Good Laugh.. alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Not a deflection at all.
What I'm saying is show us the outrage on the black on black deaths. Show us why the blacks aren't marching on Chicago, or Baltimore or etc. They are killing each other less? Really? Less than what?

Instead while I know the KKK does exist, they get all the focus for how many killings?
I hate anything about the KKK. I'm happy to help rid our world of them. But in the scheme of what they accomplish, I'd much prefer we protect the cops that are getting killed by punks with what money we have to spend. Or why we have to see a cop face an end to his career because he had to subdue some black kid that has a wrap sheet a mile long, fits the broadcasted description of a man with a gun that just robbed a convienience store and suddenly doesn't have a gun drawn on the cop in enough of a threatening way for anyone untrained in these decisions to skewer the cop for excessive force. And then burn down a city if the courts don't convict him.

The KKK could cease to exist tomorrow morning. Would the blacks stop killing each other? Would the cops face less risk?

March on Chicago and show your outrage. Elect officials that will act upon your outrage.
Show my outrage to who? Are you saying I can't call out an injustice until I satisfy your equivalence requirements? Lol!
Show my outrage to who? Are you saying I can't call out an injustice until I satisfy your equivalence requirements? Lol!
It has nothing to do with what I require. I've already stated that in the pecking order of who's killing whom the KKK isn't in the top 20. So I'll wish my resources to be spent on the worst of the problem first. You can choose otherwise. Until I see BLM etc March on Chicago I won't hold my breath that the blacks give much of a crap about solving both fronts of that problem.
Six, you are my friend. But you are sounding totally paranoid right now brother. You aren't making sense and you're letting your anger get the best of you. So I'm going to leave this alone because your friendship is worth more to me than winning this debate.

I consider you my friend too, and apologize for my frustrations.
I know it doesn't look or sound
I also am not out to win a debate, and appreciate your wisdom, to make me step back and calm down.
I value your opinions and would not ever want to say or do anything disrespectful towards you.
I think Mn rep Omar really got me fired up lately.
Good night:beerchug:
It has nothing to do with what I require. I've already stated that in the pecking order of who's killing whom the KKK isn't in the top 20. So I'll wish my resources to be spent on the worst of the problem first. You can choose otherwise. Until I see BLM etc March on Chicago I won't hold my breath that the blacks give much of a crap about solving both fronts of that problem.
lol..... YOU are on Fire tonight…. here is how I feel..... I PLEAD the fifth... the fif.... the fizifth.....
How so? There was a time before Martin Luther and John Calvin when there were no denominations, just Christianity. Those Christians killed in the name of Jesus.
Christians and Catholics were around for 1500 years before Martin Luther. Jews way earlier. (Which is why I find it funny the late to the game Palestinians lay claim to anything in Isreal)
I separate Christians from the other two because there are very important distinctions between them such as completely different Bibles and Commandments, even though there were overlaps between all of them. (Such as race origins) Around a hundred years later came the Muslims.
My point was The so called "Christian Crusades" were in fact Catholic Crusades that were more political in nature and had nothing to do with Christians nor teachings of Christ or the Bible as opposed to Muslims where the Jihad etc do have very much to do with their Quran.
McVeigh wasn't a terrorist? There are many terrorist organizations in this country that are much more dangerous than Muslim terrorist groups to this country and the people here. Again this is not blindly swinging at whomever I can bring myself to hate, it's based on facts.
Will; I reread my post a few times and can't quite find where I excused McVeigh of anything. Wouldn't he fall in the political category?
Actually I was trying to be fair and noting that the one group mentioned was not the only terrorists out there, kind of saying the same thing your trying to say only being lighthearted about it by saying guard your Busas guys.
Christians and Catholics were around for 1500 years before Martin Luther. Jews way earlier. (Which is why I find it funny the late to the game Palestinians lay claim to anything in Isreal)
I separate Christians from the other two because there are very important distinctions between them such as completely different Bibles and Commandments, even though there were overlaps between all of them. (Such as race origins) Around a hundred years later came the Muslims.
My point was The so called "Christian Crusades" were in fact Catholic Crusades that were more political in nature and had nothing to do with Christians nor teachings of Christ or the Bible as opposed to Muslims where the Jihad etc do have very much to do with their Quran.
There was no separation between Protestant and Roman Catholic prior to the Reformation. Until Luther literally protested the way Rome did things, there were no Protestants. There was only one type of Christianity in Europe, and it was Catholicism. The terms Christian and Catholic meant completely the same thing until the Reformation addressed issues people had with Rome and its version of Christianity. The Crusades were indeed economic and political in nature, but they were conducted in the name of a Christian God, and the Bible was used as justification for them.
Mr. Brown.

