Good Laugh.. alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Muslims do Not belong in America.
There religeon of "peace"(bs) does Not line up with western values.
2/3 of the Koran is dedicated to the "killing of the infadels", infadels being Anyone who disagrees with their belifes.
Myself, a Christian, yes I am a hypocrit.
However, you've got to be one hell of a hypocrit to disavow 2/3 of your "holy book", just because it isn't PC to belive you should kill all who disagree with you.
Terrorists are Islamic Extremists?
Why? They just belive in their religeon, and follow it accordingly, really can't blame them for that.
As for the muslim who moved to the U.S, truly just wants to live in peace, and bothers no one; great, I have no personal problem with you...but I do Not trust you, and never will.
Look at the muslim MN congresswoman Omar. Twice now she's said antisemantic remarks against Jews...and why wouldn't she? They Hate Jews, they hate Christians, and they hate everyone who doesn't side with them.
Does anyone really think that if terrorists were over taking this country, that the "good" muslims would rally and stop them?
Lol, no, they would not.
Am I an Islamiphobic? Absoloutely and unapologetically.
How about a racist? Against muslims, sure.
How about racist against everyone else?
Nope, not a bit. No other race, color, creed, or religeon is trying to conquer the world by force, and kill all in opposition.
You can watch videos all day of muslims laughing, telling how they have infiltrated our government, and use our own PC laws to protect themselves.
It is a pathetic joke that there are 2 muslims in congress now.
This is how myself and Many feel.
No, I am not sorry.
Terrorists are Islamic Fundamentalists. (there fixed it for ya)
Okay not all terrorists, there are Environmental, Dissent, and Political terrorists but I don't think any will be bothering any of US ANYTIME SOON. (with the exception of maybe environmental terrorist - wicked fast motorcycle division!)
And, this country was founded on Christian values. Only 3 of the 10 Commandments apply directly to God.
As for the rest, which are basically not to steal, covet, murder, to honor your parents, etc, is as it Should be.
If someone does not belive in God, that is their right.
However, anyone living in this country needs to abide by the laws we were founded on.
Christian churches don't go over so well in muslim lands do they. Nor should mosques ever be in this country.
Especially a mosque at Ground Zero! Wtf!
If there was ever a bigger "In your face" than that!.
Yep, muslim terrorists(including those and their sympathizers in our govt) kill 3k+ Americans on 911...and there is a f*cking mosque at ground zero now.
And that doesn't bother people?
It bothers Alot of us, badly!!!
It is supposed to bother us, it is a tactic used for years in their history. You can search "placement of Mosques" and it will show the pattern.
BTW People like Soros hedge on our money system then do anything to cause it's downfall and make billions. That is why he has spent hundreds of millions on "black lives matter" "Antifa" Etc Etc Etc.
He's the leader of the Westboro idiots. My point was that you don't know all Muslims, and basing your opinion of an entire group on the actions of the worst members of that group isn't a good idea. I see you feel strongly about the topic, and I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm just asking you to think about why you believe that to be true. Perhaps you won't, but I hope you will.

The Ten Commandments are the teachings of God, and as such all of them relate to Him.....
The key concept in Christianity is the turning of the other cheek. This is what makes Christians different, this is what Christ taught, and it is the hardest part of Christianity to accomplish.
I agree, putting a mosque at ground zero was a terrible idea, there are better ways to heal.
Christianity has killed its fair share of people as well, just not so many recently. The Troubles of Northern Ireland which are close to your heart had a religious component. Hell, the Spanish made torture in the name of God a common practice during the inquisition, so let's not pretend that Muslims have the market cornered on religious violence.
I'm going to step out of this branch of the discussion for a while, I don't want things to get too heated and you're passionate about this. I'm not unwilling to continue, just wanna let it cool a bit. Fair?
I think you are confusing Christianity with another group. This may just be MY opine but I stand by it. The Baptist didn't involve themselves in these conflicts nor the Methodists, Adventist, or Lutherans.
That's like suggesting American conservativism and Nazism are the same thing. There are key differences between the two.
Evil? No. But America absolutely is an empire that made a fortune exploiting people and resources throughout the world, as every other empire before it did.
What exactly are you staying vigilant and we'll armed against?

