Get Ya Popcorn Ready Or a Strong Drink !!

If I were to be associated with any political party which i am not but if so it would be the libertarian party. I believe in giving power back to the states and decreasing the fed govt. I think people do need to think more and be XTRA careful what you read and hear bc alot of it is not accurate. There is no question Obama is a great speaker but that does not mean he will be a great president. One thing I believe about Obama that is not mentioned often is that he is a very brave man. If he does become president I believe someone will try to kill him. It may be a poor attempt but I would bet money there will be at least an attempt. And I also believe he thinks this at least in the back of his mind. He is a husband and a father of 2 and he is still trying 2 become president of the free world. If nothing else u gotta give him credit for that. IDK who i will vote for.

I'll give you that, he is brave. An attempt was already made by a redneck with high power rifles, speeding and driving erradically, and caught with a lot of meth is his truck. It takes a lot to step up and be the first black man to make it... still not voting for him though :)
Here's the deal and certainly not the only issue but a VERY STRONG LITMUS test in my opinion.

If you can't figure out the 2nd amendment and the gun issue, your noodle don't work correctly :stoopid:...Logic escapes you and I can't see a rational answer on the horizon for other more complex issues as the 2nd ammendment is pretty cut and dry.

First off, the 2nd ammendment is not about hunting, it's about free men having the right (much our forefather did and used it) to defend yourself and fight an oppressive government and put it back in the hands of the people. This government is not ours any more than Brittish government was the colonies.

2ndly...I do not understand what is so confusing about "shall not be INFRINGED" that some people can figure out. And they infring away and think it's legal and allright. It is the 2nd amendment that will protect all the others.

3rd...You can not successfully ban guns. Crack is already if I had to find some today I could, as well as pot, steriods, etc...and lets think about what a success prohibition was. Taking mine away is not the answer it's :stoopid:

I could go on but...for sake of length.

And Mr. Texas I love guns...Obama's Ten Point Plan

1) Ban the use of firearm for home defense.
2) Pass federal law eliminating your Right to Carry
3) Ban the manufacture, sale, and possesion of handguns.
4) CLose down 90% of the gunshops in America.
5) Ban hunting rifle ammuniton commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
6) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.
7) Restore voting rights to 5 million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.
8) Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.
9) Mandate a government issued license to purchase a firearm.
10) Appoint judges to the U.S. Superme Court and Federal judiciary who share his views on the 2nd amendment.

Like I said, all this is idiotic and completly irrational. And he's going to come up with health care, etc.

Obama will try turn this county into France....:banghead:
I digress.. maybe it wasn't real, or at least the authorities think it wasn't... I say the methhead's rants, rifles, wigs, fake ids, spotting scopes, and bulletproof vest are pretty good evidence:
Plot to Kill Obama guys aren't going to listen to his speech? MPH, I might take your posts seriously if you took that kindergarden like comparison of the names Osama and Obama out....not that you should care what I think or anything :)

I'll never learn to stay out of these political threads, but being very patriotic I care very deeply about the welfare of this country. I also realize that internet discussions will never change anybody's mind on these issues. guys aren't going to listen to his speech? MPH, I might take your posts seriously if you took that kindergarden like comparison of the names Osama and Obama out....not that you should care what I think or anything :)

I'll never learn to stay out of these political threads, but being very patriotic I care very deeply about the welfare of this country. I also realize that internet discussions will never change anybody's mind on these issues.

Anything could change someone's mind.. The typical American is pretty fickle.
IMHO, Obama's views are far too tilted towards a socialist view.. and I couldn't live in a country ran like that. He has a past behind him, with a bunch of "role models" that are either religious fanatics or socialists/communists. If you ever read his book, you will catch a few names that he doesn't give a last name to, look them up and you'll be quite surprised who he was supported by and learned his life lessons from. I'm not saying that McCain is the greatest candidate, I just think at this point that he is the lesser of two evils... and maybe he'll make a good choice with his VP.. we'll find out this Friday I think.

He hit it pretty good here. Read Obama's book and then decide if you are ready for "income redistribution" and all of the other things associated with his socialist mindset. I think he's a pretty good father and generally a good guy but he is a socialist and wants to take this country in that direction. I didn't fight in Nam to support that thought process. McCain isn't too much better but he and I align on more issues - except his puny stand on Illegals.
Here's the deal and certainly not the only issue but a VERY STRONG LITMUS test in my opinion.

If you can't figure out the 2nd amendment and the gun issue, your noodle don't work correctly :stoopid:...Logic escapes you and I can't see a rational answer on the horizon for other more complex issues as the 2nd ammendment is pretty cut and dry.

First off, the 2nd ammendment is not about hunting, it's about free men having the right (much our forefather did and used it) to defend yourself and fight an oppressive government and put it back in the hands of the people. This government is not ours any more than Brittish government was the colonies.

