Global Warming A LIE! Exposed & Disproved!

I think also as we get closer to this "2012" anticipation of annihilation of all that we know, we are going to be swamped with doomsday paraphernalia and fear-based propaganda.

It will be amusing to watch those that believe in the media and the half-truths that are being slung at us at such basic levels as to how we handle them.

didnt that movie 2012 make tons in the theaters?

goes to show you how much people need to surround themselves with doom and gloom
I conscientiously made it a habit of saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays last year and you know what it caught on. People responded well and did the same for me. Above all it felt good to say Merry Christmas and not feel like you did something wrong. Good post thanks and Merry Christmas to all of you. Wardie
we are due for Yellow Stone to blow up, asteroid to hit or the Liberals to rule the world... take your pick of poison and drink the damn koolaid already...

Merry Christmas!!! (screw the politically correct, but Merry Christmas to you too)