Gen 2 Trunk Mod

I bought 2 boxes so I could experiment with one(screw it up) and still have a spare
The trick is to do a lot of measuring and not a lot of cutting!
Nicely done, recommend some silicone sealant (or equivalent) to help seal out any water that might come up thru the fender when riding in wet weather!
Nicely done, recommend some silicone sealant (or equivalent) to help seal out any water that might come up thru the fender when riding in wet weather!

Yeah that works well, but the problem riding in the rain isn't from below, it's the rain water blowing in around the seat cowl. I'm looking into some weatherstripping to fix that.
I've also since made a new trunk for mine. After a deep pothole with my wife on the back I noticed a small tire scuff on the bottom of the box. I made it one inch less deep with no problems at all since.
This go round I used a black plastic 3 foot hefty trash can. The trunk is essentially the same minus the inch in depth. It also uses the complete bottom with four sealed sides. I filed a small groove on the insides of the subframe's inner rear corneres so the whole thing would fit into place easier. Two 1 liter water bottles fit perfectly side by side with room to spare above.

Anybody tried it yet on a Gen I???

I'd love to be able to have that much room in my 2007!!


It works the same on a Gen1, only you can't make the box as deep unless it's visible from the outside. If you have the stock mudflap it's much easier to conceal and make deeper.
You can still do it and gain quite a bit of space over stock though.

Just try it man, it really isn't hard at all. With the tail off and the old trunk cut out, you can put the file box/trash can into place with a straight cut across the top making it about one foot tall.
Next trace the pattern of the stock trunk sides onto it. The box will hold itself in place while you put the tail back on(just in place, not bolted on) this will give you an idea of how much you need and want to trim. Cut it down several times until it's how you want it. If you screw up, you're only out $10 for another box.:thumbsup:
I am defiantly going to try this, but I am one of those that is chicken and worried I might mess mine up. So got on ebay and found a spare trunk to try it on, just in case I mess it up, I will still have my original. By the way, if anyone is interested, I got mine for $60 shipped. I have included the link in case anyone wants one. The seller has 3 left, he has them on there for $98 shipped, and but I did best offer of $60 shipped and he accepted. I should have tried $50, lol. If I can pull it off, man no more tank bag for day trips, yeah!!!!

08 09 suzuki hayabusa undertail battery tray NEW - eBay (item 390096862575 end time Jan-14-11 16:06:20 PST)

I wanna do this so bad , even worse than I wanted to do my first girlfriend but same as I was with her um skeered I'll mess up :)

A frickin gallon of tea he's got in there :omg:
So I am going to attempt this in the next day or so, but I can't find the trash can the others have used, well in black, found it in white. So I will keep looking, if I can't find it, I guess I will use the file box.
So how did you guys go about getting around the rear brake master cylinder? To remove the tray. I am thinking I will need to cut a whole to get it through, but would rather not. Not sure how to bleed it if I disconnect the tubing, also don't want to make a mess. (My mechanic Skills are limited)
So how did you guys go about getting around the rear brake master cylinder? To remove the tray. I am thinking I will need to cut a whole to get it through, but would rather not. Not sure how to bleed it if I disconnect the tubing, also don't want to make a mess. (My mechanic Skills are limited)
i took a utility knife and cut a perfect slot to the edge so i can slide the hose in/out when needed.
I could not find the trash can anywhere, so I went with the file box. I went to like 3 different Wal-Marts and 3 different Targets. Man, I must say, you have to have patience to do this mod, just trying to cut out the bottom and getting the shape right on the box was tedious! And I guess you guys have some heavy duty utilities knives, I ended up using a dremel and tin snips to get the job done. It took me all evening, I have the tray back on the bike, I just have to bolt it in and put the tail back on. I am probably going to have to redo it because it is probably going to rub, I have 8 inches instead of 7, but I never ride with anyone so I might be ok. Also, instead of cutting out a piece for the rear brake line, I just cut a slit, twisted the plastic bit and slid the line through, that way it does not look like a piece is missing. Anyhow, I will post my pics when I am done tomorrow.
Ok, so I finished mine, I rode around and tried hitting some bumps and it did not rub. I will be riding about 300 miles tomorrow, so that will be the test. I went to Harbor freight tools and picked up a sheet of this rubber non-skid stuff and put it on the bottom of the trunk to help keep stuff from sliding around. Also if it does rub, there will be a little layer of protection. So I basically made a mini truck mat. Anyhow, I was able to fit my extra visor (YEAH!!!), my water bottle, and my DSLR in its bag without a problem. I could probably fit a couple of smaller items in there as well like snacks or something. So far I am in love with this mod! I might have a buddy that has a machine shop, make this same mod out of aluminum or something like that so that it will be more durable. I'll probably have it power coated black too. Much props Mr. Sixpack! Thanks for sharing your idea!!




That looks really good and I'm glad it worked for you. I like the rubber mat idea, I'll think I'll make one too. See, ideas are built upon...and you were reluctant to try it!:beerchug:
I think that is just sick! I like the idea of the hand gun since it is a locked area the 5-0 can't do anything since it is secure. Thanks again, once it warms up here in Wisconsin we will be doing it on both 09's. Thanks again :bowdown::bowdown:
That looks really good and I'm glad it worked for you. I like the rubber mat idea, I'll think I'll make one too. See, ideas are built upon...and you were reluctant to try it!:beerchug:

Yes, sir, this was an awesome idea you had, glad I could contribute a small Idea back, lol. Anyhow, after a 300 mile ride today, unfortunatly, I have to report I had some rubbing, so I might have to raise it a little. However, the first part of the ride I did not see any rubbing (Normal riding conditions), it was after we had about 4 plus miles of dirt/gravel road we went on. Our destination had an entrance of a mile in this stuff, and the exit was about 3 or more miles, it felt like eternity, all I could think about was a dirt bike busa. Anyhow, it was mile rubbing, so everything came back home intact.
Yes, sir, this was an awesome idea you had, glad I could contribute a small Idea back, lol. Anyhow, after a 300 mile ride today, unfortunatly, I have to report I had some rubbing, so I might have to raise it a little. However, the first part of the ride I did not see any rubbing (Normal riding conditions), it was after we had about 4 plus miles of dirt/gravel road we went on. Our destination had an entrance of a mile in this stuff, and the exit was about 3 or more miles, it felt like eternity, all I could think about was a dirt bike busa. Anyhow, it was mile rubbing, so everything came back home intact.

My first one was 7" deep, and after a bad pothole with my wife on the back it rubbed, but very little. The second is 6" deep with no problems. I don't think it'll ever touch, and if so, I'll have bigger problems:laugh:
You should just be able to trim an inch or two(depending if you ever ride a passenger) of the top of yours and have it work fine.
And this is my dirtbike Busa:laugh: Short cut, escape route, whatever you wanna call it.


any you guys running with a hugger? i see sixpack had to bring it up to 6 inches to avoid rubbing and i am worried that i am going to chew my hugger up if i bottom out. i ride solo 100% of the time. :whistle: efiguero, i dig the rubber mat idea and i think that will be on my list for tomorrow. i haven't reassembled my bike yet cause it's too damn cold in the garage at nights (-12). i'll wait for a heat wave when it hits the mid 20's. :laugh: