Gay Riders

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"First off, what basis do you claim that marriage is founded in Christianity? Nobody got married before Christ was born, the Bible was written and Christian tenants were created?

Answer: The term marriage comes from the french and was adopted in the 15th century. I was first a christian ceromony. The think that classifies as "founded" and that is the basis FYI.

"So your point is that Jews, Muslims, Agnostics and Athiest can't get married?"

Comment: No, the term "founded" certainly does not imply that-- your stretching words here quite liberally. In any society it is defined as the union of husband and wife-- want to refute? go ahead-- provide specific examples...

"So you say you care, but you don't explain why you care."

Comment: If i care, is that not enough? Why must I explain what is the truth?

"Just don't get invloved."

Comment: I'll get involved in whatever I deem fit. If you don't like it to f-en bad.

" You bring up Christianity, from which I could site numerous tenants which say things like God will judge sinners and let he who is without sin...........Anyway, who are we to FORCE people to live by our code."

Comment: there is a moral code that binds us all.

"Are you in favor of making it illegal for Atheists to get married because they do not worship like we do? "

Answer: no, as long as they take the vows as husband and wife.

"If someone wants to go to city hall and get legally married, (not necessarily religiously married), who am I to stop it. Where in the Bible does it instruct me to stop it."

Comment: where did I say to stop it. That is quite different than being unopinionated and not voicing your opinion.

"And if you want to marry your turttle, caugh up the cash for the marriage license and have at it. "

Comment: well at least your consistent.

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Since this topic is still alive, I have a question for all of you that say:

"As long as they (and i use that term loosely) don't infringe on me personally, I have no problem with it"

Do you really have no problem with it? I mean sooner or later, whether it's you, your children, grandchildren or turtle (:P), it will affect u personally or someone close to you in some way or other eventually whether it's financially, emotionally, or physically or what have u.

Don't get me wrong, I too have the As-long-as-it-doesnt-affect-me attitude too, but it is a curious question none-the-less.
This is fuggin' ridiculous... Over 1000 views and over 150 replies... (sigh) What has this board turned into? I remember back in the day when we used to talk about Hayabusa's...

Sled says stop beating a dead horse and get on yer bikes........

oh come on, 1 topic doesn't change the entire content of the site ;)

"First off, what basis do you claim that marriage is founded in Christianity? Nobody got married before Christ was born, the Bible was written and Christian tenants were created?

Answer: The term marriage comes from the french and was adopted in the 15th century. I was first a christian ceromony. The think that classifies as "founded" and that is the basis FYI.
I didn't know that we were so concerned about the origin of the word, and that the origin of the word should determine how we regulate our laws. I thought it was the concept of gay people legally joinning together that was the topic. But lets say that you are correct and that the term comes from a Christian ceremony. If that is the basis of your objection, then logically you would object to all non-Christian marriages. After all, "the term came from christianity".

"So your point is that Jews, Muslims, Agnostics and Athiest can't get married?"

Comment: No, the term "founded" certainly does not imply that-- your stretching words here quite liberally. In any society it is defined as the union of husband and wife-- want to refute? go ahead-- provide specific examples...
[/QUOTE] Nope I agree with this definition....the union of husband and wife. So why can't gay people enter into such a union. I guess we will have to disect the meannings of husband and wife.

"So you say you care, but you don't explain why you care."

Comment: If i care, is that not enough? Why must I explain what is the truth?
[/QUOTE]You don't have to explain anything. I was under the impression tht you wanted to discuss this topic and explain your viewpoint. If you just don't like it, so be it, but when we as a society try to prevent it with laws, a public debate becomes necessary. If you choose not to participate, silence works for me.

"Just don't get invloved."

Comment: I'll get involved in whatever I deem fit. If you don't like it to f-en bad.
[/QUOTE] It would appear as though I rubbed you the wrong way....not my intention. I was just suggesting that if you don't like it, why not ignore it, stay away from it or such people? But one minute you verbally object to gay marriages, the next minute you say that you don't have to explain why you care. So then when I suggest that if you like gay marriages, "just don't get involved" with gay couples or situations, and now you want to to get pissed.

To clarify, I don't like or dislike whether you get involved andI guess your point would be that it is none of my business, and you would be correct.  But guess what, that is exactly my point. Two gay people getting married is none of your business either, which led to my initial question....WHY DO YOU CARE? Oh yeah....I shouldn't ask such logical questions. Sorry.

Two gay people should be able to get married if they please. Why? Because a wise man once said,
<marquee>If you don't like it to f-en bad.

Oh said that didn't you. Why not apply that same "I do what I please" attitude to others?
I still say that we all may have been suckered into this conversation, but it is stimulating nonetheless.

so who can tell me why wave rotors work better than stock?
Holy homosexyal hamsters Batman!

What is this worlds coming to?

Now they're saying my beloved busa site has been dry for months!

Must be a conspiricay started by the shaved emu faction!

I heard that comment bout grass too.

Now wer're lettin hippie freaks in here as well?


Someone oughta clean this place up.

No hippie lovin, grass smokin, emu shavin, dry lawn mowin freak-azoids allowed!
Christians: It's great to see you standing up and being outspoken about your beliefs. Many just let everyone trample over them in fear of not getting along. We sit around and listen to all their philosophies 24/7 and are fine with it....
I've done my bit here preiously [see my "homosexuallity is wrong" thread]. Good to see other Christians with spines.
Many good points displayed here, and I'm glad it's been kept level headed.

RSD should have his own Comedy Channel!! GREAT STUFF!!!! Even better since he's for real!
HOly hamsters is right, Mikey...this thread just blew up!

I have not much to say, but I will say this: for those of you who can ride, please...ride. Remember there are some who can't.

One of them is me...I'm stuck at home shavin my F#&%*$& nads until they're pink' cause I'm as broke as a 10cent ho on a slow night.

Don't know where that came from, but I think it's because I need to ride....
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