Again there is so much to unpack here. You originally stated this:

" If you don't think we as men are privileged in this society, ask a woman you love when the last time was that she had to concern herself with such things. "

So if this problem is on the decline, as you seem to imply now, then how does it become a point of a related social issue to white privilege? I don't know the statistics as far as up or down, I simply watch people walk free from courts from crimes that had they committed 40 years ago, they would be either killed or incarcerated for enough years they wold never be able to do it again. The jerkoff kid that got off on the AFLUenza defense ( he was so privileged he didn't know right from wrong), is pure and complete utter bullcrap. This is the decline of America at work. I picked a white example so you don't think I'm trying to make it about race.

Now on the flip side if they come from a broken home or are socially disenfranchised etc. they get to walk free. If that happens to be a majority of blacks that fall into that category how is that my white privileged fault?

When a man has the privilege of being able to believe that a woman is no more than a *itch or a ho, how likely do you think it will be that a woman who doesn't feel that way, will be forced to do something by a man who thinks she is? And I NEVER suggested it was a particular skin color who believes this. Just as I never said I didn't like Muslims. Interesting how you are the one assuming I have some hatred towards someone that isn't like me. Perhaps that is the culture you were raised in as well. I am reminded how our friend FallenArch told us that he was raised by a father who told him not to trust white people. I can't change the fact that some are raised with biased beliefs that start at home. But that isn't a one way street.

I see men of all races calling women disparaging names, and treating them horribly. The problem becomes if it was forced into acceptance by a genre of music because it's too much trouble for anyone to call it out because it's in black music, it doesn't take long for kids of all skin colors to believe it must be OK for them too. And women in the ever present need to be accepted, would rather be someone's Ho or *itch, than to be nothing.

As to Muslims. I have 3 close enough Muslim friends that I can discuss politics. 2 voted for Trump. One did not. Of the 2 that voted for him, one voted for him for his economic aspects and the other voted on him because he was supposed to be tough on illegal immigrants. Both are upset that he did not include Saudi Arabia on the ban list. One of the two LOVE his stance on illegal immigration still. He doesn't want anyone to cheat. He has been here 28 years. Became an American citizen and is highly upset by anyone, Muslim's included, that don't take the steps to be here legally.

The 3rd who is a physician, supported ObamaCare (therefore Obama). He hates how that turned out so I don't know his current stance on Trump.

Trump does not hate Muslims. He has never said I don't want Muslims here. He said until we can figure out how to vet them, we need to put a halt to them coming here. Somehow nobody on the left seems to remember the distinction made. The fact they practice Islam isn't the reason they are being stopped. Its the fact that 95% of the terror attacks on our country are carried out by them. I'm sorry that they are Muslim as it seems to make it about religion. I guess its a good thing they are not black.

I have ZERO problem with trying to take steps to protect ourselves by putting American interest first ahead of religion or race or gender.

And you might want to brush up on the reason the founding fathers came here and based much of our original principles on the Christian faith. In fact Fallen Arch can probably help you find that thread as this has come up almost exactly word for word.

And by the way I'm not Christian. I just don't think it bodes well to piss off the majority of a population just to prove I can.
Because something is declining, does not mean that it isn't still a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Women are marginalized in this society, I don't want my daughters growing up in a world that tells them they are less important than my sons. Why do you think that people walk free for crimes that would have had them incarcerated 40 years ago? I'll tell you, it's because we lock people up now for things that we didn't 40 years ago. The US has both the highest rate of incarceration and the highest rate of recidivism in the developed world. What we are doing doesn't work, yet we keep doing it. Afluenza was an affront to the justice system, can you imagine if a person had tried to use poverty as an excuse? People would have lost it....
I've shown how poverty disproportionately effects minorities in this country, if you choose not to believe it, there's nothing more I can do. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You seem to be blaming the lack of respect of women on black music. Am I understanding you correctly?
Trump has a long, well documented history of anti-Muslim rhetoric. If you really believe that he doesn't hate them, you're simply not paying attention. And the vast majority of terror attacks in this country are not carried out by immigrants, so I'm not sure where you get the 95% figure from. You must be including the Bowling Green massacre...
What do you mean by American interests being put ahead of religion, race or gender?
I don't need to brush up on why the founding fathers came here, I'm aware. I've looked at it some.

