I absolutely love this post.I believe that it can be done.My friend was telling me the exact same advice.((silencer) @ Sep. 21 2003,00:36) Guess I'll finally open my mouth on the subject..
Friend of mine got one as a first bike after college graduation when he was 21. He didn't even know how to ride when he bought it.. I rode it to his house from the dealership. He went to a MSF beginner class.. then trained on the 'busa for about 3 weeks every day in his neighborhood.. then around town. Took the MSF expert class about a month later after he got some highway time. He's always been very careful.. always wears full gear.. never tries turns harder than 10mph over the turn's limit.. and rarely goes more than 90-100mph top speed on it. He doesn't do any tricks on it - except for the occasional 3" wheelies when he opens it up gettin on the interstate or leaving toll booths. I know he slowly pushed his limits for acceleration, braking, and turning over time.. not trying to go from 0-60 in 5 seconds within the first month.
That was 3 years ago when he bought it.. it's now got over 18k miles and it's never been down.. and other than the 250cc MSF beginner bike, his 'busa has been the only bike he's been on. Last I saw.. it is totally stock except for tires and chain. He says he didn't buy it to push it to maximum performance.. but loves knowing the capability of the bike is there, and the fact that he's more experienced every time he rides it, is what makes him love it.
It's all up to the rider to KNOW they've got to start slow.. and LEARN slow.. eventually with experience the skills of the rider increase just as if they learned on any other bike. With caution and self control the 'busa can be a starter bike for more than a few people..
I would say that the militarys riding school is second to none. I hate the helmet requirements on base, but I also respect them.(Duce @ Feb. 16 2007,12:07) Is the Busa a good first bike...NO, it is a great first bike! Okay to be serious now, I rode a friends bike twice and that was it for my riding experiance. In other words I had zero experiance and I bought a busa for my fist bike.
I consulted a lot of friends that owned bikes and the dealers all told me the same thing. Buy a smaller bike first then get the one you want. Well that made no sense to me. I felt like it was a scam to get two bikes out of me. So after much consideration and a lot of advice I bought the busa as my first bike.
I too am in the military except I am 32 going on 40 and yes the speed is adictive (two tickets). However, the number one rule is to "respect the bike" and "be smart" about everything you do on it. I took a month after buying the motorcycle and taking the beginers motorcycle safety course to just ride around the neighborhood. Then I ventured out on the highway (with an experianced friend) I would say after 4 weeks I was very comfortable with the bike.
I have been riding over a year and have had no incedences to date. You can be fearful of many things but death is going to come regardless of what you are doing. So again, be smart, remain constantly aware of your surroundings, and enjoy riding.
(lbhayabusaboy @ Sep. 14 2006,10:43) well i will tell you i was just like you but i wasn't in the service but i do ride off road and never road a street bike and my first one was and is a busa and i love it i would get it i got mine for $5000 its a 2000 and in great condition but i would say GET IT later