Gen 3 bogs at high rpm when hot

If your temperature gauge is at the H for Hot, your ECU is trying to protect the engine from damage.

Referring to the Gen 2 Hayabusa, it cuts spark timing and I think it lowers the rev limiter.

To me the most important question is why is your temperature gauge reading Hot? Is the sensor disconnected, or do you have a coolant problem?

Fix the hot engine problem first, then see how the engine runs.... Before you toast it.

The temp never goes much beyond 50%
It may possibly be the throttle plates closing due to a fault in the stepper motor controlling the plates, or even the signal from the ECU controlling the stepper motor, so take the airbox lid and Air Filter off and visually check the throttle plates when you open the throttle as you did in the video . . if they are staying wide open all is good with them, but if they open, then close then open and close then that's the cause of the problem, then it's a case of working out why that fault exists.
just a thought. . . also disconnect the battery ground for 10 minutes to clear and reset the ECU. Reconnect the ground cable and recheck for the fault.
Yea, did that many times already
If you were closer to Michigan I would say stop on over and ill plug a maxxecu in and we could verify if its just an ECU issue controlling, or if something else going on. have you checked the condition of the fuel line, not kinked or half melted or something silly.
It’s been thougoghly looked over, the dealer says they can’t replicate even though it has to be warmed up first. Takes about an hour of riding. I have sent them videos, and Suzuki won’t come look at it
I could figure it out, but oregon is a long way away lol.

If it were me i would get a fuel pressure gauge inline on it and monitor it while riding under load. I would also want to monitor throttle input/output, which i think you can do somewhat with a basic code scanner, i could over CANbus, but that would be difficult to do remotely without some expensive tools or a maxxecu mini in the trunk plugged in.
Hello, bought a 2023 Gen 3 new in 2023. When hot, it cuts out at higher rpms. Watch video, I’m hold throttle wide open in neutral. Even worse in gear. Can’t pass cars, it Boggs out when warmed up.
Wow, that's a new one. Definitely feels electrical. It's way too consistent to be mechanical. Drops to 5k and back to redline perfectly each time. Your bike isn't even that hot. Temp gauge in the video is below the half mark. It might not be a heat related issue. It's almost like a really bad launch control. I hope you get this figured out.
If your temperature gauge is at the H for Hot, your ECU is trying to protect the engine from damage.

Referring to the Gen 2 Hayabusa, it cuts spark timing and I think it lowers the rev limiter.

To me the most important question is why is your temperature gauge reading Hot? Is the sensor disconnected, or do you have a coolant problem?

Fix the hot engine problem first, then see how the engine runs.... Before you toast it.

It’s at normal operating temp.
OR is unfortunately too far, would be able to help you, interesting fault. The fact that it happens after a while of riding when things heat up, is a clear indication that one of your solid state devices is faulty affected by temperature.

Very unlikely the ECU.

Do you have an inductive spark tester, they go for around $20, at least that would give an idea if it is ignition or fuel.

I have not messed with a Gen3 yet, if anyone has a manual with a detailed wiring diagram, I can speculate.

You are being too soft on your dealer, suggest you manage that up to Suzuki USA if necessary, especially as it was reported under warranty. I would not accept no as a way out.

BTW, although many do it, revving a motor past red line to cut in an out in neutral on the limiter frequently is not something I do. Not allowed in anything I care about.
OR is unfortunately too far, would be able to help you, interesting fault. The fact that it happens after a while of riding when things heat up, is a clear indication that one of your solid state devices is faulty affected by temperature.

Very unlikely the ECU.

Do you have an inductive spark tester, they go for around $20, at least that would give an idea if it is ignition or fuel.

I have not messed with a Gen3 yet, if anyone has a manual with a detailed wiring diagram, I can speculate.

You are being too soft on your dealer, suggest you manage that up to Suzuki USA if necessary, especially as it was reported under warranty. I would not accept no as a way out.

BTW, although many do it, revving a motor past red line to cut in an out in neutral on the limiter frequently is not something I do. Not allowed in anything I care about.

Reving it in neutral is the only way to demonstrate. It does it worse in gear, but I cans get a video of that.

Solid state parts either work or they don’t. So it’s not that.

It really acts like a choke problem. It runs rich and the black smoke of unhurt fuel. I really wish the dealer I bought it from cared.
