Got bike impounded for speeding...

just haven't gotten nailed yet, it's probably coming, and I will feel like a stupid kid when it happens. Just touched 180 on mine the other day on 1604 SAT. Must've
caught a tailwind and going downhill, I weigh 250.:rulez:
Sorry to hear man. I wouldn't say anything negative to someone about stopping, it's the law, and you can get in a lot of trouble by running. That said, I do not stop. Going that fast in the first place is against the law, and if I didn't want to go fast there are better bikes to buy than a busa. And while I roll mine up to top speed every chance I get, I try to hedge my bets. I do it during the day, on good roads, when there isn't heavy traffic. I avoid cops. But when a cop lights me up I never stop, and it's happened, I don't know, half a dozen times in the last year. I would say that would make an interesting poll, to stop, or not to stop!
So after felony fleeing cuz that's what it is at that speed in Florida you are just riding around today like nothing happened thinking they won't recognize you and stop you today or do you just run every time all the time ?

Please post your name so we know who the papers are talking about when you die :)
I feel the need to interject and say that you are a little out of line Saiid. Just because he doesn't see things your way isn't a reason to cause an inflammatory conversation.
Cops are not cops cuz they are stupid .
You may be doing 140 on the initial road but you won't be doing that thru neighborhoods or on local streets. Around here in less than ten mins there will be over fifty cops looking for you . Not sure about what part of Florida your in but Palm Beach , Broward and Dade counties you WILL NOT GET AWAY !
Even if you do get away today how will you ride tomorrow . They will see you and stop you . Ever heard of 'bolo' ? As in BE ON LOOKOUT ? They will catch you today tomorrow or next week and then your done !
Best to stop !

I live in a part of Orange County. I am sorry, but why do you think Ghost Rider has gotten away time and time (and time and time and time) again? He leaves the area before police even realize where he is at. You said fifty cops would show up in less than ten minutes. When you are traveling over 100+ mph, let alone 160+ mph which these bikes are easily capable of, every second counts. By the time you fly by a cop going that speed, and you maintain high speeds on and off the highway, you should long gone in less than twenty seconds.

As for your statement about "getting away today, how will you ride tomorrow." Easy, don't ride tomorrow. Keep the bike parked for a week, perhaps two weeks. Ride your car instead. Come to think of it, it does not even matter if you did ride the next day. Unless they have hard evidence (Your bike tag) they can't do a thing about it. A simple description won't hold any value in court, a lawyer would tear that up to pieces.
Got bike impounded for speeding , stupid , stupid, stupid:banghead:
Had to pay $253 bucks to get my bike out of impound , spent the night in jail, $500.00 bail.
I was traveling 140mph in a 55, they are going to mail me my court date.

You guys can rag on me all ya want, i did a very stupid thing and now I am going to have to pay the price:banghead:

Nothing stupid about that. You got caught, that is all. I could tell you my little story about 121/50. Suffice to say I was lucky to listen to a 3 min lecture and the bike not being impounded. You need to find a lawyer with experience and positive results in this area. Otherwise, you are screwed.

I paid about $2500 to the lawyer, got 15 points on the license, but it was not suspended, and they expired shortly thereafter because the lawyer dragged it on for more than a year. Paid only $200 fine. Still paying NY specific surcharge of $900 over a period of 3 years. My auto insurance did go up because of that very noticeably.

140 is nothing. I hit it almost every time I ride, but not continuously - just for a few sec when it's clear (on both levels, LOL).
You want to die running from the cops and being known (in the same category) as a criminal for the rest of your life...? ???

Well...this will become political but here we are anyway:

The law's stance on speeding is that you can cause yourself tremendous harm, and that you are ignorant to this fact. Therefore, police must protect people from themselves.

But I say NO!
I am NOT ignorant!
I do NOT need protection from myself!

I say let people put themselves into comas, let them disable themselves, let them damage themselves...let them die. Allow them the freedom to make a choice. Because our lives are what we make of it, use advice and guidance - not punishment and disgrace.

