die it'll end. Now picture there is no end to it. Ever..... ever. Death is not an option.
It's easy to laugh it off now....
a "what if" christian is worse off than any athiest if god exists
all in favor for "day with out a straight" say I...
getting sick of all these minorty groups getting speacial attention.. If you need a day off cause of your sexual preferance thats great, go home and I will pick up the slack..
Hmmmm didnt notice anything..
I am thinking MAYBE if they really want to have an affect they should have gay month.. I mean just call in sick for a month and lets see if that has any affect, we will revisit this issue afterwards![]()
I take it you and god have shared a couple chuckles at the local pub?![]()
It's in the bible that says that good works alone will not get you into heaven. It's your personal relationship with God that insures your eternal salvation.
DevilDog, you can make all the jokes you want. I, honestly, really pity you on the day of judgment. It's coming. Hell is no place to be, it's real. No Busa, no happiness, no nothing but hell..... for eternity. That's FOREVER, think about it. Forever. Our lives are based on time and our thinking of that things come to an end. Picture doing something you REALLY hate, it's easy to do knowing it'll be over eventually, that or knowing if yu die it'll end. Now picture there is no end to it. Ever..... ever. Death is not an option.
It's easy to laugh it off now....
I always think "What if"
What if I am wrong and there is no god... well I lived a good life I was happy with... I died and it was over...
What if you are wrong.. you may or may not live a good life and you pass on, you then have to explain to the big guy why you denied his existence in the face of all that was good.. He even sent messengers to remind you that there was somebody overseeing all.. you instead laughed in his face...
In the grand scheme of things, our paltry few years on this planet are nothing.. if you lived to be 300 years old, what is that in the grand scheme of time? not so much as a spec of sand on a beach..
I know of very few people that have done much for anyone in their own name.. I do know that some of the greatest men attribute greatness to a higher power..