This comment shows a grotesque ignorance of history and you’re likely just parraoting what you’ve heard before. If socialism owns the fruits of your labor (how much of it you may have and what you may do with it if allowed to have it) the forced political beliefs communism adds is a distinction with out a difference, they control your money they already control your politics. One’s suicide, the other’s murder and they usually start one way and end the other.

And nice try attempting to tie conservatism to nazism, you’ve reaffirmed my first sentence above.

If you have to ask why someone should be armed and vigilant may your chains rest lightly...
This comment shows a grotesque ignorance of history and you’re likely just parraoting what you’ve heard before. If socialism owns the fruits of your labor (how much of it you may have and what you may do with it if allowed to have it) the forced political beliefs communism adds is a distinction with out a difference, they control your money they already control your politics. One’s suicide, the other’s murder and they usually start one way and end the other.

And nice try attempting to tie conservatism to nazism, you’ve reaffirmed my first sentence above.

If you have to ask why someone should be armed and vigilant may your chains rest lightly...
Far from ignorance, grotesque or otherwise, I parrot nothing. I study both classic and contemporary theory, and have an understanding of both communism and socialism. Your comment shows your lack of understanding of both the topic and my response, but that's ok.
I didn't equate conservativism with nazism, I pointed out the difference between them as equivalent to the difference between socialism and communism. There was no "nice try".
I didn't ask why you were vigilant and armed, I asked against who.
I think you are confusing Christianity with another group. This may just be MY opine but I stand by it. The Baptist didn't involve themselves in these conflicts nor the Methodists, Adventist, or Lutherans.
How so? There was a time before Martin Luther and John Calvin when there were no denominations, just Christianity. Those Christians killed in the name of Jesus.
For the record, reasearch Muslim compound, Redhouse, Va
It's 30 minutes from me, if that.
One of thousands, yes thousands of their compounds in OUR country.
And when I say compound...I mean a F***ing Compound. 10' walls, guards with AK's in towers and walking the perimeter.
I have friends that work for the local power companys and utilities. They all say the same. Gas co, Directv, power, water, whatever, if they have to go in there, All the different company policies are the same.
2 person minimum to go in, and 2 more in a truck outside, with police notified.
I'm sure they are all inside just baking cookies and bread while they wait to chant to alah, it's ass.
And they are the most disrespectful and arrogant people if you ever see them in public.
Me stereotyping again? Yep, 'cause they're F'n terrorists that skate the law, and the "powers that be" let them be here.
Are there good Muslims? Well, if there were, they should be doing something about the bad ones. Oh wait, they are...turning a blind eye and supporting them!
The KKK and Neo Nazis? Who cares, F them.
And for the record, hypocritical Christian I am, I do not associate with a specific denomination.
I attend a Methodist church, but was raised in the Catholic church, so guess what, the Klan and Nazis hate me too...and I'm glad.
Crusaders killed Muslims? Yeah, Christians and Muslims have been fighting for as long as our history has been recorded...and "to the shores of Tripolee" over a century ago.
Tell your Muslim friends their reps in congress aren't painting their "peace" very well suprise there.
Christians, and every other religeon have their own sins to account for, and harm and kill for terrible reasons...but it's not the Bible, or any other holy book telling them too.
The Koran, lol, a little different story there.
As for the Bible "approving" of rape, slavery, stoning...not so much. Examples given of situations under the circumstances is a better way to put it.
I have read, re-read, and watched hours of video over the years, from all perspectives, and I stand by what I've said.
Muslims are here to convert and kill all who are not like them.
Are there some who just want to live in peace? Yes.
Can you spot them in a line up?
Me neither.
No, we can't usually spot other criminals by looks alone either.
But, I know what a Muslim looks and acts like.
Have I met any? Yes. And not sorry judging a whole group by a small number, but all were A-holes, staring through me.
I have been hatefully and agressively asked by them on 3 seperate occasions " You a Marine?!" To which I replied, "No, denied enlistment on medical...but I wish I could say I was(many people ask if I served, and it's simply because I'm in shape and have a buzz cut).
So, they don't like our military for reasons that happened in their country. Fine. But F you motherf***er, don't come in My country bashing my friends and countrymen!
Again, 911 and it's conspiracy, and Muslims claim responsibility. Towers fall, 3k+ die...and they build a f***ing mosque at ground zero!
Please, get the F out of America.
Sharia law? Not all Muslims practice it, but they have fought for it here for years.
Don't like your Muslim wife or daughter? She disobeyed you?! No problem, just kill them, it's ok.
Religeon of "peace" my ass.
I really have no problem with every other group on the planet, as every religeon, creed, color have their own culture. Cultures that don't leave you second guessing where they stand.
Muslims have no place in Western society.
Call me what you will, but I'm not sorry and I'm not changing my mind.
I get your point but Muslims defend their religion with the same excuses you are using. I get both sides but neither is a strong point. There is a good movie you should check out, it's called "A kingdom of Heaven" Here is the trailer:
The events in this movie are for the most part historically accurate - I checked it.
Terrorists are Islamic Fundamentalists. (there fixed it for ya)
Okay not all terrorists, there are Environmental, Dissent, and Political terrorists but I don't think any will be bothering any of US ANYTIME SOON. (with the exception of maybe environmental terrorist - wicked fast motorcycle division!)

