got myself in some trouble, how bout some advice?

Well it was about a fellow rider getting pulled over by police after a high speed chase with a passenger on the back but I believe it's more about who can b1tch at him the most about it. I forgot that almost everyone on here thinks they are parents over the rest of us.
This guy is an absolute idiot and should loose his license for the rest of his life. If anyone here has any doubts of this please read this thread started by him
Well it was about a fellow rider getting pulled over by police after a high speed chase with a passenger on the back but I believe it's more about who can b1tch at him the most about it.  I forgot that almost everyone on here thinks they are parents over the rest of us.
This guy isn't a fellow rider to me and is a prime example of the reason idiot newbies shouldn't be riding Hayabusa's. If you look up to this sort of #### be my guest but don't drag the rest of us into the shithole with you.
This guy is an absolute idiot and should loose his license for the rest of his life. If anyone here has any doubts of this please read this thread started by him
Just when I thought he couldn't be any more clueless I read the thread you linked. Wow. Not much going on upstairs I'm afraid.
Krieg, do you need a tissue "my fellow rider?" I consider anyone who understands the joy of being on two wheels a fellow rider. He isn't a newbie either, he's been riding a 954RR for a while before buying a Busa. He actually got one cause he wanted to stop doing wheelies and other stunts.

You know the thing is I'm not defending Bh402, I'm trying to make people realize that people are people. You are no better or worse by telling him how much of a piece of #### he is. I bet I do more charitable things than 90% of you and I don't think I'm any better. So you all need to chill out.

By the way Krieg, I'm practicing on my violin. Whine some more so I can play a song.
This guy is an absolute idiot and should loose his license for the rest of his life. If anyone here has any doubts of this please read this thread started by him
Just when I thought he couldn't be any more clueless I read the thread you linked.  Wow.  Not much going on upstairs I'm afraid.
hmmmmmm and also notice sithor was right there and went threw the same thing lol

Somewhere I thought BH402 had over 300 something posts, I just looked at it reads that he only has 80 posts.

Ok, I take back defending him not being a troll. I aint saying he is... but all this and only 80 posts? hmmmmm
To everyone else, stop being D**ks to the guy. I'm sure he knows he's in a jam and he really doesnt' to hear anymore of this crap.
Hey POT,

I seem to remember you making an EXTREMELY dangerous pass while doing over 150mph and almost knocking me off the road!


So have a nice cup of

preach your crap somewhere else!
Ok, since your feelings are still hurt from that incident.

Sorry... That's what I've been trying to say to you, but since your so full of your stinking pride, why bother saying it to you now. Oh by the way, you know this is a rated G forum, so please do take that pic off the thread and post something more suitable for all the ages to see. I really don't see how my boy puts up with your garbage.

You're BOY??

What do you think he is...your prison b(%ch?

You have never made even ONE attempt to approach me LIKE A MAN and appologize since it happened. You have had several opportunities to do say when Thrasher pointed it out to you right after it happened, or the next time you saw me, or the time after THAT maybe. Some friend YOU are!

G rated my foot! Is that what pics of barely dressed women are and bouncing boobie avatars are?? Don't think so! Oh, and that pic has been posted before. Sorry if Arnold offends your bleading Democrat heart!
Oh so now you want to give me the time of day so I can apologize to you in front of everyone on the Board in front of a screen
<-------- Nuh uh.....
My last advice is make your bike legal and don't run from the cops.
If you break the law by speeding then pay the fine and move on. If you break the law by running, then pray you don't kill yourself or anybody else.
Now one must ask themselves is it really worth adding a higher level of risk to the already high level of risk of riding a motorcycle, let alone flying at mach speeds getting chased by the cops? Learn from your mistake and never let that #### happen again.
This thread is complete Link no longer works

If ya want some damn facts, it should be easy enough. Since this is a public Forum, get the damn IP, it will allow L.E. to get a First and last name of the person who pays for the account. Run the name in the State the said incident happened, and whola.. Link no longer works