So in answer to your query: yes, society may deem me a criminal to law if they wish. But the implication means nothing to me.
good like king.....................been there plenty of times not for anything that severe............

also just a personal comment i cant believe some of SQUIDLIKE posts on here.....
just when i thought i had lost all the suprise out of life...........guess i was wrong

man i love the ORG
Well...this will become political but here we are anyway:

The law's stance on speeding is that you can cause yourself tremendous harm, and that you are ignorant to this fact. Therefore, police must protect people from themselves.

But I say NO!
I am NOT ignorant!
I do NOT need protection from myself!

I say let people put themselves into comas, let them disable themselves, let them damage themselves...let them die. Allow them the freedom to make a choice. Because our lives are what we make of it, use advice and guidance - not punishment and disgrace.

So in answer to your query: yes, society may deem me a criminal to law if they wish. But the implication means nothing to me.

There will be many opinions on this, and I tend to agree. When the helmet and seat-belt laws went in to play here, I was torn.

I know the safety and the implications of not having the state or others pay for your hospital stay, or long term care.
But I do feel that our country has so many laws that totally take away our freedoms as individuals, and our capacity to make our own decisions.

I obey civil law to the extent that it does not violate moral law. Does that make sense?

Well...this will become political but here we are anyway:

The law's stance on speeding is that you can cause yourself tremendous harm, and that you are ignorant to this fact. Therefore, police must protect people from themselves.

But I say NO!
I am NOT ignorant!
I do NOT need protection from myself!

I say let people put themselves into comas, let them disable themselves, let them damage themselves...let them die. Allow them the freedom to make a choice. Because our lives are what we make of it, use advice and guidance - not punishment and disgrace.

So in answer to your query: yes, society may deem me a criminal to law if they wish. But the implication means nothing to me.

I agree with your intent but....

....exceeding the speed limit and pulling over is different than exceeding the speed limit and RUNNING!

My problem is when you run and are completely out of control on the bike. You have no care for yourself or those around you. Blasting stop lights and stop signs without thinking about ANYONE around you.

What happens when one of these riders hits your wife and child driving home from school...? Are you going to feel the same way if a family member is killed by one of these people trying to flee...?

I'm not even talking about the ones that aren't financially stable enough to pay for insurance on the vehicle they are riding/driving OR paying for medical. Tax payers covering these expenses when they crash is an entirely different thread....
Where are the cops for these crazy bikers???

You were only doing 140! And I highly doubt you were doing wheelies and white-lining, which is Illegal in your state!
You got busted, and they want to make it stick.
Take your plea to the judge and be honest, you were only doing 40 in a 25 right!:laugh:
Well I agree with surt " those that trade liberty and freedom for safty desever neither" and if your doing. 140 in a 50 try saying that it was only 40

As far as running that's a personal choice that we can't say for sure till you have to make it
Posted via Mobile Device
Well I agree with surt " those that trade liberty and freedom for safty desever neither" and if your doing. 140 in a 50 try saying that it was only 40

As far as running that's a personal choice that we can't say for sure till you have to make it
Posted via Mobile Device

Having a gunfight in the middle of a crowd of innocent bystanders is a personal choice too. Guess the laws against doing so are an attack on our freedoms.

Similarly, riding a bike at triple digits on public roadways without regard for the safety of those around you should surely be freedom that you should not be denied.

Don't bother with condolences to those hurt and injured as a result of these behaviors through no fault of their own (well, guess they shoulda known better than to leave the house, idiots!). What's the loss of a few lives (mothers, daughters, wives, fathers, sons, husbands) for the sake of a few fatally inconsiderate riders that wish to go fast but don't have the balls to take it to the track and keep it off the streets?

Wanna kill yourself, or take that chance, fine. Put others in harms way and you WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY beyond "personal" freedom.

Just imagine coming home after work to find out that a loved one was injured or killed by a motorcycle/rider traveling at triple digit speeds on a public road. Would you still defend your "right" to risk the potential consequences of ignoring speed limits to such an extreme?