2ndly...I do not understand what is so confusing about "shall not be INFRINGED" that some people can figure out. And they infring away and think it's legal and allright. It is the 2nd amendment that will protect all the others.

3rd...You can not successfully ban guns. Crack is already if I had to find some today I could, as well as pot, steriods, etc...and lets think about what a success prohibition was. Taking mine away is not the answer it's :stoopid:

I could go on but...for sake of length.

And Mr. Texas I love guns...Obama's Ten Point Plan

1) Ban the use of firearm for home defense.
2) Pass federal law eliminating your Right to Carry
3) Ban the manufacture, sale, and possesion of handguns.
4) CLose down 90% of the gunshops in America.
5) Ban hunting rifle ammuniton commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
6) Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.
7) Restore voting rights to 5 million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.
8) Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.
9) Mandate a government issued license to purchase a firearm.
10) Appoint judges to the U.S. Superme Court and Federal judiciary who share his views on the 2nd amendment.

Like I said, all this is idiotic and completly irrational. And he's going to come up with health care, etc.

Obama will try turn this county into France....:banghead:

Besides being listed on some website, where did this ten point plan originate? Any idea? Proof?
That was in this months Rifleman (NRA)...didn't bother to dig point for point as this agenda is followed by just about all Demicrats anyway.

To me it demonstrats decision making based on emotion instead rational thought.

I lost a brother in a car accident, alcohol related. Is it the Beers fault, do we ban alcohol? What about the hosts of the party, are they to blame? Maybe it's the brewery, lets ban breweries...that's how THEY think. (like sueing the gun mfgs)

No it was fault. He drank, he drove etc...HE is responsible for his own actions and is ultimately to blame period. Republican accountabilty...

One other tidbit...I got a nephew, a real POS. About 30 now been in jail at least 6 times since being a Juvinal. Convicted felon...CAN NOT LEGAL OWN OR POSES A FIREARM. Several conviction ago,(this was in '04) he was busted with 7 counts on 1 arrest. 4 counts of aggravated assault with a firearm (he already could not own). 1 count of Felon possession of firearm, 1 count carrying concealed firearm. 1 count possesion of firearm with serial number removed.

in March '05 he gets busted for driving w/license canced suspended etc.
In July he gets busted for aggrevated assault deadly weapon AND carrying concealed weapon.

In '06 he gets busted for aggravated assault with deadly weapon

In '07 he gets busted for Battery(Domestic Violence) and aggravated assault with deadly weapon and carrying concealed weapon.

Thru all this, the most he ever got was one year HOUSE ARREST.
It's over now and I am sure he has a firearm as we speak.

Do we not see a patern and the problem being a lack of response by our legal system already in place. AND the Democratic solution is to take MY GUNS AWAY :stoopid:

Hello, McFly :banghead:

BTW folks, I don't have the exact number but the statistic for crimes commited with a handgun by Concealed Weapon Permit holders is just about infinitismally small, we are not the problem. Get a clue and start thinking with the other side of your brain.
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firearms laws are rather silly IMO... all they seem to do is make law abiding citizens "criminals" without any crime..

Maybe someone can correct this but I doubt many criminals use legally owned firearms in the commission of a crime..
Accepting something like this as printed in Rifleman w/o any justification (proof that Obama said it) is not very smart no matter which (side) you're on. I only believe the facts, not everything that's in print.
Neither Obama or McCain could do any worse than George Bush.
We need change, I think Obama is going to be our next President weather we like it or not.
I bet if Obama does become our next President someone will try to assassinate him.

I say again, how come we never get the 'BEST OF THE BEST" We always seem to get the "Lesser of the Evils" and that goes to no mattern who you vote for for the past many years. Whew, anybody remember Dukakas, Kerry, Carter Monvale, Humphrey, Ralph nader, Fred Thompson, John Cox, John Edwards. Whew what a group. It just seems to go down hill. Were the winners of the elections any better? It is all up to us.
I say again, how come we never get the 'BEST OF THE BEST" We always seem to get the "Lesser of the Evils" and that goes to no mattern who you vote for for the past many years. Whew, anybody remember Dukakas, Kerry, Carter Monvale, Humphrey, Ralph nader, Fred Thompson, John Cox, John Edwards. Whew what a group. It just seems to go down hill. Were the winners of the elections any better? It is all up to us.

I stinks when you go to vote and your choices are "a botard", "corn" and "belly button lint" :laugh:

I hear more and more "I'm just trying to figure out the less evil choice" and that says a lot about the candidates we have. The media pushes for them so much, on BOTH sides, and Americans are left rallying behind 'em clueless as to what they even stand for...and who else is just sick of the GREAT and WONDERFUL speeches, then nothing?! I don't care for a great speaker, I just want an entire gov't that actually fuggin' WORKS. I know, crazy...

I still am undecided...debates will hopefully give me more insight, otherwise, I'm just going to throw a dart at a board, drink a beer and go vote :poke: