Got bike impounded for speeding...

I can't point any fingers because on a track I have only seen 108 MPH, but the most I have seen on my bike is 180 and its so hard when merging onto the interstate to not atleast touch 100mph. I will agree 100% there is no reason to be doing 100 mph plus. I also agree that alot of speed limits are way too low, however, if you admit it or not there is a system involved in setting speeds that include a lot of factors not thought of by the normal driver such as road conditions, amount of normal traffic, hills, curves, rollersoaster bumps, line of sight, businesses on the side of roads that may have your attention.

I do believe speed cameras are just a way to get money because police officers ARE ABLE TO SLOW DOWN ANY ROAD THEY WANT!!!! Here is an example:
Anyone familiar with the Nashville area will know this, Briely Parkway its a road just off the interstate that is just like an interstate no roads connecting only on ramps and off ramps the speed limit is 55mph it could very easily be 70+. Back a few years ago they were having alot of problems with people speeding they finally decided to do something about it. They had helicopters radaring and radioing to cars on the street, also had police officers every 1/4 to 1/2 mile or so on both sides of the road standing outside of their cars with laser guns when you were caught they would walk out into your lane pointing for you to pull over, very brave but think about it where would you go if you decided to run, tried to run him over or worst of all did run him over? Helicopters already out, police officers every 1/4 to 1/2 mile you can try to run but honestly you cannot outrun a city that is already organized and ready to catch you. That road now several years later most people go 55 - 60 mph every now and then you get someone flying past everyone but everytime I see it, that same person is pulled over just a little ways down the road I make sure to honk and wave as I pass :laugh:

Briley: Especially that nice long straight stretch between Hosptial Road and Ashland City Highway....very tempting :) I drive that every day....
Got bike impounded for speeding , stupid , stupid, stupid:banghead:
Had to pay $253 bucks to get my bike out of impound , spent the night in jail, $500.00 bail.
I was traveling 140mph in a 55, they are going to mail me my court date.

You guys can rag on me all ya want, i did a very stupid thing and now I am going to have to pay the price:banghead:

I wouldn't have stopped man lol. Get you a fuzz buster on ur bike. I bolted mine onto my windshield and I works with my bluetooth helmet :thumbsup:
Sorry, can't agree with that mate.
If I were American, videos like this would embarrass me.

Do a search where people evading pull out AK47's or other fully automatic guns and start shooting, maybe you'll change your mind. There is a reason they have weapons drawn after high speed pursuit. People running are usually running for a reason... :poke:
Briley: Especially that nice long straight stretch between Hosptial Road and Ashland City Highway....very tempting :) I drive that every day....

I completely understand and know where you talking about. I am not on briley everyday but I am on I40 and I65 everyday.Briley makes for a nice quick weekend cruise, I love the curve from Briley onto I65 :D Good to know there is another Busa rider around we need to meet up sometime.
Do a search where people evading pull out AK47's or other fully automatic guns and start shooting, maybe you'll change your mind. There is a reason they have weapons drawn after high speed pursuit. People running are usually running for a reason... :poke:

Yes actually I suppose that does make sense...owning an AK47 isn't legal though is it? It's only purpose is WARFARE!
Hey mate quick side question: what basic mods do you refer to you in your sig?