busa clubslinger
Wow! Did the right thing stoppin'! Sometimes you just have to say "whoa big girl" Good luck with that one!
:watching: lol
OOOF! How long did it take them to catch up after you pulled over?
Just living up to your name I guess. Good luck.
I hope you'll be able to legally drive it again sometime in the near future.
Get yourlease:
lease: on!
Yes, I pulled over, I did not want to take the chance of crashing, police radios are faster, If I did not pull over who knows what would have happened, I probably would have just made matters a whole lot worse.
It actually did not take that long at all, I seen flashing lights in my mirror a ways back and knew he was already on his radio with others soo I pulled over and waited for him, its stupid to run from cops cuz they are not stupid and I probably would have crashed or killed someone else and I was not going to take that chance.
Ouch man. Wait till insurance hits. Thats what will hurt. I guess it could happen to any one of us. We just havent got caught yet. Good luck. Let us know what happens.
How many youtube videos or anything else have you seen with bikers running from cops and getting away? NONE, you never should ever run from cops no matter how fast your bike is cuz you will probably only kill yourself or someone innocent and i could not live with myself if something like that ever would have happened.
Only the ones that get caught running are on TV. The get-aways are never shown. That is to get us to believe we will always get caught, it isn't always the case...........
what about the one's that die?
Ghostrider comes to mind.How many youtube videos or anything else have you seen with bikers running from cops and getting away? NONE, you never should ever run from cops no matter how fast your bike is cuz you will probably only kill yourself or someone innocent and i could not live with myself if something like that ever would have happened.