Get Ya Popcorn Ready Or a Strong Drink !!

It wasn't bad information. They did have WMD's. How? We sold them the weapons.:banghead:

Still not what every search has proven, so saying that they had WMD's just before the invasion is hearsay.

They wanted revenge for 9/11 just like everyone else.

I didn't want revenge, I wanted justice, which is requital against the offending party, not against innocent people that had the same headwear or appearance.
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I didn't want revenge, I wanted justice, which is requital against the offending party, not against innocent people that had the same headwear or appearance.

Innocent people?

Ummm didn't the innocent people in power kill upwards of 100k Kurds for no reason what so ever?

Didn't we go the UN route the 1st time and the UN let Saddam stay in power?

Didn't Saddam break 20+ UN Resolutions and did not hold up his end of the deal?

Didn't IRAQ have a trail and found Saddam GUILTY of all of this and hung him?

Lets not get it twisted and think we went over there for nothing. The people in power in Iraq should have been dealt with in the 90's. We let the tree hugging UN stop us..

We are the richest country in the world. Everybody looks at us for Aid one way or another. When we give Africa 500m in aid funds because HIV runs rampid everyone cheers us. We give our own troops 500m to help protect them in a country we are trying to help and everybody starts crying about it.

You want to ***** about money the US spends in the war then look up how much we GIVE countries like Russia so they can attack our allies like Georgia.
I am black, and I sure as hell "WILL NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA"! Change, what change? Biden, give me a break. :whistle:

No way bro. Peaceout, keep it real, WORD :beerchug:
We are screwed no matter who gets in office , The better Politician that can Lie the best will be our next President !!:laugh:
:deadhorse:Just to listen, I will listen to O`s speach tonight.

It is sad that Obama has not read the :rulez: , the Constitution. As goes for most of Congress :deadhorse:
All Obama Supporters (and you Haters, too) get ready for his history-making speech this evening.

I am College-Educated America. Most of all, I am Tired America, tired of getting pissed on while most of you Republican types are trying say it's rain.

I am from Texas, and I love my guns, and I believe that marriage is Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

So who exactly are "You Republican Types"??? If you do not like be categorized/generalized, why would you do this to others?

As a fellow Texan, gun owner, and concealed carry person if you love your guns and freedom that come with the privileges we have, you better think about whom Obama plans to appoint to the ruling branches of our government.
"If you can't figure out the 2nd amendment and the gun issue, your noodle don't work correctly :stoopid:...Logic escapes you and I can't see a rational answer on the horizon for other more complex issues as the 2nd ammendment is pretty cut and dry."

Funny that it took 217 years for the United States Supreme Court to tell us what it means ...
I think Barack Obama will help the people of this Country who are always overlooked and never heard.

So what's wrong with giving four years of this Country's history to listen to their needs, and make a difference in their lives?

If it's such a terrible thing, after four years, we can always go back to helping the big oil companies.
I think Barack Obama will help the people of this Country who are always overlooked and never heard.

So what's wrong with giving four years of this Country's history to listen to their needs, and make a difference in their lives?

If it's such a terrible thing, after four years, we can always go back to helping the big oil companies.

So who exactly are the people who are always overlooked and never heard???

If I answer that question it's the middle class (but doubt that's who you meant).

And yeah...I'm not for throwing away 4 years and continue to give the country away for those that do nothing for it.

And also, the big oil companies need to get hammered. They are rapping the American people at the worst time.

And one more, I don't need the Supreme Court to tell me what the 2nd amendment means...I can read. I don't need 9 Godless, Gutless, Politacal pawns to tell me what my own conscience tells me is right and wrong on any issue. The Supreme Court is just another political garbage machine.
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Did I not say, that not everyone is hung up on Obama being black, however you know like I know there are some that clearly are.

In the same token, don't get it twisted I am not voting for him just besause he IS black.

The Rev. Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson are both black and I wouldn't elect them on a Student Council Board at a day care center!! But unfortunately, some of my people will vote for Obama for that reason, never really hearing anything he has ever said. The problem is and will continue to be Black & White, to some extent no matter what we do.

Again, we can engage each other in here and debate political issues, but if I really thought you were a racist POS I wouldn't waste my time.
+100 I couldn't agree more.
The war in iraq has cost the lives and limbs of our soldiers as well as over 4 billion dollars a MONTH. Thats billion with a b. It may be as high a 12 billion I do not remember.
Congress is very much to blame for our country not doing as well as it should. Noledge is power. Know your house reps and state senators and what they stand for and hold them accountable. Don't count on the president for change. Change starts with you in your state. And the NRA does NOT print articles with credible political information. I do not own a gun nor have I ever needed one. I am not against guns but I would like to promote gun ownership responsibility.
And also, the big oil companies need to get hammered. They are rapping the American people at the worst time.


You aren't serious are you? It's not the big oil companies that set the price at the pump. It's the investors, Americans, setting the price at the pump.
Still not what every search has proven, so saying that they had WMD's just before the invasion is hearsay.

I didn't want revenge, I wanted justice, which is requital against the offending party, not against innocent people that had the same headwear or appearance.

We sold them the weapons. That's fact, not hearsay. Maybe you forgot seeing the satelite videos and images of the bigazz convoy's of WMD's being taken out of Iraq?

And the second part, blitz summed it up pretty good. But to add to that, do you honestly think that Osama and Hussien weren't in bed together? Come on, it's not the "same headwear/appearance" They have/had the same beliefs.

I supported going to war 100% But the job is done. It's not our responsibility to rebuild Iraq.

And one more thing.............................I like :popcorn: