Thanks for the video Red,
I will watch it later,
as I can not
right now .
Thanks for the video Red,
I will watch it later,
as I can not
right now .
He's the leader of the Westboro idiots. My point was that you don't know all Muslims, and basing your opinion of an entire group on the actions of the worst members of that group isn't a good idea. I see you feel strongly about the topic, and I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm just asking you to think about why you believe that to be true. Perhaps you won't, but I hope you will.I don't know who he is.
It is irrelavent to my opinion regardless who he is either.
I, as I said, and have said many times, am a Christian, And a hypocrit and a sinner, far from perfect, and I think I am better than no one.
However, this does not change my opinion on the Facts about muslims.
They hate everyone that isn't muslim, and if by chance an idividual muslim does not...
then seperate yourself from the religeon of hate.
And, why should muslims get special uniform and holiday privilages?
Why should they get as many breaks needed per shift, to make sure they get to "pray" 5 times a day?
I stand by everything I said, and will continue to.
The Ten Commandments are the teachings of God, and as such all of them relate to Him.....And, this country was founded on Christian values. Only 3 of the 10 Commandments apply directly to God.
As for the rest, which are basically not to steal, covet, murder, to honor your parents, etc, is as it Should be.
If someone does not belive in God, that is their right.
However, anyone living in this country needs to abide by the laws we were founded on.
Christian churches don't go over so well in muslim lands do they. Nor should mosques ever be in this country.
Especially a mosque at Ground Zero! Wtf!
If there was ever a bigger "In your face" than that!.
Yep, muslim terrorists(including those and their sympathizers in our govt) kill 3k+ Americans on 911...and there is a f*cking mosque at ground zero now.
And that doesn't bother people?
It bothers Alot of us, badly!!!
Agreed, there is no ban on specific religious groups. However, the desired effect was to restrict access to those who hold particular religious views, which effectively make it religious based. It's not dissimilar to drug legislation enacted not against groups of people, but against groups who do what those people do.
I got a deadline I'm under so I will have to pick this up later, but I certainly will continue. You have good points, I just don't have time right now to address them as they deserve to be addressed.Mr. Brown.
Again there is so much to unpack here. You originally stated this:
" If you don't think we as men are privileged in this society, ask a woman you love when the last time was that she had to concern herself with such things. "
So if this problem is on the decline, as you seem to imply now, then how does it become a point of a related social issue to white privilege? I don't know the statistics as far as up or down, I simply watch people walk free from courts from crimes that had they committed 40 years ago, they would be either killed or incarcerated for enough years they wold never be able to do it again. The jerkoff kid that got off on the AFLUenza defense ( he was so privileged he didn't know right from wrong), is pure and complete utter bullcrap. This is the decline of America at work. I picked a white example so you don't think I'm trying to make it about race.
Now on the flip side if they come from a broken home or are socially disenfranchised etc. they get to walk free. If that happens to be a majority of blacks that fall into that category how is that my white privileged fault?
When a man has the privilege of being able to believe that a woman is no more than a *itch or a ho, how likely do you think it will be that a woman who doesn't feel that way, will be forced to do something by a man who thinks she is? And I NEVER suggested it was a particular skin color who believes this. Just as I never said I didn't like Muslims. Interesting how you are the one assuming I have some hatred towards someone that isn't like me. Perhaps that is the culture you were raised in as well. I am reminded how our friend FallenArch told us that he was raised by a father who told him not to trust white people. I can't change the fact that some are raised with biased beliefs that start at home. But that isn't a one way street.
I see men of all races calling women disparaging names, and treating them horribly. The problem becomes if it was forced into acceptance by a genre of music because it's too much trouble for anyone to call it out because it's in black music, it doesn't take long for kids of all skin colors to believe it must be OK for them too. And women in the ever present need to be accepted, would rather be someone's Ho or *itch, than to be nothing.
As to Muslims. I have 3 close enough Muslim friends that I can discuss politics. 2 voted for Trump. One did not. Of the 2 that voted for him, one voted for him for his economic aspects and the other voted on him because he was supposed to be tough on illegal immigrants. Both are upset that he did not include Saudi Arabia on the ban list. One of the two LOVE his stance on illegal immigration still. He doesn't want anyone to cheat. He has been here 28 years. Became an American citizen and is highly upset by anyone, Muslim's included, that don't take the steps to be here legally.
The 3rd who is a physician, supported ObamaCare (therefore Obama). He hates how that turned out so I don't know his current stance on Trump.
Trump does not hate Muslims. He has never said I don't want Muslims here. He said until we can figure out how to vet them, we need to put a halt to them coming here. Somehow nobody on the left seems to remember the distinction made. The fact they practice Islam isn't the reason they are being stopped. Its the fact that 95% of the terror attacks on our country are carried out by them. I'm sorry that they are Muslim as it seems to make it about religion. I guess its a good thing they are not black.
I have ZERO problem with trying to take steps to protect ourselves by putting American interest first ahead of religion or race or gender.
And you might want to brush up on the reason the founding fathers came here and based much of our original principles on the Christian faith. In fact Fallen Arch can probably help you find that thread as this has come up almost exactly word for word.
And by the way I'm not Christian. I just don't think it bodes well to piss off the majority of a population just to prove I can.
Agreed, but unfortunately many people see it as it is popularized as, rather than what it was written as.The "Ban" effects less than 10% of the Muslim population world wide. The "Muslim Ban" rhetoric is the kind of thing that divides and sets a tone that cur tales discussion.
You aren't to far from my neck of the woods we need to catch lunch once riding season rolls around.
Gonna start a Midwest gathering.....The "Ban" effects less than 10% of the Muslim population world wide. The "Muslim Ban" rhetoric is the kind of thing that divides and sets a tone that cur tales discussion.