McVeigh wasn't a terrorist? There are many terrorist organizations in this country that are much more dangerous than Muslim terrorist groups to this country and the people here. Again this is not blindly swinging at whomever I can bring myself to hate, it's based on facts.
For the record, reasearch Muslim compound, Redhouse, Va
It's 30 minutes from me, if that.
One of thousands, yes thousands of their compounds in OUR country.
And when I say compound...I mean a F***ing Compound. 10' walls, guards with AK's in towers and walking the perimeter.
I have friends that work for the local power companys and utilities. They all say the same. Gas co, Directv, power, water, whatever, if they have to go in there, All the different company policies are the same.
2 person minimum to go in, and 2 more in a truck outside, with police notified.
I'm sure they are all inside just baking cookies and bread while they wait to chant to alah, it's ass.
And they are the most disrespectful and arrogant people if you ever see them in public.
Me stereotyping again? Yep, 'cause they're F'n terrorists that skate the law, and the "powers that be" let them be here.
Are there good Muslims? Well, if there were, they should be doing something about the bad ones. Oh wait, they are...turning a blind eye and supporting them!
Dude you want to discuss the terrorists next door, there are KKK all around me. Some are right out in the open. We have a couple Muslim and a Hindu family in the neighborhood, I'm watching the KKK.
Dude you want to discuss the terrorists next door, there are KKK all around me. Some are right out in the open. We have a couple Muslim and a Hindu family in the neighborhood, I'm watching the KKK.

With all due respect Arch(and none to the klan), those guys are a joke.
I'm sure you don't like them around, and for good reason, but seriously, when was the last time they did anything other than parade around and run their mouths?
They are cowards and trash, nothing more.
They aren't blowing things up and killing whomever disagrees with them.
Not to say they wouldn't, but hence the cowards and trash part.
As for muslims, when there is a terrorist attack, sometimes the news says that some peaceful islamic group denounces it, that it is bad, and islam is a religeon of peace.
Oh really?
Well, if they are so against it, and want peace, then do something to stop it!
Talk is cheap! They need to do their own laundry!
Your people Muslims. We have a cultural and language barrier as it is, so who better to rid the bad from their own society.
Easier said than done? I'm sure. me some effort.
Where are all the peaceful muslims that want to intigrate into our culture and prove we are all the same at heart??
*crickets* .....I'll wait.
Because the vast majority doesn't want that, they want to take over...because their book says so!
No different than cops really.
There are some good ones, but look at their reputation in America, because the majority abuse their authority.
The police need to police themselves.
Fix what's wrong in your own house.
This is me, flawed, but real.
All the more real for your flaws....

