Got bike impounded for speeding...

This my dear friends is what CAN happen if you run........ | Fatal motorcycle crash in Oshawa takes life of man, 31

The guy saw the radar trap up ahead and decided to take off,well, you can see what happened. Can you imagine what the poor driver of the car must have felt like? Just out doing errands and then there is a motorcycle wedged in his car.

Needless to say the rider perished. Take caution, act wisely,ride safe all......
Got bike impounded for speeding , stupid , stupid, stupid:banghead:
Had to pay $253 bucks to get my bike out of impound , spent the night in jail, $500.00 bail.
I was traveling 140mph in a 55, they are going to mail me my court date.

You guys can rag on me all ya want, i did a very stupid thing and now I am going to have to pay the price:banghead:

Sorry to hear, I can imagine what you are going through now, waiting for a court date. Don't be hard on yourself, most of us are just lucky.
NC is not an easy state when it comes to this, but with a good attorney, if this is a first offence, you may be able to settle it out of court. Faulty equipment, stuck throttle, or something. See a good attorney as soon as you can.
Sorry to hear your troubles but all of us here at one time some more than others have pushed the limit I know I do every time I ride my BUSA. Good luck hope it works out for you keep us informed.

How many youtube videos or anything else have you seen with bikers running from cops and getting away? NONE, you never should ever run from cops no matter how fast your bike is cuz you will probably only kill yourself or someone innocent and i could not live with myself if something like that ever would have happened.

This quote doesn't apply in our (busa owners) case.

Judge: "Why in Gods name were you doing 140mph?"
SpeedKing: "It wouldn't go any faster Your Honor."

On the serious side, You did the right thing. Your in one piece.
iM NOT GONNA LIE...YOU DID THE BEST THING...i MYSELF...shame on me i guess...ive ran many times....and ive stopped on my own many times....ive ran only though when i know there is an exit less than a mile away and get off easily...i mean it takes the busa a few seconds to pull out and dissapear on a car....this is not safe and or responsible...the last time i stopped on my own...but it was a bike cop...i was doing 120 on the 5 southgoing to the mountains...saw him...didnt have my radar....i stopped three minutes later he got there...he took his time cuz he thought i was gonna run and he didnt feel like he was gonna catch me...he asked wy did i even stoppe, he wasnt even gonna call it in....he let me go at court and told the judge what i did...the judge let me go with only drivers ed but a hefty fine no points...good judgement my man....ive met a couple police officers here that come to the bike nights and they say they have stopped trying to get bikes due to the dangersspecially down here with all the stunters...they call it in but dont chase as often, and 99% time they dont catch em, but eventually they all get caught....

ITS NOT WORTH THE RISK........good job and good will be riding again for sure...anytime soon..maybe not...but you can still go to the track!!! Let us know what happens...
Being so far ahead of the cops the best thing is with a 5 minute lead is to just slow down pull off into back roads... I've done it once back home in florida but I wasn't doing 140. I was doing like 70 in a 35. In florida they take your bike automatically if your going 15+ over. If its possible and not dangerous to run its debateable...
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Got bike impounded for speeding , stupid , stupid, stupid:banghead:
Had to pay $253 bucks to get my bike out of impound , spent the night in jail, $500.00 bail.
I was traveling 140mph in a 55, they are going to mail me my court date.

You guys can rag on me all ya want, i did a very stupid thing and now I am going to have to pay the price:banghead:

Simply tell the judge that your friends on the org. call you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Speed King"!
Anybody who would try to out run the police or even suggest it is an IDIOT. Running from the police is an extremely serious offense, you put your life, the lives of other drivers and the lives of the police at serious risk. Ifyou think the penalties for speeding are bad, try running from the police and get caught (if you live to get caught).

I'm not into name calling but I'd have to vote this post as the best by far on this thread!

I'm getting the drift here that some of you have not grasp the fact that death is so "FINAL"!

And,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it lasts for a very, Very, VERY long time! :rulez:
The secret to running is to get it over with quickly. Before they can organize and get aircraft up and get area mobile units in sync. I don't advocate the "run" but have relieved myself of the chase a few times. It is a split decision call...............
Again, I do not advocate running........
Here's the secret Mr. "King of the Streets" :poke:

Do your homework. Research your choice well before deciding on an attorney. The proper attorney is the key to winning and loosing here. Find an attorney that specializes in Traffic. Nothing else, only traffic. Research his/her success ratio. If they don't win 90% of the time, keep searching.

I don't know about N. Carolina (I think that's where you are) but here in my state there is a very good chance the proper attorney could get the entire ticket dismissed. The last customer I sent to my favorite attorney with a Reckless in hand got off with a "Expired tabs" ticket for $122.

Do your Homework! :beerchug:

Oh, and behave yourself on the freeway for God's Sake! :beerchug:
I've got some cop and sheriff buddies here, and they told me they wouldn't even bother trying to pull me over if I was goin that fast.

Said if they didn't get your place number, they got nothin.
No raggin here, ya gotta stretch her legs once in a while.!!
Maybe you can tell the judge that the throttle got stuck or hung up.?? :laugh:
Anyway, good luck to you, hope it works out OK.
Very Very Few People would be able to cast the first stone here.

I myself have just been lucky, As Im sure the Majority here have. I think you probably did the right thing pulling over, It could have been alot worse in the long run if you hadnt.
Here's the secret Mr. "King of the Streets" :poke:

Do your homework. Research your choice well before deciding on an attorney. The proper attorney is the key to winning and loosing here. Find an attorney that specializes in Traffic. Nothing else, only traffic. Research his/her success ratio. If they don't win 90% of the time, keep searching.

I don't know about N. Carolina (I think that's where you are) but here in my state there is a very good chance the proper attorney could get the entire ticket dismissed. The last customer I sent to my favorite attorney with a Reckless in hand got off with a "Expired tabs" ticket for $122.

Do your Homework! :beerchug:

Oh, and behave yourself on the freeway for God's Sake! :beerchug:

Best advice I've seen in this thread. Lawyer up. Check with some of the local sportbike forums and see who they are using.
You got pulled over for speeding Bad , But you didn't run Good . Try and learn from your mistake and make right by it. Good luck Bro !