Gay Riders

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I just have to throw this in....

I lived in Topeka KS for 7 years. There is a whacked out preacher there named Fred Phelps. This guy is scary.

Check out his family's web site:

Beware, this guy is militant, and, I would like to add does not reflect my views. He is just whacked out!
Dang, just from the name of teh web address I can tell it is no place I need to be

"If they want to get married, it is a FINANCIAL issue that relates to things like insurance benefits and debt. Why should I give a shid if two men want to call themselves married? They are probably already living together and doing all those married type things. They are only asking that their partnerships be recognized as legally binding. Who cares? "

In principal I care. Marriage is founded in christianity and there are some universal tenets that go along with it... Two guys living together does not ever equal a married couple, which is a husband and wife. Regardless of their sexual orientation, that cannot happen regardless of what some dope smoking hippy politician thinks. As for legal status, there are several legal avenues including civil unions that address legal rights. By your reasoning I could marry my pet turtle... and pronouce us husband and wife.
Has anyone other than me asked themselves why this thread was started? The originator doesn't have a bike and obviously was trying to get something started in that first thread. Once the debate got going....where is he? Could he be off somewhere on another board laughing at us?

Could we all be suckers?

I am out of this thread.
Ok, I would like to make another point.

If you want to be gay, great go ahead, if you don’t agree with straight people and you think gay is the way to go, great!!

However don’t adopt any children, if you want children don’t use straight people for it!! create your own children, you and your gay partner. You don’t need straight people you can do it yourself.. go for it..

I mean come on.. adopting children only proves you are weak and you need straight people.. It shows weakness, you are not weak, you don’t need straight people for anything, you can do it yourself.


If a gay person is born gay, then they also should have been born with a way to reproduce to keep the species alive, if a species cannot reproduce and continue itself then nature has not intended for it to continue nor for it to survive.

So... all the gay people out there. be gay, that is fine. but stop adopting, create your own children the gay way.

If two guys can have sex and have a child without scientific assistance, or two women can have sex and have children without scientific assistance then maybe the whole “I was born gay†has some validity to it.

Other wise, it is a choice. And as such, a persons “choice†should not be forced on society.

If you were born white, black, brown, male female, they can all re-produce, they have no choice as to if they were male or female or what color they are and they all are meant to be here.

A gay person has not control over what sex they are nor what color they are, but they do have the CHOICE to accept what they were born with or not accept it. Again, notice the word CHOICE.

And as such, if they chose to pursue a lifestyle that prevents them from procreating, they should not try and cheat the laws of nature by adopting.
"Science tells us that people are in fact born gay, ..."
Hey BA, I hear where you are coming from, just one problem. There is no creditable scientific evidence anywhere that a human is born gay. In fact, this philosophy is just that, a philosophy or theory. The gay community has pulled one over on the general population over the last 25 - 30 years. They have, through intimidation tactics, forced the medical community to take homosexuality out of their list of mental diseases, while thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians seek help to understand why they feel the way they do. What a tragedy! Thank God for organizations like Exodus International who help those homosexuals seeking to get out of the gay lifestyle, which is a choice by the way, and live a happy, healthy, heterosexual life.

Just more of my .02.
What is this born gay debate? I think it is a smoke screen to divert people from the real issue...freedom of choice.

Was I born hetero? I don't know, and don't care. I CHOOSE to like women. So what! People need to stop worrying so much about what motivates other people. I just don't give a shid. If they want to be gay, let them be gay... more women for me.  Why would I want to classify it as a mental disease? If someone thinks they are sick we should help. If they don't, then and let live. Who are any of us to label gays as mentally ill?

