Got bike impounded for speeding...

Here is a little something for everyone to ponder over!

When you get that urge to twist the wrist and double the speed limit knowing the severity of consequencies if there happens to be a man in blue near by, think about this. With the money you'll spend getting through the consequencies you could do three track days a week all summer and hire yourself an instructor once a week. You could exceed tripple digits thousands of times with no worry of achieving a court date. By summers end you could spank the infamous Macon454 like a little school girl (No offense Shane).

I spent three days at the track this past week exceeding triple digits hundreds of times and exceeded a buck fifty well over 100 times without fear of a court date, no deer, dogs, raccoons, coyotes, soccer moms or drivers with anger management issues.

Track time will get you over that desire for speed off the track. I think track time makes one realize just how dangerous speed can be on the streets. Way to many of us have yet to grasp just how difficult it is to manage speed on an obsticle course such as what we find on public roads!

IMO running from a well schooled driver in a dodge charger is not wise. Those things do a buck sixty and are perfectly capable of running the average rider down with ease!

Riding Smart is about making good Choices! :beerchug:
Some states have a NO CHASE policy so running or just keep going is common for here. State and toll cops will come after you but county and city don't even bother trying. At 140 I don't bother with my mirrors unless I am getting ready to slow down so if a cop is there I would stop. I try not to play on the streets unless I have other bikes with me... mine isn't the slowest.:whistle: Good luck and keep us posted.
Here is a little something for everyone to ponder over!

When you get that urge to twist the wrist and double the speed limit knowing the severity of consequencies if there happens to be a man in blue near by, think about this. With the money you'll spend getting through the consequencies you could do three track days a week all summer and hire yourself an instructor once a week. You could exceed tripple digits thousands of times with no worry of achieving a court date. By summers end you could spank the infamous Macon454 like a little school girl (No offense Shane).

I spent three days at the track this past week exceeding triple digits hundreds of times and exceeded a buck fifty well over 100 times without fear of a court date, no deer, dogs, raccoons, coyotes, soccer moms or drivers with anger management issues.

Track time will get you over that desire for speed off the track. I think track time makes one realize just how dangerous speed can be on the streets. Way to many of us have yet to grasp just how difficult it is to manage speed on an obsticle course such as what we find on public roads!

IMO running from a well schooled driver in a dodge charger is not wise. Those things do a buck sixty and are perfectly capable of running the average rider down with ease!

Riding Smart is about making good Choices! :beerchug:

well said, but we don't call them organ donors for nothing.
I've only been riding for 3 months. I've not seen anything above 90mph on my speedo (which calculated puts me at 83-86mph actual) and that was only when I needed to bet me out of something elses way. If I get the itch I'll find my way to the track, be it 1/4 mile or roundy round.
For your family's sake (and my familys' as well) it sounds as though some of you should consider selling your bikes.
where do you live? Good choice on pulling over yourself. If you are in the RDU area of NC let me know I gotta miracle worker (at least he's worked some in the past :whistle: )
yeah. i can attest to pulling over. i was doing about 110 in a 45, past the cop going the oppisite direction. when i glanced in the mirror he was trying to get turned around so i jus pulled over and waited and he let me go, didnt even get a warning. said he was a rider and i should "cool it".

2. if the cop thats chasing you somehow wrecks and kills someone or himself during the pursuit, and he got your plate number or you somehow get caught later, They can charge you with murder.
double edge sword, might have got away or might had died! option 3 ensures life and the old saying goes if your gonna play sonner or later your gonna pay
Ghostrider comes to mind. :laugh: He's got 9 lives when it comes to outrunning the po-po. The only two vids I've seen him caught on, one he was parked in the street giving an interview when the Polizei rolled by him, and the other was him running out of gas. :rofl: Otherwise, the man rolls on everytime. Just one of his many videos.....

That guy is my hero :bowdown:
That guy is my hero :bowdown:


You need to watch a good old movie called "Vanishing Point", he was folk hero but in the end he wound up dead.

I am really surprised at the number of people who would actually condone running. Unless you have committed a felony and are looking at a third strike it just isn't worth it to run. What are you going to prove, what a big man you are on a motorcycle? And if you think everyone will be impressed and look up to you...that's not what they are thinking. Sorry jut MHO based on 40 yrs. experience.
They would not run in real life... remember they are typing on a keyboard with a ding dong and a coke....:rofl:

You need to watch a good old movie called "Vanishing Point", he was folk hero but in the end he wound up dead.

I am really surprised at the number of people who would actually condone running. Unless you have committed a felony and are looking at a third strike it just isn't worth it to run. What are you going to prove, what a big man you are on a motorcycle? And if you think everyone will be impressed and look up to you...that's not what they are thinking. Sorry jut MHO based on 40 yrs. experience.

who said running from the cops is why he was my hero. his skill is incredible... have you seen all his videos?
Here is a little something for everyone to ponder over!

When you get that urge to twist the wrist and double the speed limit knowing the severity of consequencies if there happens to be a man in blue near by, think about this. With the money you'll spend getting through the consequencies you could do three track days a week all summer and hire yourself an instructor once a week. You could exceed tripple digits thousands of times with no worry of achieving a court date. By summers end you could spank the infamous Macon454 like a little school girl (No offense Shane).

I spent three days at the track this past week exceeding triple digits hundreds of times and exceeded a buck fifty well over 100 times without fear of a court date, no deer, dogs, raccoons, coyotes, soccer moms or drivers with anger management issues.

Track time will get you over that desire for speed off the track. I think track time makes one realize just how dangerous speed can be on the streets. Way to many of us have yet to grasp just how difficult it is to manage speed on an obsticle course such as what we find on public roads!

IMO running from a well schooled driver in a dodge charger is not wise. Those things do a buck sixty and are perfectly capable of running the average rider down with ease!

Riding Smart is about making good Choices! :beerchug:

HERE, HERE! Wow! This is THE best post on the matter that I have seen in a long time! Well done and Thanks!
IME riders that don't wear gear, have the most to worry about. A rider with shorts tennis shoes, sandles, T-shirt , helmet or not are usually ones that get hammered. Most crashes involve these riders.
Officers respect a rider wearing full gear and are less likely to hammer your wallet and license record. There are always exceptions.... wheelies in traffic ... ludicrous speed in traffic etc.
Normally the rider with gear is not out acting the fool.
who said running from the cops is why he was my hero. his skill is incredible... have you seen all his videos?

RJ, yeah I have seen them and they are a novelty...kind of like watching 1,000 ways to die. So, once again why is this guy your hero? My heros on motorcycles are people like Malcolm Smith, George Walker, Giacomo Agostini, Sete Gibernau, Ben Bostrom, etc.
RJ, yeah I have seen them and they are a novelty...kind of like watching 1,000 ways to die. So, once again why is this guy your hero? My heros on motorcycles are people like Malcolm Smith, George Walker, Giacomo Agostini, Sete Gibernau, Ben Bostrom, etc.

Don't take what I said so literal :laugh:
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Like others have said, hire an attorney and learn from your mistakes. Im not going to say anything negative to you because i've seen those speeds before as well and im not a hipocrite. Good luck with everything and I hope it works out in the end for you.