Got bike impounded for speeding...

I will try to find the article... there have been several different videos of people claiming to be the ghost rider. The original guy who did the running in Europe supposedly went down. Anyone here knows, different feel free to correct while i track down the article an pics of the accident.

Well isn't it proof enough his name is 'Ghost Rider' ?
If he was still alive he would be 'Live Rider'
No ?
Only the ones that get caught running are on TV. The get-aways are never shown. That is to get us to believe we will always get caught, it isn't always the case...........

what about the one's that die?

I believe the amount of people who rip the throttle and successfully evade police, far... I mean FAR out weight the amount people who get caught/get killed. I mean we hear about almost every single person who flees, then gets caught or killled. However we almost never ever hear about those who evade and get away. I assume that a lot of people on this board alone has evaded the police at least once in their lives, be on a bike or car.

On another issue this whole "You can't outrun a motorola" is a bunch of BS. Yes if you stay on a highway, cops and a chopper will eventually catch you. However if you blow by a cop at 140+ mph, he won't even know where you are traveling except for the road you blew past him on. You could easily turn into multiple side streets and he will have no idea where you are. At this point a chopper won't matter because your location won't be known. By the time a chopper even gets to the general location you were spotted, you should be LONG gone.
I guess everyone has said it all. Glad you are OK and hope it won't be too bad. I can really respect someone who stands by their actions and accepts responsibility/accountability. Sorry if I'm preaching and I'm not any better because I've done similar acts.

Also, I'm reallt glad there was no chase, becasue if someone could have pulled out in front of you and you would wear all the charges!!!!
No Ragging here. Im sorry to hear. But IMO you did the right thing in pulling over,,couldve been killed, paralized ,or lost a leg,,and if they caught you for fleeing,,,A friend of mine , her son ran last yr in FL,,he got 18 months,,and they forced him down on a slow corner[cop pulled out in front of him],and he had alot of road rash and a broken arm,,bike is trashed and 18 months for running,,,I think you did well,,,i hope you do well in court,,just tell the judge the truth,best wishes
I believe the amount of people who rip the throttle and successfully evade police, far... I mean FAR out weight the amount people who get caught/get killed. I mean we hear about almost every single person who flees, then gets caught or killled. However we almost never ever hear about those who evade and get away. I assume that a lot of people on this board alone has evaded the police at least once in their lives, be on a bike or car.

On another issue this whole "You can't outrun a motorola" is a bunch of BS. Yes if you stay on a highway, cops and a chopper will eventually catch you. However if you blow by a cop at 140+ mph, he won't even know where you are traveling except for the road you blew past him on. You could easily turn into multiple side streets and he will have no idea where you are. At this point a chopper won't matter because your location won't be known. By the time a chopper even gets to the general location you were spotted, you should be LONG gone.

Cops are not cops cuz they are stupid .
You may be doing 140 on the initial road but you won't be doing that thru neighborhoods or on local streets. Around here in less than ten mins there will be over fifty cops looking for you . Not sure about what part of Florida your in but Palm Beach , Broward and Dade counties you WILL NOT GET AWAY !
Even if you do get away today how will you ride tomorrow . They will see you and stop you . Ever heard of 'bolo' ? As in BE ON LOOKOUT ? They will catch you today tomorrow or next week and then your done !
Best to stop !
Got bike impounded for speeding , stupid , stupid, stupid:banghead:
Had to pay $253 bucks to get my bike out of impound , spent the night in jail, $500.00 bail.
I was traveling 140mph in a 55, they are going to mail me my court date.

You guys can rag on me all ya want, i did a very stupid thing and now I am going to have to pay the price:banghead:

look what you did Speed King!!!!! :laugh:
I'm still new here and see that half of the posts you make are retarded. :lol:

No need to insult me. Everyone has their opinions and looks like you need to keep yours to yourself because just coming out and saying something ignorant like that doesn't make you look smart either.
Got bike impounded for speeding , stupid , stupid, stupid:banghead:
Had to pay $253 bucks to get my bike out of impound , spent the night in jail, $500.00 bail.
I was traveling 140mph in a 55, they are going to mail me my court date.

You guys can rag on me all ya want, i did a very stupid thing and now I am going to have to pay the price:banghead:

been locked up 2x on bikes.
Yes, I pulled over, I did not want to take the chance of crashing, police radios are faster, If I did not pull over who knows what would have happened, I probably would have just made matters a whole lot worse.