Why is anyone keeping an eye on the KKK? Blacks do a better job at killing themselves in larger numbers than the KKK ever did.

Where is the black outrage for that?
The KKK were founded to preserve the institutional racism that was an aftermath of slavery. That is not equivalent to the type of crime you're referring to as 'black on black'. Your position that since blacks kill blacks ignoring other groups that also kill blacks is acceptable is logically flawed
Not a deflection at all.
What I'm saying is show us the outrage on the black on black deaths. Show us why the blacks aren't marching on Chicago, or Baltimore or etc. They are killing each other less? Really? Less than what?

Instead while I know the KKK does exist, they get all the focus for how many killings?
I hate anything about the KKK. I'm happy to help rid our world of them. But in the scheme of what they accomplish, I'd much prefer we protect the cops that are getting killed by punks with what money we have to spend. Or why we have to see a cop face an end to his career because he had to subdue some black kid that has a wrap sheet a mile long, fits the broadcasted description of a man with a gun that just robbed a convienience store and suddenly doesn't have a gun drawn on the cop in enough of a threatening way for anyone untrained in these decisions to skewer the cop for excessive force. And then burn down a city if the courts don't convict him.

The KKK could cease to exist tomorrow morning. Would the blacks stop killing each other? Would the cops face less risk?

March on Chicago and show your outrage. Elect officials that will act upon your outrage.
Do people choose to be cops? Do people choose their skin color? Does the fact that we have a high rate of crime in predominantly minority areas preclude the fact that we also have an issue with institutional racism in the criminal justice system? You're conflating more than one issue here, in an attempt to justify illegal actions. Your position seems to be: If blacks killing blacks is ok, cops killing blacks is ok too?
It has nothing to do with what I require. I've already stated that in the pecking order of who's killing whom the KKK isn't in the top 20. So I'll wish my resources to be spent on the worst of the problem first. You can choose otherwise. Until I see BLM etc March on Chicago I won't hold my breath that the blacks give much of a crap about solving both fronts of that problem.
Again, trying to justify one set of illegal actions by drawing an equivalency with another doesn't excuse the illegality of the first.

To sum up, I'll ask you this: You have made the assertion more than once, you're not a social engineer, (I think you mean social scientist, a social engineer is one who tries to gain access to private information for criminal purposes) would you give weight to the opinion expressed by a person who is studies social science? Do you think there is any value whatsoever in looking at data in a scientific manner and seeing what positions it supports and which it does not?
Because something is declining, does not mean that it isn't still a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Women are marginalized in this society, I don't want my daughters growing up in a world that tells them they are less important than my sons. Why do you think that people walk free for crimes that would have had them incarcerated 40 years ago? I'll tell you, it's because we lock people up now for things that we didn't 40 years ago. The US has both the highest rate of incarceration and the highest rate of recidivism in the developed world. What we are doing doesn't work, yet we keep doing it. Afluenza was an affront to the justice system, can you imagine if a person had tried to use poverty as an excuse? People would have lost it....
I've shown how poverty disproportionately effects minorities in this country, if you choose not to believe it, there's nothing more I can do. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You seem to be blaming the lack of respect of women on black music. Am I understanding you correctly?
Trump has a long, well documented history of anti-Muslim rhetoric. If you really believe that he doesn't hate them, you're simply not paying attention. And the vast majority of terror attacks in this country are not carried out by immigrants, so I'm not sure where you get the 95% figure from. You must be including the Bowling Green massacre...

What do you mean by American interests being put ahead of religion, race or gender?
I don't need to brush up on why the founding fathers came here, I'm aware. I've looked at it some.

The KKK were founded to preserve the institutional racism that was an aftermath of slavery. That is not equivalent to the type of crime you're referring to as 'black on black'. Your position that since blacks kill blacks ignoring other groups that also kill blacks is acceptable is logically flawed

Do people choose to be cops? Do people choose their skin color? Does the fact that we have a high rate of crime in predominantly minority areas preclude the fact that we also have an issue with institutional racism in the criminal justice system? You're conflating more than one issue here, in an attempt to justify illegal actions. Your position seems to be: If blacks killing blacks is ok, cops killing blacks is ok too?

Again, trying to justify one set of illegal actions by drawing an equivalency with another doesn't excuse the illegality of the first.

