Mr Brown
Obviously you and your boy are stupid. Why plate a bike for occasional street riding? Why wear a condom f@#king every nasty tramp, they can't all have HIV, right? This is the same backward logic that got your boy in trouble in the first place. If you're gonna run, DON'T STOP. I don't advocate running in the first place, but for chrissake, if you can't evade successfully on a friggin Busa, you don't deserve one. You morons think that the law doesn't apply to you, then get pissed when the cops bust your sorry a$$es. You don't put a plate on an ATV cuz they're not street legal you assclown. If you ride one on the street and get caught, what do you think will happen?You idiot, I only went through the same thing with my SV cause right after I bought it I didn't get to ride it much, so I didn't bother plating it. It was my first bike so I was a bit intimidated to take it out all of the time. If I don't ride something on the streets, why bother plating it. Would you plate you ATV if you never rode it on the streets? I usually rode the SV on parking lots nearby just to get a feel then started doing wheelies and endos. I then decided if I plated it that I would get in trouble doing those things. Anyways, I did pay the taxes, sold it, bought the Busa, plated it like 3 days after buying it, and now what? Step off!hmmmmmm and also notice sithor was right there and went threw the same thing lolJust when I thought he couldn't be any more clueless I read the thread you linked. Wow. Not much going on upstairs I'm afraid.This guy is an absolute idiot and should loose his license for the rest of his life. If anyone here has any doubts of this please read this thread started by him
What's with all of this troll talk? Look at how long I've been registered, many people have seen me post. This board is supposedly a family my ass, not one person who knows for a fact that I'm not a troll has said ####. The funny thing is most people who keep saying troll this and that are people I barely ever see post on here.
The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.
Tell ya what, I'm sure we could start a fund here for you and BH to go get neutered at no expense to you, just to ensure neither of your genes are allowed to pollute the pool any further.......