Otherwise be done with the Troll....hang him by his nutts, pull his toenails out with a pliars, or tie him behind his busa, and drag his @ss around with a non-registered / non-plated ride that he owns...But for cripe sake - get it done! Link no longer works

And if ya aint a troll, man your a fugin idiot for posting your guilt in a public forum. Someone should forward this thread to the state DA, just to make up for what ya did to that girl.
This thread is complete Link no longer works

If ya want some damn facts, it should be easy enough. Since this is a public Forum, get the damn IP, it will allow L.E. to get a First and last name of the person who pays for the account. Run the name in the State the said incident happened, and whola.. Link no longer works

Otherwise be done with the Troll....hang him by his nutts, pull his toenails out with a pliars, or tie him behind his busa, and drag his @ss around with a non-registered / non-plated ride that he owns...But for cripe sake - get it done! Link no longer works

And if ya aint a troll, man your a fugin idiot for posting your guilt in a public forum. Someone should forward this thread to the state DA, just to make up for what ya did to that girl.
forward to the DA, dayuuuuuuummmmmmmm.


You know.. Sometimes in that situation its better to stop. If your friend took off and you pull over.. Becasue of that situation "sometimes" the cop might cut you a break. If you explain to him you where not out to cause any harm, that you wanted to have fun. showing the officer that you are not as dumb as your friend might have got you off with a warning or a small ticket. That has happen to me before. We where doing wheelies down RT6, when we passed a cop. My friend flipped him off and rode a wheelie out of there.. While i flagged the officer down into a parking lot. I dont have a motorcycle lisence, insurance, and my dL is under suspention. I explained to him that we both could have gotten away but i dont want that. Luckly the cop told me he had a 89 GSXR 1100? the killer (or something) and was telling me how he did ( and still does) the exact same thing we do. He told me legally he cant let me ride the bike back home. and said "I cant let you ride it becasue of the liability, but im going now" sometimes you get lucky and other times you dont.. i bet if you pulled over you wouldnt be in as much trouble as you are in now.
This guy is an absolute idiot and should loose his license for the rest of his life. If anyone here has any doubts of this please read this thread started by him
Just when I thought he couldn't be any more clueless I read the thread you linked.  Wow.  Not much going on upstairs I'm afraid.
hmmmmmm and also notice sithor was right there and went threw the same thing lol
You idiot, I only went through the same thing with my SV cause right after I bought it I didn't get to ride it much, so I didn't bother plating it. It was my first bike so I was a bit intimidated to take it out all of the time. If I don't ride something on the streets, why bother plating it. Would you plate you ATV if you never rode it on the streets? I usually rode the SV on parking lots nearby just to get a feel then started doing wheelies and endos. I then decided if I plated it that I would get in trouble doing those things. Anyways, I did pay the taxes, sold it, bought the Busa, plated it like 3 days after buying it, and now what? Step off!

What's with all of this troll talk? Look at how long I've been registered, many people have seen me post. This board is supposedly a family my ass, not one person who knows for a fact that I'm not a troll has said ####. The funny thing is most people who keep saying troll this and that are people I barely ever see post on here.
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>All of this drama aside, I don't think anyone in this thread is a fact, I think my posts have been very diplomatic and non-abrasive...

Having said that, where is the original thread starter?  Haven't seen him as much as log in...just curious as to his fate with the talked to him Sithor?  

Whoa, that's BIG print...
Actually he called me last night.  He is back out riding, but his bike is in the shop.  They are doing warranty work on the brakes, new frame sliders, and new hand grips.  He says that he is ashamed to come back on this board for what all have said about him.  He says it pisses him off too much to come back and doesn't know what to reply with.  I told him that is what he should have expected.  Anyways, I've been on this board for a while so I doubt I'll be leaving.  I'm sure he'll come back around once his pride is built back up.  He says his lawyer thinks he'll get him off.  If he does, cool, but then again I hope he won't do anything like this again.  I was really surprised that he even attempted doing this sort of thing.

We also talked to the cop that caught him.  He admitted that the chase was fun and gave him an adrenaline rush.  I can't wait for the responses to that remark, especially from the other fellow LEO's on this board.

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