that's such horse sh*t......fairys don't have tridents....right???
See the beauty of being American is you are free to look stupid by dressing as a fairy and carrying a trident.
that's such horse sh*t......fairys don't have tridents....right???
I have always had a caveat to all the "Faith" based religions.. (I personally abhor organized religion and have good reason too) But I do think that everyone is born with a "barometer" built in that tells them "wrong from right".. (I think your post reflects that same view)OK, here is the essense of my disagreement with you. I believe in God, but I don't believe that the belief is important. I believe that living right, treating others as I'd like to be treated, is all that matters. I've had this discussion endless times, and the response is always "how do you know what living 'right' is?" "Who are you to judge what is right?"
My answer is that you can lie to everyone except yourself. Ironically, you live can live away from everyone except yourself. Someone planned that perfectly.
I have always had a caveat to all the "Faith" based religions.. (I personally abhor organized religion and have good reason too) But I do think that everyone is born with a "barometer" built in that tells them "wrong from right".. (I think your post reflects that same view)
You know every time you cross that line and I think in the end, you are going to answer for those meanderings into the wrong side.. This barometer is not the same for everyone, it could not possibly be..
Tribal life in the Amazon for instance.. for millennium there have been tribes that practice cannibalism.. Who is to say that is "wrong".. for them it could be no different than us say eating a hamburger.. (sacred animal in India).. So who is to judge now?
Now anyone here had a NDE? what was the sensation? Love? total? absolute? sure could be just a chemical reaction but I got my doubts..
So anyway.. I know that if I do not state what I think is wrong when I see it, I will have to answer for sitting idle even though it might make a ratazz difference to anyone else.. I did what I was supposed to.. Now you do the same![]()
He isnt gay just plain lazy.Im glad he did I got in 12 hours because of it.
Only time I say no 2 overtime is if yOu ask me have I had enough.
I am glad I can say my life consists of more than being proud of going after more overtime. I actually enjoy being around my kids and girlfriend and of course riding.
ok i got a story for ya to...i used to work at the minium dorms at the prison as a correctional officer, and i had a crew of inmates that i sent down to the dairy everyday to help the free staff milk the day the free staff supervisor calls me and tells me i have to come out to the dairy because this inmates got his thingy in a calfs mouth and the cafe thinks its milk time and wont let go...calves have about a 50 grit sand paper toung and wouldent let go...i wont say how we got the calf to stop but the guy needed a trip to county for some doctor work
I am glad I can say my life consists of more than being proud of going after more overtime. I actually enjoy being around my kids and girlfriend and of course riding.
9 pages of hypocrit posts. What ever happened to "Judge not lest ye be judged"? What ever happened to hate the sin, love the sinner? Just something to think about............
It's in the bible that says that good works alone will not get you into heaven. It's your personal relationship with God that insures your eternal salvation.
DevilDog, you can make all the jokes you want. I, honestly, really pity you on the day of judgement. It's coming. Hell is no place to be, it's real. No Busa, no happiness, no nothing but hell..... for eternity. That's FOREVER, think about it. Forever. Our lives are based on time and our thinking of that things come to an end. Picture doing something you REALLY hate, it's easy to do knowing it'll be over eventually, that or knowing if yu die it'll end. Now picture there is no end to it. Ever..... ever. Death is not an option.
It's easy to laugh it off now....
I've been studying the Satanic Bible. What I've found interesting through all the trashing, bashing, and picking apart of other religions it does. It NEVER says there is no hell or heaven. Even the Satanic bible acknowledges Jesus AND God. IF A SATANIC BIBLE AND ONE WHO WOULD WRITE SUCH A THING ACKNOWLEDGES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND JESUS SHOULD THIS NOT BE A CLUE THAT THEY DO EXIST! And if you can accept the fact that they DO exist then MAYBE we should consider what they say to be serious ESPECIALLY the part that explains YOUR eternity.
GMbusa, this was not directed at you your just the one that made me reply![]()
IM GLAD YOUR HAPPY IN LIFE.I BEEN POURING ON THE O.T just 4 the record the house that ran out has small children living there rather not let them freeze.NOT TRYINT 2 DEFEND MY ACTIONS HOWEVER i SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH WORKING OT LOTS PEOPLE DO IT.