To sum up, I'll ask you this: You have made the assertion more than once, you're not a social engineer, (I think you mean social scientist, a social engineer is one who tries to gain access to private information for criminal purposes) would you give weight to the opinion expressed by a person who is studies social science? Do you think there is any value whatsoever in looking at data in a scientific manner and seeing what positions it supports and which it does not?

I think there is value in everyone's point of view. How a poor person perceives a problem isn't the same as how a rich person does etc.

How a black man perceives KKK deaths vs Black on Black Deaths is not the same as how a white man does.

So lets use this example for a data sample. Per Wikipedia According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968 in the United States, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites. More than 73 percent of lynchings in the post-Civil War period occurred in the Southern states.[12] According to the Equal Justice Initiative, 4,084 African-Americans were lynched between 1877 and 1950 in the South.[13]

You can try and decipher that number any other way you like, I am simply presenting what is not disputed as fact by anyone that published it. If we make the assumption that the above examples were done so by the KKK we can agree these numbers won't be lower.

In this link Jeffery Myers whom I know nothing about other than he is black and cites statistics from the FBI that states the following "However, a look at the numbers tells the shocking truth about the unique problem of Black-on-Black violence. In 2015, FBI Uniformed Crime Statistics indicated that 2,380 Blacks were killed by other Blacks. During the same period, 2,574 Whites were killed by Whites. It's tempting to stop here and conclude quantitatively (by simple weight of numbers) that Black-on-Black isn't a problem since more Whites kill Whites than Blacks kill Blacks. The terrible truth is found in the qualitative analysis. Blacks make up only 13% of the population yet nearly 50% of all murder victims are Blacks killed by Blacks. It's not merely that Whites kill Whites and Blacks kill Blacks. It's that Blacks are killing Blacks at horrifyingly higher rates than are seen in other segments of society. Source: FBI's 2015 Uniformed Crime Report"

So I am not making up my perception in my head. The KKK accounted for anywhere between 3446-4084 total in nearly 100 years, to 2380 BonB in a single year of 2015. I can add three more years statistics if you still question where this is headed. And I didn't bold the above, the author did.

Your post "Your position that since blacks kill blacks ignoring other groups that also kill blacks is acceptable is logically flawed" You can try to attempt to assimilate my logic as the KKK being acceptable anyway you like. What I think I was pretty clear in stating was, if we are trying to define a problem to spend money on solving, the KKK while abhorent in its existence, accounts for a fraction of a problem of black deaths.

I abhor more the above stated statistic provided by a black man "Blacks make up only 13% of the population yet nearly 50% of all murder victims are Blacks killed by Blacks. "

^There is your prison population problem.^

The KKK doesn't get glorified by the press as a good cause. But BLM, Al Sharpton, ANTIFA etc not only get glorified by the press, they make a living from it. And the Democratic party makes a living out of convincing the poor blacks that if it weren't for them (The Dems), they'd be worse off.

When media covers the crime statistics, the black community fires back that its biased media coverage and doesn't represent the true story. Blacks aren't the problem the media portrays. So I guess we ignore what the media says and use Govt statistics. No we can't do that, because you are being unfair to the community that suffers from poverty and lack of opportunity. So in short for me. Please help America understand what will make the black community happy. If we don't vote for a black candidate, we are racist. When we do if we criticize him, we are racist. When Obama does something the blacks don't like, he becomes a sellout to the whites. It never seems to end. I hope you don't mind if we can disagree on the point Morgan Freeman made. He is part of your race that I can relate to better. If you don't agree with him, I understand, but I would hope he isn't disrespected by his own race because he doesn't think they should be making race an issue in our everyday lives.

I am no social engineer, or scientist. I'm just an average educated, common sense observer of the world around me. I have lived in 4 countries and been to 12. America is the only nation that seems to maintain a "black" problem. All the other races seem to have figured out how to do better than the blacks. Your rationale for this is, "They look more like us so that is why they are accepted." I will accept your point of view whether I agree with it or not. No other country I have experienced seem to have a "black" problem. Of course none of those countries provide special treatment to them either.