If they want to get married, it is a FINANCIAL issue that relates to things like insurance benefits and debt. Why should I give a shid if two men want to call themselves married? They are probably already living together and doing all those married type things. They are only asking that their partnerships be recognized as legally binding. Who cares?
Thinker: I see your position, and I understand where you are coming from. It seems to me that the bigger issue here is that for those people who care about such things as the Gay impact on American culture, they see a negative affect on the human race by society's acceptance of homosexuality (e.g. spread of AIDS, etc.). Then there are those people who could care less about it. But if we are to respect both groups of people, those who see it as an issue and those who don't, then we need to give both an equal voice. Certainly no one would try and stop someone from "choosing to be gay." But if that person chooses to be gay, then they must understand the affect it will have on others. And, the widely experienced affect is non-acceptance. Yes, they are people just like you and me, and they have made their choice, but I believe where it gets intrusive on those of us who do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle is when we are told that if we do not accept homosexuality as "normal," then we are branded as "homophobic." They have tried to turn the phycosis around on the straight community. This, I believe, is wrong.
Has anyone other than me asked themselves why this thread was started? The originator doesn't have a bike and obviously was trying to get something started in that first thread. Once the debate got going....where is he? Could he be off somewhere on another board laughing at us?

Could we all be suckers?

I am out of this thread.
I believe you are right man! We've been duped.

It is not fair. people can talk all day long about gay issues as long as it is PRO GAY but no one better say anything against it!!

When the proposition in California came up a few years back about gay marriages, I think it was prop 22 or something. I had a sign in my front yard in support of banning gay marriages, it was stolen like 3 times, I finally had run cattle hot wire around it and booby trapped my front yard to keep it from getting stolen

There were people in my city that had threats of violence against them because they had signs in the front yard supporting a ban on gay marriages.

So the bottom line is, it is ok for gay people to threaten hetero sexuals with violence and law suits because they are oppressed and they have to stick up for their rights so it is ok for them to be violent, but it is NOT ok for hetero sexuals to even speak out against gay issues, much less anything more severe.
Man I usualy agree with 99% of your comments, but you can't really see things this one-sided?

As an experiment, put up a sign  in support of Gay marriges and I have $100 saying that it too will get stolen. ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME WHEN IT COMES TO THESE CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES. They all think that their side is right, and there is always that percentage of them (on both sides) that will get violent to try to force their way on people. But it is naive to think that it is one sided. Haven't you ever heard stories of gay guys getting beaten up or killed just because they are gay? I have never heard a story of someone getting beaten up just because they are hetero, but it could happen.

Like I said, all people are the same. Every viewpoint has supporters who are extremist to the point of violence. The majority will always push around the minority, and the minority will always cry foul. When the minority get stronger, they will push back. Then the former majority will cry foul, and the cycle will continue. Just look at history:
1. Christians were once persecuted and cried foul. Then they grew and started pushing others around. Ever heard of the Crusades?
2. The colonies were pushed around by the English, now the USA pushes the world around.
3. Blacks were enslaved and persecuted for years, and cried foul the whole time. Now they have grown and are reeking havoc of their own in certain situations, and the white community cries foul.
3. It is the same story for Jews, Christians, Republicans, Democrates, Communists, pro-abortionists, anti-abortionists, Mexicans, Liberals, etc.  It works both ways....its just a question of what side of the slope we are on.

Where is Rodney King when we need him? Damn!
Thinker -

Its ok, I cant believe anyone would agree with me 99% of the time lol

Heck, if you gave me a 50% agreement ratio I would be ecstatic

I am real good at agreeing to disagree. Have to, been married twice lol

Its all good

And your points are valid, but what I said about my town was no BS, as far as I know there were NO signs ripped down that were in support of gay marriages, in other towns there were a few demonstrations for and against.

The demonstrations FOR gay marriages received positive press, the demonstrations AGAINST gay marriages received negative press


"If they want to get married, it is a FINANCIAL issue that relates to things like insurance benefits and debt. Why should I give a shid if two men want to call themselves married? They are probably already living together and doing all those married type things. They are only asking that their partnerships be recognized as legally binding. Who cares? "

In principal I care. Marriage is founded in christianity and there are some universal tenets that go along with it... Two guys living together does not ever equal a married couple, which is a husband and wife. Regardless of their sexual orientation, that cannot happen regardless of what some dope smoking hippy politician thinks. As for legal status, there are several legal avenues including civil unions that address legal rights. By your reasoning I could marry my pet turtle... and pronouce us husband and wife.
First off, what basis do you claim that marriage is founded in Christianity? Nobody got married before Christ was born, the Bible was written and Christian tenants were created?

