It is not fair. people can talk all day long about gay issues as long as it is PRO GAY but no one better say anything against it!!
When the proposition in California came up a few years back about gay marriages, I think it was prop 22 or something. I had a sign in my front yard in support of banning gay marriages, it was stolen like 3 times, I finally had run cattle hot wire around it and booby trapped my front yard to keep it from getting stolen
There were people in my city that had threats of violence against them because they had signs in the front yard supporting a ban on gay marriages.
So the bottom line is, it is ok for gay people to threaten hetero sexuals with violence and law suits because they are oppressed and they have to stick up for their rights so it is ok for them to be violent, but it is NOT ok for hetero sexuals to even speak out against gay issues, much less anything more severe.
Man I usualy agree with 99% of your comments, but you can't really see things this one-sided?
As an experiment, put up a sign in support of Gay marriges and I have $100 saying that it too will get stolen. ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME WHEN IT COMES TO THESE CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES. They all think that their side is right, and there is always that percentage of them (on both sides) that will get violent to try to force their way on people. But it is naive to think that it is one sided. Haven't you ever heard stories of gay guys getting beaten up or killed just because they are gay? I have never heard a story of someone getting beaten up just because they are hetero, but it could happen.
Like I said, all people are the same. Every viewpoint has supporters who are extremist to the point of violence. The majority will always push around the minority, and the minority will always cry foul. When the minority get stronger, they will push back. Then the former majority will cry foul, and the cycle will continue. Just look at history:
1. Christians were once persecuted and cried foul. Then they grew and started pushing others around. Ever heard of the Crusades?
2. The colonies were pushed around by the English, now the USA pushes the world around.
3. Blacks were enslaved and persecuted for years, and cried foul the whole time. Now they have grown and are reeking havoc of their own in certain situations, and the white community cries foul.
3. It is the same story for Jews, Christians, Republicans, Democrates, Communists, pro-abortionists, anti-abortionists, Mexicans, Liberals, etc. It works both ways....its just a question of what side of the slope we are on.
Where is Rodney King when we need him? Damn!