Not as fast as your's but I've been there. I got nabbed going 117 in a 55. The cop told me that he could take my bike on the spot and take me to jail but he was going to be nice and didn't. In my case I didn't even realize that I was going that fast. I saw brake lights ahead of me and just got off the gas. As I was slowing down and going with the flow of traffic is when the cops came up behind me and hit the lights. I got tagged with speeding and reckless driving. I got a lawyer, went to court, got the reckless charges dropped and was fined $550 for speeding. The lawyer cost $600 and I also took a defensive driving class for $85. That was 6 years ago.

Not as fast as your's but I've been there. I got nabbed going 117 in a 55. The cop told me that he could take my bike on the spot and take me to jail but he was going to be nice and didn't. In my case I didn't even realize that I was going that fast. I saw brake lights ahead of me and just got off the gas. As I was slowing down and going with the flow of traffic is when the cops came up behind me and hit the lights. I got tagged with speeding and reckless driving. I got a lawyer, went to court, got the reckless charges dropped and was fined $550 for speeding. The lawyer cost $600 and I also took a defensive driving class for $85. That was 6 years ago.

Please dont get mad or offended if I :rofl:
Judge didnt buy it either did he...:poke:

Sorry couldnt resist.....

"honest I didnt know I was going so fast....Heavens ta Betsy"

I Keed.....I Keed...
Not as fast as your's but I've been there. I got nabbed going 117 in a 55. The cop told me that he could take my bike on the spot and take me to jail but he was going to be nice and didn't. In my case I didn't even realize that I was going that fast. I saw brake lights ahead of me and just got off the gas. As I was slowing down and going with the flow of traffic is when the cops came up behind me and hit the lights. I got tagged with speeding and reckless driving. I got a lawyer, went to court, got the reckless charges dropped and was fined $550 for speeding. The lawyer cost $600 and I also took a defensive driving class for $85. That was 6 years ago.

I am glad i am not the only one, sometimes it is really hard to tell how fast you are going on the busa unless you look down at the speedo, my story is kinda like yours.
After doing 140, i slowed to the speed of traffic ahead and saw cops aways back with lights flashing, i knew i was in trouble then.
I will never run from cops nor take the risk of killing me or someone else, not worth it.
Cops are not cops cuz they are stupid .
You may be doing 140 on the initial road but you won't be doing that thru neighborhoods or on local streets. Around here in less than ten mins there will be over fifty cops looking for you . Not sure about what part of Florida your in but Palm Beach , Broward and Dade counties you WILL NOT GET AWAY !
Even if you do get away today how will you ride tomorrow . They will see you and stop you . Ever heard of 'bolo' ? As in BE ON LOOKOUT ? They will catch you today tomorrow or next week and then your done !
Best to stop !

you must be in the wrong crew am from broward county and just last night a cop chased me at 150 mph and i never stopped and i wont at that speed and quess what they never know its me and its not the first time and not the last time..
I am glad i am not the only one, sometimes it is really hard to tell how fast you are going on the busa unless you look down at the speedo, my story is kinda like yours.
After doing 140, i slowed to the speed of traffic ahead and saw cops aways back with lights flashing, i knew i was in trouble then.
I will never run from cops nor take the risk of killing me or someone else, not worth it.

I've been there. 140 in 68. 15 month suspension and an $800 fine.
No lawyer though.

Went for a top speed burst on a straight lonely highway, and as I was slowing down a saw a bike cop. He let me ride home and we a laugh and a joke about it because I wasn't a **** about it. He said he was following me for 25 miles!!

I was doing a lot more than 140 though, he must have caught me coming down...
Please dont get mad or offended if I :rofl:
Judge didnt buy it either did he...:poke:

Sorry couldnt resist.....

"honest I didnt know I was going so fast....Heavens ta Betsy"

I Keed.....I Keed...

:rofl: no worries. I got on the highway behind some guy that was only going 40mph at the end of the ramp in to the carpool lane(motorcycles are allowed). He was the only person in his car so he shouldn't have been in that lane. By the time I could finally get passed him I hit the gas and left him in the dust. Once I passed him I rolled back the throttle and just was cruising. Thats when I saw the brakes lights ahead of me. I guess I didn't realize just how fast I was going nor did I roll back the throttle as much as I thought I did. You gotta love a bike that feels like your going 50 when you're doing 90. :whistle:
you must be in the wrong crew am from broward county and just last night a cop chased me at 150 mph and i never stopped and i wont at that speed and quess what they never know its me and its not the first time and not the last time..

So after felony fleeing cuz that's what it is at that speed in Florida you are just riding around today like nothing happened thinking they won't recognize you and stop you today or do you just run every time all the time ?

Please post your name so we know who the papers are talking about when you die :)