In addition to my retired Oncologist neighbor, I have other black friends and neighbors. We all seem to want the same things in our lives. A crime free place to live and work. A future for our kids if they have them, and a decent place to live in. All of them are direct descendants of slaves. They have traced their ancestors back to the plantations they were on and the portion of Africa they came from. Leon picked cotton as a child. None of them use that excuse for their lot in life. Yes all of them were faced with obstacles in life. Some racially driven. Some not. They learned to navigate around them. I am no where near as educated as an Oncologist. Yet we agree on many things we see together on race. We face obstacles. America and Americans work around them. But we all share on common idea. We live in a country that gives us all the opportunity to work around these obstacles instead of placing more before us, by telling everyone else why they are responsible for a poor outcome.

Now we have the Trump administration. I totally agree that there are more white racist we hear about now. I can't say they were never there before, but I can say we surely hear more about them now than ever before. So now you, as in the black community, get to see racism in the media. Get used to it. We have been watching the blacks use it for several administrations now. It isn't just me that knows this. The Russians used race to interfere with social media. Not because they could create a problem, but because they could highlight it. Asking Trump to abandon his racist base is like asking the Democrats too.

My black friends have suffered from the media coverage pre Trump and it certainly isn't better Post Trump. My friend Leon said last week. Well its nice to see no more cities being burned down and all the coverage of the blacks killing each other. Now we get to see Trumptards aiming their hate at us. Leon sits on a state parole board in a state governed by Republicans. And he is asked every year to stay and help the parole committee. He does so happily. Without pay. Without any concerns for how racist they are towards him. Or the prisoners he helps them judge.

So my black American friend. You are an American. With a say in how you feel. And I fought for your right to feel it, say it and express it. I welcome your perspective. But I may decide to align myself with others from your race that are probably called Uncle Toms by the very same race they are supposed to help get better. I hope you won't propose that they are now part of your races problems.
There is a lot wrong with your sources, (wikipedia? Come on....) and the statistics they are using. The UCR fails to show for example, that there is a strong link between crime, race and rural vs urban living. People in urban areas kill each other at a higher rate, and blacks are more likely to live in urban areas. Therefore, it is going to be more likely that blacks kill other blacks purely as a function of where they live. Statistical interpretation is the underlying reasoning behind the commonly held perception that stats lie. They don't lie. Numbers are incapable of anything other than fact. The way they are interpreted can lead to erroneous conclusions, or in cases of deliberate manipulation, misleading conclusions. Implicit in your wording is a separation of blacks from other Americans, and it's done subtly, but it's there. Your position is clear in terms such as "your race's problem" and which black people you choose to align yourself with etc.

I'll leave you with this, take it for what you will. I am a trained social scientist, studying societies is what I do.
I have degrees in Criminal Justice, Political Science and I'm working on one in Sociology. Socio-economic inequality effects minorities at a disproportionately higher rate than whites, that is an indisputable fact. The only question is one of explanation. Is it likely that black people are more likely to be poor, unable to vote, convicted of a crime and unemployed due to some inherent deficiency within them as humans, some flaw associated with the color of their skin? Or is it possible that there are factors which limit a persons chances of success that are built into the fabric of the society in which we live? Are there factors which come into play that are totally out of the scope of control of the individual? Things like the fact that what zip code you grow up in is a more reliable predictor of future success than anything else? Things like the fact that in a representative democracy two of nine sitting supreme court justices went to the same high school at the same time? Let that sink in for a minute.....
If it is a person's position that an individual is more likely to have negative outcomes in life than someone else based solely on race, then there's no reason to offer evidence to the contrary. That is racism, defined. So someone that thinks that white (or black for that matter) people are superior solely because they are white (or black) should not be offended when they are labeled as a racist, that is precisely what they are. For others though, a structural explanation is the next logical step, and we should work towards fixing the flaws in the structure that render the dream that this country offers more accessible to some Americans than others.
Quote from your post Mr Brown "....and we should work towards fixing the flaws in the structure that render the dream that this country offers more accessible to some Americans than others. " I agree with this statement 100%. Now a question for you. How can we have the conversations about these problems/fixes without someone yelling "racism"? At the institution I work at my opinion is not wanted (by many but not all) for the simple fact that I am a strait, white, male. It annoys me because if I treated those folks the same I would get crucified.
There is a lot wrong with your sources, (wikipedia? Come on....) and the statistics they are using. The UCR fails to show for example, that there is a strong link between crime, race and rural vs urban living. People in urban areas kill each other at a higher rate, and blacks are more likely to live in urban areas. Therefore, it is going to be more likely that blacks kill other blacks purely as a function of where they live. Statistical interpretation is the underlying reasoning behind the commonly held perception that stats lie. They don't lie. Numbers are incapable of anything other than fact. The way they are interpreted can lead to erroneous conclusions, or in cases of deliberate manipulation, misleading conclusions. Implicit in your wording is a separation of blacks from other Americans, and it's done subtly, but it's there. Your position is clear in terms such as "your race's problem" and which black people you choose to align yourself with etc.