So your point is that Jews, Muslims, Agnostics and Athiest can't get married?

So you say you care, but you don't explain why you care. Just don't get invloved. You bring up Christianity, from which I could site numerous tenants which say things like God will judge sinners and let he who is without sin...........Anyway, who are we to FORCE people to live by our code. Are you in favor of making it illegal for Atheists to get married because they do not worship like we do? If someone wants to go to city hall and get legally married, (not necessarily religiously married), who am I to stop it. Where in the Bible does it instruct me to stop it.

And if you want to marry your turttle, caugh up the cash for the marriage license and have at it.

Again....why should I care?
I just have to throw this in....

I lived in Topeka KS for 7 years. There is a whacked out preacher there named Fred Phelps. This guy is scary.

Check out his family's web site:

Beware, this guy is militant, and, I would like to add does not reflect my views. He is just whacked out!
Dang, just from the name of teh web address I can tell it is no place I need to be
The hardest part was living in Topeka and explaining to my kids what this sap's ignorant signs meant. He is a dis-barred lawyer, his whole family practices law, and he has the town by the short hairs, legally. Everyone is afraid of him.
"Science tells us that people are in fact born gay, ..."
Hey BA, I hear where you are coming from, just one problem. There is no creditable scientific evidence anywhere that a human is born gay. In fact, this philosophy is just that, a philosophy or theory. The gay community has pulled one over on the general population over the last 25 - 30 years. They have, through intimidation tactics, forced the medical community to take homosexuality out of their list of mental diseases, while thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians seek help to understand why they feel the way they do. What a tragedy! Thank God for organizations like Exodus International who help those homosexuals seeking to get out of the gay lifestyle, which is a choice by the way, and live a happy, healthy, heterosexual life.

Just more of my .02.
What is this born gay debate? I think it is a smoke screen to divert people from the real issue...freedom of choice.

Was I born hetero? I don't know, and don't care. I CHOOSE to like women. So what! People need to stop worrying so much about what motivates other people. I just don't give a shid. If they want to be gay, let them be gay... more women for me.  Why would I want to classify it as a mental disease? If someone thinks they are sick we should help. If they don't, then and let live. Who are any of us to label gays as mentally ill?

If they want to get married, it is a FINANCIAL issue that relates to things like insurance benefits and debt. Why should I give a shid if two men want to call themselves married? They are probably already living together and doing all those married type things. They are only asking that their partnerships be recognized as legally binding. Who cares?
Well Said Greg, Regarding the financial reasons behind "Gay Marriage" . I think everyone gets so wrapped up in some supposed religious Issue regarding the term "Marriage" they over look the practical aspects of marriage and the reasons behind the Gay Community wanting to get this handled.

Seporation of church and state... remember this supposed theory? The one that is completely ignored in the US? Point is the Bible is an Archaic Antiquated text full of Horrors upon horrors. If your Going to say no gay marriages because this book says so you may as well start stoning your sons and daughters for thinking unpure thoughts, or Cohorting with the opposite sex, or dressing in a contemporary fashion... Hell the Bible is so full of Hell worthy offenses we are all damned with NO chance of Salvation if you take it literaly. What we have is "supposed" Christians using the bible as it suits them, gives them something to hide behind because they are fuggin skeered.

So No gay marriage because it's an abomination to god? OK Cool. Haw about a Legally binding Union in the eyes of the State and Feds... How about that? Or is that still too scary.

Think, I know you weren't going where I went with this... My bad...

I agree with Thinker...

Ya know what this country needs? What would open some minds? A Gay, Jewish, Black-Voodoo Priestess for president... Square away all this bullsh!d... Hell, I'd vote for her if she were pro firearms...

Ain't that a b!tch? Here I am ranting away for Gay and Equal rights, and I am a Conservative Fuggin Republican... Heh, Go figure...
turles dont do it for me thats sick!!!!

