Got bike impounded for speeding...

Anybody who would try to out run the police or even suggest it is an IDIOT. Running from the police is an extremely serious offense, you put your life, the lives of other drivers and the lives of the police at serious risk. Ifyou think the penalties for speeding are bad, try running from the police and get caught (if you live to get caught).
OOOF! How long did it take them to catch up after you pulled over?
Just living up to your name I guess. Good luck.

I hope you'll be able to legally drive it again sometime in the near future.

Get your :please::please: on!

It actually did not take that long at all, I seen flashing lights in my mirror a ways back and knew he was already on his radio with others soo I pulled over and waited for him, its stupid to run from cops cuz they are not stupid and I probably would have crashed or killed someone else and I was not going to take that chance.
Yes, I pulled over, I did not want to take the chance of crashing, police radios are faster, If I did not pull over who knows what would have happened, I probably would have just made matters a whole lot worse.


As bad as your situation is right now, running will ALWAYS make it worse. Everything you have to deal with now is manageable and you can learn from. You don't learn a thing if you die at the end of a chase and if you get caught running, you learn, but at much higher cost.

Good choice to pull over.

Best of luck going forward.
It actually did not take that long at all, I seen flashing lights in my mirror a ways back and knew he was already on his radio with others soo I pulled over and waited for him, its stupid to run from cops cuz they are not stupid and I probably would have crashed or killed someone else and I was not going to take that chance.

Good move. I got caught doin 129 in a 55 in my Mustang several years back. Going opposite ways on the highway. Saw him pulling in the ditch to turn around. I pulled over and waited before he even got the cherries on. Took him about 3-4 minutes to actually get back to my car. Ended up letting me off with doin 70 in a 55. Told me he couldn't believe I stopped...he would have had to wake up (and piss off) a lot of off-duty officers and the chopper pilot had I not, because there was no way he was gonna catch me.
I feel your pain, i got caught doing 120 in a 50, and let me tell you insurance ain't cheap anymore. I pay 360.00 a month for insurance. I had a passenger, so running was not an option, even if i didn't i would have done the same as you, i'm still alive and have the bike. Just cost me a little extra now.
How many youtube videos or anything else have you seen with bikers running from cops and getting away? NONE, you never should ever run from cops no matter how fast your bike is cuz you will probably only kill yourself or someone innocent and i could not live with myself if something like that ever would have happened.
No ragging . You did right by stopping . Takes a man to accept his licks a d deal with them. Running only would have resulted in what's already been said .
A crash , a death or much more severe penalties .
Your alive to tell about it , your bike is in one piece and $ aside in the future you will be able to reflect upon it .
Glad we are not mourning the loss of another brother .
Sorry about your luck but I would bet like all of us this was first time you got stopped out of the 500 times you were going that it faster ?
It will work out .
Can you tell them you were on way to hospital cuz your wife was in labor :)
Lastly I guess you should change your name to ticket king from speed king :)
Sorry just a little lightness to the situation .
Ouch man. Wait till insurance hits. Thats what will hurt. I guess it could happen to any one of us. We just havent got caught yet. Good luck. Let us know what happens.

+1 on that. Sorry for your agony that you are going through, an that you still have coming. Good part is you still alive, worse things could have happened at that speed than a ticket. Best of luck to you on the legal issues
I knew it was only a matter of time before I got nailed doing this, so I try to stay off the highways now for "fun rides". My abilities keep me slower in the twisty's. I know I went through 4 speed traps on Thursday going to a funeral. THANK God I was following my father on his Harley, because I KNOW I would have been flying on those roads.

In Delaware that would be a felony, and with a reckless driving conviction you'd have to be a brain surgeon to afford the cost on insurance. I HOPE ALL WORKS OUT WITH YOU !!
I think its a good time to start thinking about a mountain bike or a good peddle bike because like a lot of you have said, my insurance is going to skyrocket.
How many youtube videos or anything else have you seen with bikers running from cops and getting away? NONE, you never should ever run from cops no matter how fast your bike is cuz you will probably only kill yourself or someone innocent and i could not live with myself if something like that ever would have happened.

Only the ones that get caught running are on TV. The get-aways are never shown. That is to get us to believe we will always get caught, it isn't always the case...........
Probly better that ya stopped, running doesn't always work out well:whistle:

Good luck in court, a good lawyer is well worth the money
Don't worry mate you'll probably just get suspended. It's kind of a relief when the court is done with you and the suspension really isn't as painful for the duration as it is for the first few weeks. You do adjust.
How many youtube videos or anything else have you seen with bikers running from cops and getting away? NONE, you never should ever run from cops no matter how fast your bike is cuz you will probably only kill yourself or someone innocent and i could not live with myself if something like that ever would have happened.
Ghostrider comes to mind. :laugh: He's got 9 lives when it comes to outrunning the po-po. The only two vids I've seen him caught on, one he was parked in the street giving an interview when the Polizei rolled by him, and the other was him running out of gas. :rofl: Otherwise, the man rolls on everytime. Just one of his many videos.....