YO KOKO YOU GOING 2 Louisville derby day drags next year.
We could hangout my amigo got down 2 like 6 bikes last year.
We almost got some $$$
Thats me+ the bike he was racing. (he owns like 4 bikes) keeps buying my old ones.Thats always a good time
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- Christmas In Hollis - Run-D.M.C. (HQ Audio)[/url]
ha..No morals here bro,I just could personlly care less what anyone does behing closed doors,me personally,I like giner way too much but to each their own. no different then martin luther king day for the blacks,columbus day for the italians,st patty's day for the irish,veterens day for veterens(which I am one),everybody wants their day to be recognized,so be it, why not the gays and lesbiens. do you really care?
this forum is for bike related topics,not this BS,theres other forums on this site for this,thats why its irrelevent,but whatevermhave a field day with it if it makes you happy.
nice write, thank you for taking the time to lay that out for usI have never read the "Satanic Bible" while I try to keep an open mind and I have studied other religions, reading the Satanic Bible is something at this time I don’t have a good feeling about reading.
With that said however, I have “heard†(don’t know if it is true) that the book was named the Satanic Bible more for shock and awe than anything else. That the author is an atheist and he doesn’t believe in God, or heaven or hell or Satan.You're absolutely right...the author named it the satanic bible to blaspheme christianity.
Another thing that is irritating is people always criticize religious people for being hypocrites.. well yeah, of course Christians are hypocrites, EVERYONE is a hypocrite to some extent and/or at some point or time in their life.I try not to call people hypocrits when it comes to faith UNLESS they're the "in your face, i'm better than you because I claim tobelieve in god" type. I pride myself on the life I live and choices I make, not from fear of god, but because I chose to live in the manner. Some christians who live "worse" than I do just can't help but start shouting out scripture that 100% contradicts something they may have said not 5 minutes earlier.
Everyone who is not a Christian or who does not believe in God, please try to read the following with an open mind and try to understand the best you can what I am trying to say.
And please keep in mind, I am not trying to preach to any of you. I am explaining what being a Christian is about so those of you that are not might have a better understanding.
In my mind there is a whole set of dynamics that covers pretty much every issue in regards to other religions, how everything works for the over all good and I am at peace with everything I believe and feel. Unfortunately a lot of the stuff I know and I feel I believe God has placed upon my heart and my mind for my own personal benefit because try as hard as I may I cannot seem to articulate clearly the most important questions that people have that I have come to understand.
To some of you that might sound as a cop out, some of you will fully understand what I am saying. But honestly, it is not a cop out. Just the way it is.
Now to explain what being a Christian is about.
The whole point about being a Christian is acknowledging you cant get to heaven by works alone. Being a Christian means you believe that to get to heaven you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. There is no works we can do to get to heaven. Leading the most pure and sinless life possible does no good.
Being a Christian does not mean you will never sin, what it means is that you are still a sinner but you have a free pass to heaven because Jesus died for your salvation.
Now, here is where the water gets reallllly muddy, murky and treacherous.
As a Christian we know that God knows we are going to sin, but there is a fine line between sinning and saying to God “oh crap I did it again†and having a sincere heart of not wanting to do it anymore. Or committing a sin, knowing it is a sin and not even being worried about it because “I am savedâ€
I mean does that make any sense? It basically boils down to your heart and how you perceive your sin. makes perfect sense
Kind of like one of the problems I have with some attitude of Catholics. “some†have no problems with going out and doing whatever they want because they “know†on Sunday they can go to confession and it will be ok. I personally feel that type of attitude is dangerous when it comes to God, sinning and the whole forgiveness thing.
Are the Catholics wrong? To paraphrase “Only God knowsâ€
But personally I don’t feel good about it.
As far as people bunching in Islamic terrorist with the Muslim faith and trying to make a comparison as to “who’s God is right?†Islamic terrorists who are killing people “in the name of Allah are the same as the Christian extremists who bomb abortion clinics, or try to enforce their Christian “religion†upon others.agreed
In my opinion both Christian Extremists and Islamic terrorists worship the same God, a false one.