Ride, but ride safe.
I respectfully submit that the posted speed limit and a truly "safe" speed are not necessarily related in any way, shape, form or fashion. Speed limits are often arbitrarily assigned, arbitrarily changed, and arbitrarily enforced.

For example, 95mph by an experienced rider on a 'busa is MUCH "safer" on any given stretch of road than a teenaged dimwit doing 55 mph while texting. Or a soccer mom putting on makeup. The former is "breaking" the law, while the latter two are not breaking the law (in many states).

As an old geezer, I remember vividly the day when daytime speed limits were 65 mph on most 2-lane highways. That was well before seat belts, air bags, disc brakes, ABS, stability control, etc, etc. The speed limit on those same roads now are typically no more than 55 mph, in spite of all of our advances in safety.

If authorities can arbitrarily set and enforce speed limits, we all ought to reserve the right to exceed those limits when we can safely do so.

LeDauz sorry but you have completely misunderstood my post to the point of inversion!

I agree with CWCobra, speed over the posted limit does not explicitly equal a crash. I don't think I've heard it said better than this:

If authorities can arbitrarily set and enforce speed limits, we all ought to reserve the right to exceed those limits when we can safely do so.

However! The problem, as usual, is society and how it feels about itself. I like to think of it like this: low speed limits and excessive fines = a society with poor self esteem.

What's going to fix it? Education IMO, not punishment.
I respectfully submit that the posted speed limit and a truly "safe" speed are not necessarily related in any way, shape, form or fashion. Speed limits are often arbitrarily assigned, arbitrarily changed, and arbitrarily enforced.

For example, 95mph by an experienced rider on a 'busa is MUCH "safer" on any given stretch of road than a teenaged dimwit doing 55 mph while texting. Or a soccer mom putting on makeup. The former is "breaking" the law, while the latter two are not breaking the law (in many states).

As an old geezer, I remember vividly the day when daytime speed limits were 65 mph on most 2-lane highways. That was well before seat belts, air bags, disc brakes, ABS, stability control, etc, etc. The speed limit on those same roads now are typically no more than 55 mph, in spite of all of our advances in safety.

If authorities can arbitrarily set and enforce speed limits, we all ought to reserve the right to exceed those limits when we can safely do so.


CW, agreed that limits are not neccessarily defined on the basis of safety for any particular vehicle or driver or combo thereof. In fact, they are usually set for the least effective of those, the lowest common denominator. In addition, limits often take into account various environmental conditions (hidden drive ways, intersections, pedestrian and animal factors, etc.), looking to compromise on speed of travel vs leaving vehicles enough time to react to an unanticipated yet common need to slow or stop. So there is more than just the skill of the driver at work in determining limits on public roads.

For that sake of argument, let's assume that drive skill is the only significant factor in determining limits. What you've suggested is :

"we all ought to reserve the right to exceed those limits when we can safely do so."

If that's the case, how do we determine when it is safe? And how many in the population are capable of being honest about their ability and therefore when it is safe to do so?

More to the point, when is it "safe" to do 2x and 3x the speed limit? We're not talking about doin' 70 in a 55. Multiple posters in this thread are claiming to go 100+ mph REGULARLY on public streets IN TRAFFIC. Many have claimed to regularly hit speeds higher than those occurring at many races and track events!!!

I submit that it is NEVER "safe" to go triple digits on a public road. I will acknowledge that there can be times when one is COMPLETELY isolated from other people on a public freeway when the only one at risk is the driver. However, for most of us, those situations are not daily occurences but are extremely rare. And even then, risking oneself is still selfish and incosiderate to those that rely on and care for us.

So, again, risk yourself, fine. But it's very difficult to do (and be sure that no one else is at risk) on a public road.

Go fast...but do it on a track. There, you and everyone around you is fully informed of the risk at hand but the environment is much safer and there are no innocents to drag down in the event that disaster strikes.

Again, just consider getting the news that a loved one has been struck down by a rider who chose to do 150mph on your local roads. I submit that there is no defending such behavior.
sorry you got caught! fortunately, that has not happened to me yet but i am sure my days are numbered. it really is kind of hard to avoid whacking that throttle open here and there.