Gillette fusion power..  myth?  legend?  better?

I'm not buyin till it's got 3 blades on the top and 7 for the main body of the razor.

and runs on 2 AAA's for longevity.
just fuggin great... I just upgraded to the 4 blade model and now this

great write up though
guess I'll get one when its time to buy new blades.. cuz its almost as cheap to get a new setup with 2-3 heads in it than it is to buy replacements
how many uses do you think the 5 blader will give you? I only do 1-3 on the regular Machs. Probably about the same huh?
how many uses do you think the 5 blader will give you?  I only do 1-3 on the regular Machs.  Probably about the same huh?
I dunno, generally as soon as the little lube strip quits lubing I yard em' out.

So far I am on my 3rd, and from the feel of things I should be able to do 4 comfortably and prolly five. But then again it sounds like I am swappipng heads a lot less often than you anyway.

Bonus is the new set up only costs a couple more bucks than the Mach III (Whoa big surprise there) but at least they are not WAY more spendy.