Now sheeeep.. oh yeah baby,, whie fleece.... actually I have quite a few sheep that when I walk by they say "daaaaaaaadddy"
"Science tells us that people are in fact born gay, ..."
Hey BA, I hear where you are coming from, just one problem. There is no creditable scientific evidence anywhere that a human is born gay. In fact, this philosophy is just that, a philosophy or theory. The gay community has pulled one over on the general population over the last 25 - 30 years. They have, through intimidation tactics, forced the medical community to take homosexuality out of their list of mental diseases, while thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians seek help to understand why they feel the way they do. What a tragedy! Thank God for organizations like Exodus International who help those homosexuals seeking to get out of the gay lifestyle, which is a choice by the way, and live a happy, healthy, heterosexual life.

Just more of my .02.
Sorry... This is the Funniest Fugging thing I have heard or read in a long long time....

It's sad that this is as far as some of the human race can get mentally...

Fug It...

Yeah, Gay Intimidation...
That's Funny...
Dang welcome to the board.... Revlis has pretty much set the record for most of the members.. Come in sit down enjoy yourself. Hopefully whether on the board or in real life your sexuaity isn't all that you are
I don't think it matters if this was started by a Troll or Not, It's still an energetic topic with people expressing themselves in a reasoned manner, maybe some folks will think a little "Outside The Fugging Cliche Box" for a change... It's a win win...

I know where the next "Gay Mafia" Hits are going to be made...


"Science tells us that people are in fact born gay, ..."
Hey BA, I hear where you are coming from, just one problem. There is no creditable scientific evidence anywhere that a human is born gay. In fact, this philosophy is just that, a philosophy or theory. The gay community has pulled one over on the general population over the last 25 - 30 years. They have, through intimidation tactics, forced the medical community to take homosexuality out of their list of mental diseases, while thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians seek help to understand why they feel the way they do. What a tragedy! Thank God for organizations like Exodus International who help those homosexuals seeking to get out of the gay lifestyle, which is a choice by the way, and live a happy, healthy, heterosexual life.

Just more of my .02.
Sorry...  This is the Funniest Fugging thing I have heard or read in a long long time....  

It's sad that this is as far as some of the human race can get mentally...

Fug It...  

Yeah, Gay Intimidation...  
  That's Funny...
Glad I made your day...
I don't think it matters if this was started by a Troll or Not, It's still an energetic topic with people expressing themselves in a reasoned manner, maybe some folks will think a little "Outside The Fugging Cliche Box"   for a change...  It's a win win...

I know where the next "Gay Mafia" Hits are going to be made...  
I know EXACTLY what you mean Rev!! people need to think outside of the box!! dont be so closed minded!! look at all sides of things!!

Soooo uuhh I will see you at church on Sunday right?



I don't think it matters if this was started by a Troll or Not, It's still an energetic topic with people expressing themselves in a reasoned manner, maybe some folks will think a little "Outside The Fugging Cliche Box"   for a change...  It's a win win...

I know where the next "Gay Mafia" Hits are going to be made...  
I know EXACTLY what you mean Rev!!  people need to think outside of the box!! dont be so closed minded!! look at all sides of things!!

Soooo uuhh I will see you at church on Sunday right?




To me, people are people. Plain and simple. I'm with Ron in that if you don't affect me or my family or infringe on anyone else's rights or liberties I don't care if you prefer goats as sexual partners. I have my beliefs and I'm comfortable in them. I don't have a need to lay them out publically on an internet forum to have them validated or discredited by folks whose opinions really don't matter in the end. Same reason I don't get caught up in political discussions on the internet.

Funny what a topic like this brings out in folks though. I've seen some comments from folks in this thread that I never would've expected.

Now, I'll go back to limiting my participation in this thread to a little light hearted humor every now and then. ya'll go back to the deep shid and just ignore me.
Ya know this is a sure sign that the board does occasionally hunger for something to ... well, debate a little.
Ya know, that's more accurate than you think... This forum has been bone dry for the past several months. I didn't realize just how dry and slow until the other board I frequent got shut down by admin due to a huge bickering session over personal differences. Just monitoring this one board was like watchin' grass grow.

Not that I don't love you guys, but dang, we needed a little fuel for the fire. as long as this discussion stays on the up and up I'm all for it. It's the first thread to stir this many people in a long time.

Hmmm, I think LoveStuds is really Doug, aka Captain tryin' to generate hits...
J/K of course...

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