Thank you sir.
Yes, my attitude needs work, and I really do hate to call an entire group bad, but I struggle with this based on my own experiences.
And in all seriousness, anytime I meet anyone, even muslims, I am polite and respectful.
I am not phony and fake nice either, but respectful and cautious.
Why is anyone keeping an eye on the KKK? Blacks do a better job at killing themselves in larger numbers than the KKK ever did.

Where is the black outrage for that?
With all due respect Arch(and none to the klan), those guys are a joke.
I'm sure you don't like them around, and for good reason, but seriously, when was the last time they did anything other than parade around and run their mouths?
They are cowards and trash, nothing more.
They aren't blowing things up and killing whomever disagrees with them.
Not to say they wouldn't, but hence the cowards and trash part.
As for muslims, when there is a terrorist attack, sometimes the news says that some peaceful islamic group denounces it, that it is bad, and islam is a religeon of peace.
Oh really?
Well, if they are so against it, and want peace, then do something to stop it!
Talk is cheap! They need to do their own laundry!
Your people Muslims. We have a cultural and language barrier as it is, so who better to rid the bad from their own society.
Easier said than done? I'm sure. me some effort.
Where are all the peaceful muslims that want to intigrate into our culture and prove we are all the same at heart??
*crickets* .....I'll wait.
Because the vast majority doesn't want that, they want to take over...because their book says so!
No different than cops really.
There are some good ones, but look at their reputation in America, because the majority abuse their authority.
The police need to police themselves.
Fix what's wrong in your own house.
This is me, flawed, but real.
Six, you are my friend. But you are sounding totally paranoid right now brother. You aren't making sense and you're letting your anger get the best of you. So I'm going to leave this alone because your friendship is worth more to me than winning this debate.
Why is anyone keeping an eye on the KKK? Blacks do a better job at killing themselves in larger numbers than the KKK ever did.

Where is the black outrage for that?
Actually we're outraged at both. Are you saying that if blacks sometimes kill each other then it's ok for the KKK to get one here and there? Deflection is a tactic used in debate when you don't have the facts on your side. Black on Black crime (which like all crime is down significantly) has nothing to do with the KKK being terrorists. But the KKK cannot be defended, hence the deflection. See how that works?
Actually we're outraged at both. Are you saying that if blacks sometimes kill each other then it's ok for the KKK to get one here and there? Deflection is a tactic used in debate when you don't have the facts on your side. Black on Black crime (which like all crime is down significantly) has nothing to do with the KKK being terrorists. But the KKK cannot be defended, hence the deflection. See how that works?
KKK members.. if they are near you..... I would move asap.... there is NO talking sense to them....
Actually we're outraged at both. Are you saying that if blacks sometimes kill each other then it's ok for the KKK to get one here and there? Deflection is a tactic used in debate when you don't have the facts on your side. Black on Black crime (which like all crime is down significantly) has nothing to do with the KKK being terrorists. But the KKK cannot be defended, hence the deflection. See how that works?

Not a deflection at all.
What I'm saying is show us the outrage on the black on black deaths. Show us why the blacks aren't marching on Chicago, or Baltimore or etc. They are killing each other less? Really? Less than what?

Instead while I know the KKK does exist, they get all the focus for how many killings?
I hate anything about the KKK. I'm happy to help rid our world of them. But in the scheme of what they accomplish, I'd much prefer we protect the cops that are getting killed by punks with what money we have to spend. Or why we have to see a cop face an end to his career because he had to subdue some black kid that has a wrap sheet a mile long, fits the broadcasted description of a man with a gun that just robbed a convienience store and suddenly doesn't have a gun drawn on the cop in enough of a threatening way for anyone untrained in these decisions to skewer the cop for excessive force. And then burn down a city if the courts don't convict him.

The KKK could cease to exist tomorrow morning. Would the blacks stop killing each other? Would the cops face less risk?

March on Chicago and show your outrage. Elect officials that will act upon your outrage.
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