I'll leave you with this, take it for what you will. I am a trained social scientist, studying societies is what I do.
I have degrees in Criminal Justice, Political Science and I'm working on one in Sociology. Socio-economic inequality effects minorities at a disproportionately higher rate than whites, that is an indisputable fact. The only question is one of explanation. Is it likely that black people are more likely to be poor, unable to vote, convicted of a crime and unemployed due to some inherent deficiency within them as humans, some flaw associated with the color of their skin? Or is it possible that there are factors which limit a persons chances of success that are built into the fabric of the society in which we live? Are there factors which come into play that are totally out of the scope of control of the individual? Things like the fact that what zip code you grow up in is a more reliable predictor of future success than anything else? Things like the fact that in a representative democracy two of nine sitting supreme court justices went to the same high school at the same time? Let that sink in for a minute.....
If it is a person's position that an individual is more likely to have negative outcomes in life than someone else based solely on race, then there's no reason to offer evidence to the contrary. That is racism, defined. So someone that thinks that white (or black for that matter) people are superior solely because they are white (or black) should not be offended when they are labeled as a racist, that is precisely what they are. For others though, a structural explanation is the next logical step, and we should work towards fixing the flaws in the structure that render the dream that this country offers more accessible to some Americans than others.
well... here are my AWARDS and actual degree(just a bachelors)…...for those that doubted they existed … graduated cum laude...………………….
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There is a lot wrong with your sources, (wikipedia? Come on....) and the statistics they are using. The UCR fails to show for example, that there is a strong link between crime, race and rural vs urban living. People in urban areas kill each other at a higher rate, and blacks are more likely to live in urban areas. Therefore, it is going to be more likely that blacks kill other blacks purely as a function of where they live. Statistical interpretation is the underlying reasoning behind the commonly held perception that stats lie. They don't lie. Numbers are incapable of anything other than fact. The way they are interpreted can lead to erroneous conclusions, or in cases of deliberate manipulation, misleading conclusions. Implicit in your wording is a separation of blacks from other Americans, and it's done subtly, but it's there. Your position is clear in terms such as "your race's problem" and which black people you choose to align yourself with etc.

I'll leave you with this, take it for what you will. I am a trained social scientist, studying societies is what I do.
I have degrees in Criminal Justice, Political Science and I'm working on one in Sociology. Socio-economic inequality effects minorities at a disproportionately higher rate than whites, that is an indisputable fact. The only question is one of explanation. Is it likely that black people are more likely to be poor, unable to vote, convicted of a crime and unemployed due to some inherent deficiency within them as humans, some flaw associated with the color of their skin? Or is it possible that there are factors which limit a persons chances of success that are built into the fabric of the society in which we live? Are there factors which come into play that are totally out of the scope of control of the individual? Things like the fact that what zip code you grow up in is a more reliable predictor of future success than anything else? Things like the fact that in a representative democracy two of nine sitting supreme court justices went to the same high school at the same time? Let that sink in for a minute.....
If it is a person's position that an individual is more likely to have negative outcomes in life than someone else based solely on race, then there's no reason to offer evidence to the contrary. That is racism, defined. So someone that thinks that white (or black for that matter) people are superior solely because they are white (or black) should not be offended when they are labeled as a racist, that is precisely what they are. For others though, a structural explanation is the next logical step, and we should work towards fixing the flaws in the structure that render the dream that this country offers more accessible to some Americans than others.
Your're kidding me right? You a formally educated miner of facts and statistics, fail too see that the Wikipedia link I cited, provided links to Tuskegee University work. Perhaps you've heard of them? A pretty well thought of source of knowledge. But I'll humor you a bit and let you discredit them by providing evidence of different numbers from their findings.

And then you attempt to deflect that I didn't care why or where blacks are killing each other more than the KKK is. I was simply pointing out that they are. For I'm sure a thousand reasons that are not their fault by your view I won't dispute all of the factors you cite that cause it. It changes the numbers 0%.

Yeah those darn racist FBI statistics. What was I thinking? They count toe tags, not family life or checking account balances.

Darn that black man who provided the sources. He probably has a crappy education.

You're right this is a rabbit hole.