You aren't to far from my neck of the woods we need to catch lunch once riding season rolls around.
Agreed, but unfortunately many people see it as it is popularized as, rather than what it was written as.
And absolutely. SIxpack and I have remarked that most of these discussions would be better in person, over a meal or drinks.
Gonna start a Midwest gathering.....
I am absolutely down for that.Gonna start a Midwest gathering.....
Maybe we all need to come help you finish it....We could, but not at my house this year. It's still under construction.
I am absolutely down for that.
Maybe we all need to come help you finish it....
He's the leader of the Westboro idiots. My point was that you don't know all Muslims, and basing your opinion of an entire group on the actions of the worst members of that group isn't a good idea. I see you feel strongly about the topic, and I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm just asking you to think about why you believe that to be true. Perhaps you won't, but I hope you will.
The Ten Commandments are the teachings of God, and as such all of them relate to Him.....
The key concept in Christianity is the turning of the other cheek. This is what makes Christians different, this is what Christ taught, and it is the hardest part of Christianity to accomplish.
I agree, putting a mosque at ground zero was a terrible idea, there are better ways to heal.
Christianity has killed its fair share of people as well, just not so many recently. The Troubles of Northern Ireland which are close to your heart had a religious component. Hell, the Spanish made torture in the name of God a common practice during the inquisition, so let's not pretend that Muslims have the market cornered on religious violence.
I'm going to step out of this branch of the discussion for a while, I don't want things to get too heated and you're passionate about this. I'm not unwilling to continue, just wanna let it cool a bit. Fair?
Mr. Brown,
I grabbed this from above because it's on only part I wanted to comment on:
The Muslim ban is yet another example of popular rhetoric making for terrible policy.
There is no Muslim ban. The US government is barring access to the US to all citizens of some countries that have a significant terrorist presence among other reasons. Once again this is for all citizens of those countries regardless of their religious affiliation. It actually restricts a very small portion of the world wide Muslim population from lawful entry into the US.
I believe this is the current list of countries:
North Korea
I totally agree that Christianity has done countless terrible things, and even worse by doing it "In the name of God"
I agree that sterotyping is usually not a good thing.
Belive it or not, I prefer to meet the person, not the group they belong to. said, the Muslim religeon clearly teaches to convert or kill all non other religeon does that.
How am I supposed to know which muslims belive that and which don't, because according to their "religeon", they are All supposed to be devout and for their cause.
Therefore, Myself, Me, I do not and will not trust them.
As for Westboro church, they are a joke. They in no way represent Christianity.
They are a cult of idiots. Protesting soldiers' funerals, it doesn't get any lower than that.
The KKK said God told them
to rid the land of blacks .
The Crusaders butchered Muslims
and tried to destroy all relics of their religion .
Neo-Nasi are Christians .
The Bible approves of slavery ,
rape , stoning , and much more .
Christians are unmatched in killing .
No group in the known history of man
can claim the thirst Christians have
displayed for killing on a massive scale .
I know many Muslims and
none of them believe the
Quran says to kill Christians .
Not being argumentative ,
just pointing out some facts .
EDIT: Most people in the world are Muslims and are peaceful .
Why do the small minority of Muslims who commit violence
define that religion when Christians who commit
acts of violence do not define Christians ?
Until 9-11 ,
it was a white Christian
who committed the largest single
act of murder in this country ( Tim McVeigh ) .
And I would like to point out that this was a continuation of the previous administration's list.Mr. Brown,
I grabbed this from above because it's on only part I wanted to comment on:
The Muslim ban is yet another example of popular rhetoric making for terrible policy.
There is no Muslim ban. The US government is barring access to the US to all citizens of some countries that have a significant terrorist presence among other reasons. Once again this is for all citizens of those countries regardless of their religious affiliation. It actually restricts a very small portion of the world wide Muslim population from lawful entry into the US.
I believe this is the current list of countries:
North Korea
American exceptionalism but actually teaching that we are an evil empire who's ill gotten gains have come at the expense of slaves and exploiting the rest of the world. [/QUOTE
And as long as I am chipping in points NO country or race of people have done MORE lost MORE than this evil empire to end the biz of slavery world wide. Now it can only be found in places like where it started West Africa.
Just in the last fifty years when our ships come across a slave ship we took in the slaves (to be transported to where they wanted) incarcerated the slave traders and burned the ships.
There are still millions of slaves in these few places but all we seem to hear is the few slave owners here 200 years ago. And I don't know any of them.
That's like suggesting American conservativism and Nazism are the same thing. There are key differences between the two.Socialism/communism (a distinction without a difference) has killed over 200 million people in the last century alone, how is this even a conversation? I'll tell you why, our schools have been indoctrinating our children for decades and not only not teaching American exceptionalism but actually teaching that we are an evil empire who's ill gotten gains have come at the expense of slaves and exploiting the rest of the world. Live your life, stay vigilant and well armed!
The KKK said god told them to rid the land of blacks.
The Crusaders butchered Muslims and tried to destroy all relics of their religion.
Neo-Nasi are Christians
The Bible approves of slavery, rape, stoning, and much more.
Christians are unmatched in killing. No group in the known history of man can claim the thirst Christians have displayed for killing on a massive scale.
I know many Muslims and none of them believe the Quran says to kill Christians. Not being argumentative, just pointing out some facts.
EDIT: Most people in the world are Muslims and are peaceful. Why do the small minority of Muslims who commit violence define that religion when Christians who commit acts of violence don't define Christians? Until 9-11, it was a white Christian who committed the largest single act of murder in this country (Tim McVeigh) .