At least they don’t serve the God I serve.
As I have stated before, I have briefly studied the Koran and was left with feeling a true follower of the Koran and the Muslim faith is not much different than a true Christian.
All of you who slam these beliefs are only looking at the worst examples and judging all based on people who are not practicing the faith as they extraordinarily large percentage
The “Christian†crusades that everyone seems to condemn Christians for. Guess what? The crusades were all about power and greed from men, and men used Gods name to accomplish their greedy was also the result of the fabricated bible that you know as your own. do you feel you can trust these greedy men in what they delivered to you as the word of god?
So yeah, when you call a Christian a hypocrite, well guess what we are. That is why I am pretty honest with people about my feelings. I don’t try to hide the fact that I have perverted sexual desiresme too...we're like twins
, but I do restrain myself.
I don’t hide the fact that I sometimes get angry, because I do.
I don’t hide the fact that sometimes (not often) I latterly would like to kill someone that pisses me off. Because I do.
But as the bible says, it is not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, it is what comes out.then you're ok with gays as long as they swallow?? (dirty dirty joke opportunity there....i'm sorry hehe
The general teaching of this passage means you have NO control over the thoughts that come into your head, you can only control how you act upon those thoughts.
And we are all human. Sometimes we can suppress our thoughts and our desires that might be considered bad. And well, sometimes we cant.
Being a Christian does not automatically take every desire for worldly pleasures away. Sometimes it does. But more often than not it is a long process.
God doesn’t want you to get your crap together and live a righteous life BEFORE you get to know him. He wants you to get to know him while you are living in all of your sins, in all of your perversions. He accepts you for who you are. And then he works with you.. throughout your entire life.
So call us Christians hypocritical,. Call us evil, call us the worse sinners of all.. because guess what folks.. we are.. the difference is we understand and realize God loves us anyway.
THAT my friends is what being a Christian is about. It is not being perfect because we know we never will be, it is not about no longer sinning, because we know that is not possible, It is not about not being hypocritical because in a lot of ways we are more hypocritical than everyone else because we TRY to live by certain guidelines and we often fall short. But at least we TRY to live by a certain code that is nor harmful to others. don't forget the mention the huge self righteous attitude that in many cases is included free of's not the faith that atheists have a problem with. To each his own. It's the "I'm better than you" attitude and the perpetual desire to save someones soul out of pity...pity derived from the dissatisfaction in finding that someone doesn't think the same way you do. (You is used in a colloquial sense, not as a stab at you) i'm bad with dangling modifiers
So with that, I feel lead to not say anything further.
So to those who find themselves so emotionally affected by homosexuals that you find it perfectly ok to deny them rights you enjoy, I say go to China or Iran they are very happy living denying human rights.
If my tax payer dollars are going to help build GAY bathrooms because that groups demands places to have public sex in "without bothering others", you bet I'm going to step up and complain. Did you even know that is currently in the agenda? Gay bathrooms for sex? I wasn't kidding about that. Go check with your ACLU chapter. Do you think building a special bathroom for gay sex is a "RIGHT"? I sure don't. HETROs aren't even legally allowed to do it in public bathrooms, why should gays get special restroom for doing it? its stupid and silly. WE STRAIT PEOPLE don't wanna hear about it.
Gay is ALL ABOUT THE SEX part, nothing else. Whenever it makes news, it equals gay sex. THAT's why people are complaining about them. There are all kinds of other personal fethishes people are into that other people don't complain about, because it's not so public and in yer face in the news all the time. Private life should be exactly that: PRIVATE.
and I DO hate the sin, not the sinner. if someone reads more than that into it, not my problem.
without a so called "GOD" then there cant be a "Satin" so ofcourse the "santanic bible" is gonna suggest there be a god.or there would be no santanic bible.
its kinda like,if there are no criminals there need not be police
if there is no UP there is no DOWN
if there is no IN there is no OUT
if there is no HELLO there is no GOODBYE
Get it?
for every action there has to be a reaction
physics man, or maybe more common sense
im just saying!